Ok, whether you put it together or not here is the scoop. A few weeks back we discovered one of the windows in the church worship center had termites.
We called the termite company and they came to inspect it. Thank you Jesus, it did seem limited to that one window and it did not look like the termites were active. So far, part of that last sentence seems to be true. It does seem limited to one window but they were still active. So, we have the right people on the job. They had to take down the entire window frame and remove the stain glass window completely from the window. Incredible what skilled people can do! We have one crew from Auburn AV installing sound treatment panels and one crew from Axis Construction (Wilson Walpole) taking care of the window. We are grateful for both teams skillfully doing their jobs. I am also thankful for our church being so blessed with generous givers that this can be taken care of without upsetting or straining the church budget. Many of us remember the days when that was not the case. Thank you Father, the Giver of every good and perfect gift. We will keep you in the loop as progress is being made.
I cannot say for sure, but I thought I heard the termites singing “Shall we gather by the window?” When I went closer to see what was going on, I saw a little cowboy termite. He said his name was Clint…Clint Eatswood. It was the last termite I talked to that really made me mad. I asked him what he was doing here. He said he first went to the Sports Bar across the street. He asked the termite next to him “Where is the bar tender?” The other termite said “No where here, you might find something at the Baptist Church across the street!” I do not want to hear them quoting Psalm 122:1.
Please, don’t hold it against me. It helps to laugh a little. And this is about as little as you are going to laugh.
Pastor Tom