Tuesday, December 24, 2013


On behalf of our staff, I hope you all had a wonderful merry Christmas and will have a blessed New Year. As the year comes to an end, it is a great time to reflect and give thanks. The Word of God is instructive…”give thanks”. We really are better when we count our many blessings, name them and give thanks for them. We had a very Spirit filled and Christ centered Advent season. My prayer is that all the decorations, teaching series, wonderful music, opportunities for outreach, Bible studies, fellowship have all enriched your season of celebration. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Even as I type this article, I can hear the wonderful noise of repairs and improvements. Power washing going on, new ac/heat system being installed, the youth area is being “repurposed” and updated…it’s all good. What a great way to end the year.


This Sunday we will vote to approve the 2014 Missions and Ministry Budget presented by our Finance/Budget team. It will be a simple Yes of No vote. I am grateful for our Ministry Team leaders who submitted their budgets and to our Budget Team who process and present the final product. Good job by all involved.

SCI-FI with a twist??? If you like the “Left Behind” kind of series, you might consider the new book written by our own Charles Keltz, Interstellar Pursuit. Cool thing, the author is selling the book for $20 and donating half of the proceeds to JIBC. We are designating the donations to the mission trip to Haiti. The books will be available through the end of the year. Call or drop by the office for your copy.

Once again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. I love you and so enjoy doing life with my JIBC family.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas at JIBC

I sometimes hear the phrase “I feel the love” or “I don’t feel the love”. This time of the year when I think of God not sparing His one and only Son and sending Him to be born here on earth…I feel the love! This coming Sunday, December 22 will be the fourth Sunday of Advent. We will focus on the Gift of Love. It really is a season of love and we will focus on the Gospel message of God’s love for us. My favorite verse in the New Testament is Romans 5:8…take a look.

Did you notice something missing this Christmas season?
The Church-wide Christmas card mail box was not up this year. When it came time to put it out and up, we were right in the middle of a major construction project. It’s not that it was impossible to get it out; it was just a lot easier considering all the construction and Christmas traffic. It is the first time in my 28 years that we did not have the Christmas card mail box out. I feel sure you will see it make its annual appearance next Christmas season. By the way, remember the reason for doing that? To save money on stamps and give the money to Lottie Moon/International Missions offerings.

The largest attended service of the year is Christmas Eve. Make plans now to attend this year’s Christmas Eve Carols, Communion and Candlelight service. We begin on Christmas Eve, 6:00 p.m. We sing our favorite Christmas carols, some wonderfully new songs, observe the Lord’s Supper and then have a beautiful candle lighting service. If all goes well, we will plan to have baptism that night as well. What a most wonderful time of the year…sorry, couldn’t help it. It is true and I hope it is a wonderful time of the year for you and your family.

See you this Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blessings Upon Blessings

The Thanksgiving Service

Sounds like a wonderful broken record: Maybe the best Thanksgiving service ever! Sunday’s worship service was certainly a highlight in many ways. The card board testimonies were through the roof. What a great job. Baptizing 11 was fantastic…6 from JIBC, 3 from the Chinese Church and 2 from Luz Y Verdad. International missions right here at home. The worship center was filled to the brim in attendance. The Kitchen Krew did an outstanding job feeding the largest crowd ever. I know, it sounds like a broken record…at least it is a wonderful broken record. To God be the glory, what a Thanksgiving!

We are going shopping for the Transition Apartment

Most of you are familiar with the Transition House. That ministry is really going well. We have several ready to transition out into their next homes. If you by chance know of something like a four bedroom home that two of them could rent together, please let us know. JIBC has two small apartments that we are going to use for transition as well. One is almost completely furnished. The other is one we are working on. We are looking for two twin beds, a small kitchen/dinette table with two chairs, a small microwave oven, and kitchen items (dishes, silverware, pots, pans, etc). Our goal will be to make these ready to move into. The only thing they will need to bring is their clothes. By the way, we are not in the “real estate rental business”. We know we could rent these any day of the week. So, we are not looking for people to rent these apartments. They will become part of our transition ministry. Affordable housing is so hard to find, we have people asking on a regular basis if the apartments are available. The answer is no. We are not looking to rent the apartments.

Sunday begins Advent

The word advent comes from a Latin word meaning “coming”. It is the season where the followers of Christ anticipate and celebrate the coming of God’s Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ into the world. It is one way we lead our church family to focus on the meaning of Christmas and to enjoy the rich traditions of the Church. We will celebrate the season of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy made possible by our Lord Jesus. This week I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. This Sunday, we begin the Advent Season. Thanks to our volunteers for decorating the worship center…it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

We are entering the “Most wonderful time of the year!”. Gotta say, I love me some Christmas time. I am not upset about decorations coming out early and I have already bought two Christmas gifts! That may be a record for me.

A couple of things I want to encourage you to consider for this Christmas season.

1. Consider making a gift to International Missions and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering this year. Giving through Lottie Moon or to a mission project is one way of getting the absolute best bang for your buck. This is always a part of our Christmas celebration.
2. Consider how you will help someone else this Christmas. Do you know a single mom in need of a little help? Maybe a young family under-employed or unemployed? It can be kind of fun to find a way to be a blessing. Maybe your connection group will take on a project that allows you to interact with a family?

3. Buy a tree and help send someone to Haiti. I love the idea of a fund raiser where those going on the trip help raise the funds for their trip! You would probably give to them anyway. Why not buy a tree, a wreath, some decorative garland or a meal! Hey, maybe you would buy a tree for someone who could not afford one?

4. Take advantage of the Christmas Invite cards available at the welcome centers. We took one to lunch today to invite the server at one of our favorite restaurants. Pretty easy to ivnite someone we already know…I think she will attend.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…let’s help make it that way for someone else as well.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thanksgiving Season is here!

We are quickly moving to a wonderful time of the year…Thanksgiving. I love what I see on Facebook: people intentionally, thoughtfully, gratefully giving thanks everyday for something. What a great idea…count your many blessings, name them one by one! Several of my friends are going through the alphabet giving thanks using the “letter of the day”. I love it. Hope it catches on. It is a worthy spiritual exercise and discipline. My letter “A”….Anytime is a good time to thank the Lord.

Sunday, November 24

A couple of reminders about this year’s Thanksgiving service. First, the Sunday before Thanksgiving is Sunday, November 24. We will have only one service that day. There will be no 8:30 service. Second, we will have one service followed by our church wide Thanksgiving meal. Our Kitchen Krew provides the entire meal. If you would like to bring a favorite dish or dessert, it will be put on the table and completely consumed! Third, we will be celebrating BAPTISM and THE LORD’S SUPPER at that service. Those wanting to be baptized should contact the church office at 762-0244 if you have not already heard from us. Fourth, one of the highlights is the presentation of new members God has added to the church family this year. There will be a time in the service when we ask all new members to join together for a picture and celebration. It is a joyful moment. And last, but not least, the Community Thanksgiving service at James Island Presbyterian Church (1632 Ft Johnson Road). Please note it is an hour earlier this year. The service will be at 6 pm Sunday November 24. There will be a free concert at 5 pm for all who would like to attend.

A Personal Word of Thanksgiving

My daughter, Erin and my son-in-law, Trey, join us in giving thanks for your prayers and blessings during the past several months. Little Wyatt, is doing well. He has graduated out of NICU and is in the next stage of care. He has grown from 2 lbs 1 oz to just over 3 pounds. He is out of his first little preemie diapers into the next size. He has started nursing and wearing clothes. Hallelujah, Amen. We cannot say thank you enough to our Father in Heaven and our blessed friends here on earth. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. We do not know when he will get to come home. He has to be breathing “on his own”, maintaining his temperature and growing. He is doing well on all of those. Thanksgiving??? Wouldn’t that be so appropriate!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

So, how’s it going?

That is kind of a general question...how’s it going? Many of us would respond by saying something like “How is what going?” Let’s keep it general for right now. How is it going? You know...life and stuff...generally speaking, how is it going? It’s not a bad idea to occasionally step back and take an inventory. Physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, financially...how’s it going? When and how do we have those moments in life to do a little self audit, a spiritual inventory to evaluate? We might ask ourselves questions like: Are we still moving in the right direction? Are we accomplishing what we intended? Are we striving to live the dream, the picture God placed in our heart? How’s it going? Truthfully, it is a question that can be bothersome and a bit troubling. It does have the potential for course correction and to help us get back on track if that is needed.
So, how’s it going with JIBC? Last month we baptized 8 precious souls into the church family. This month we are scheduled to baptize 8 more adults. The Lord is adding to His church. Susan Warren has led in the effort to launch almost a dozen new connection groups. Many of them are working through the life changing material, “Life’s Healing Choices”. Imagine a church family moving toward being more authentic, revealing and healing. The outward focus of our church family continues to excite me. I love when I hear new stories of ministries and missions being done through the connection groups. I can only hope to hear stories. There is no way to keep up with them all. Our worship team is doing a good job in leading us to be upward focused when we gather. They select and lead in God-exalting, Christ-centered, fresh songs. Guests regularly report they feel welcomed and wanted when they join us. Offerings are strong and are meeting and exceeding our budget requirements. That has allowed us to address replacing the old boiler and water tower. It has also allowed us to give more to mission causes. Celebrate Recovery has an attendance around 50 every week. We are taking on the darkness of addiction, hurts, habits and hang-ups with the Light of Christ. Great job!
So, how’s it going? An inventory of our lives is a good thing. During this season of Thanksgiving, it could prove to be a productive, fruitful endeavor. Father, how is it going? What do you think when you see my life? I pray you will hear Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Well done.”

Remember to change you clocks this Sunday,
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 21, 2013

Good News!

First, let’s start with some financial good news. The blessings of the Lord have allowed us to do some things we have not been able to do before. First, we are in the process of replacing our old boiler system and cooling tower. Most of us didn’t know we are on such heat and a/c systems. I will say this; we have gotten our money out of them. They have been running since Noah brought them over on the ark. Our members and local Heating and Air companies have patched, matched, rigged, replaced, prayed and repaired them as much as they could. Terrace Heating and Air only had one man who ever worked on boilers and he has retired and gone to the islands to live. I seriously think they have been working for over 40 years. Now that is good stewardship!

Second: Because tithes and offerings have been up, we are able to ask our ministry team leaders to submit budget request for the 2014 Missions and Ministry Budget. The down economy over the past years has been reflected in our down offerings. That makes sense. In those years, there was really no need to ask ministries to submit a budget, we had to hold the line and trim where we could. Any ministry and mission that needed extra funding could put in a request. As far as I can remember, we have never had to deny any request for ministry or missions. Praise the Lord. Just a reminder of how a budget works. For example, a ministry may have a budget of $2,000 for their year. In reality, that $2,000 is not just sitting in a bank waiting for that ministry to spend. It comes in over the 52 weeks of the year. Generally speaking, many of our budgets don’t need their funds on January 1…or we could never meet the request. Spread out over the year, usually, we have no problem. Again, generally speaking, we do not spend money and then make the budget request; we make the budget request, make sure the monies are available, and then spend the money. Our team leaders have been very good about this process over the years. By the way, increased offerings usually allow for increase giving to missions and ministries, paying our debt down and doing needed, but unscheduled, repairs. Hallelujah.

Third: A personal note. On behalf of our entire family, thank you again for the wonderful prayer support for Try, Erin and Wyatt. Erin is home now and goes back and forth to MUSC daily, sometimes, multiple times, to be with Wyatt. We do not know when Wyatt will get to come home. His due date was January 6, so we hope before then. I think Erin is hoping for Thanksgiving…how wonderfully appropriate. He is doing as well as expected. I think most of his issues are just because he is a preemie. Hopefully as he grows, the issues just go away. Again, we are humbled and grateful for your prayers and support.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Every year we do several outreach “bridge” events into our community.  The Fall Festival is a good example of an event targeting the community.  Here are the only limitations I see…you can’t put 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 pound bag.  In other words, we cannot manufacture any more space.  This event is about as big as we can make it on our church campus.  Otherwise, it has been a wonderful opportunity to serve the community.

Let me review some of our goals for this event:

1. We are intentionally going head to head with Halloween.  We believe we can offer a family friendly, fun and safe event that does not pay tribute to witches, devils, or any of the dark side associated with Halloween.

2. Instead, we offer a family event that features fun, activities, a safer environment in a setting with followers of Jesus.  Not many events bring as many unchurched  families onto the JIBC campus.

3. Our goal is to provide a positive experience that allows families to come and enjoy time with their children in a safer environment.  It has been a long time, if ever, when it made sense to send our children to the doors of strangers,  on darkened roads,  to accept gifts from strangers.  Not trying to spoil anyone’s traditional fun, just sayin’ there are safer alternatives.

4. Even if we set aside the missional aspect of serving the community; the social correctness of family friendly activities; the theological issues with Halloween….it is just a BIG FUN EVENT!

So, how do you plug in?  Pray.  Really, we will do more than pray.  We will do more and better after we pray.   Volunteer.  This is a volunteer army.  On Wednesday night, October 30, we will wear our work clothes and be staging for the Thursday night Fall Festival.   It takes dozens of  volunteers to staff this festival.  All types of volunteers are needed:  work a booth, cook a meal, clean and empty, welcome and greet, watch for security, etc.  Sign up tables are by the church office.   Donate Candy.  No child wants to feel like they missed out on the opportunity to load up on sweets…they surely get their bag filled at JIBC!    Donate funds.  Always there is something that has to be purchased.  Your gifts make it easier to do.

Good Lord willing, I plan to be there.
Pastor Tom

Tuesday, October 8, 2013



This past Sunday we celebrated the baptism of 8 followers of Jesus. The Lord added 2 from the Hispanic Church, Luz Y Verdad. It is always a joy to work with Pastor Claudio. They are averaging around 50 every Sunday and are as active in outreach as I could possibly imagine! Then we baptized a mother with her three children. Follow that up with the baptism of a mother and her teenage daughter and you have a wonderfully exciting celebration. To God be the glory. Thank you for your generous giving that allows us to have missions like Celebrate Recovery and the Transition House. You make an impact on individuals, their family and the entire community.


I am thrilled with the start of our church wide series on “Life’s Healing Choices”. We have 11 Connection Groups that meet in homes throughout the week and in various communities. We have 9 Sunday Connection Groups that meet on campus every Sunday morning. Some are continuing the Adult Bible Study and some are using the Life’s Healing Choices” Bible Study material. Either way, you have great options for connecting with God, God’s Word, God’s people, and His community. Off to a great start! Susan Warren is leading this ministry. If she can be of help to you or your group, please give her a call at the church office, 762-0244.


An update on my daughter Erin, Trey and baby Wyatt. By the time you read this, we may have a baby on board. Monday as I type this, the plan was just made to start the ball rolling to deliver this week. Not that they asked me, but I agree. I cast my granddaddy vote for Thursday, but gladly surrender to the wonderful timing of the Lord. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and thoughts. He is our strength and salvation.

See you Sunday, Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Wyatt was born Monday night, October 7 a little after 9 pm, weighing approximately 2 pounds. Mom and baby are doing good...Please continue to pray as Erin recovers from a c-section and Wyatt continues to grow bigger and stronger each day!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Life’s Healing Choices

This Sunday we will begin a new sermon series on “Life’s Healing Choices”. This is a part of our church wide mission and ministry. Several wonderful things will happen. First, we have baptism scheduled for the first Sunday of this campaign! New life for new followers of Jesus. What a joy. Second, we will launch new weekday connection groups. Meeting in homes throughout the community spending time in fellowship, the Word, ministering to one another and reaching out to the community. What’s not to love? Third, we actually start a new Sunday Connection class with Dean Kelly as the leader. There is room for anyone who would like to be a part of this wonderful class. Fourth, I will be teaching a series of messages on “Life’s Healing Choices”. These messages are based on the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5. I am very excited to share with the church family the kind of discipleship and Biblical teaching that we share weekly in Celebrate Recovery . The message of Celebrate Recovery is based on the Word of God and form the basis of a Christ centered 12 Step program. I anticipate healing and blessing from this series. It will be difficult for some to deal with their “junk”…but it can be liberating. If you are interested in how to get involved or find a connection group, please give us a call at the office, 762-0244. Last, we will be continually encouraging all our connection groups to be outwardly focused. What will your group do to take the Light of Christ to an area of darkness? Susan has a list of several ongoing ministries where you can plug in and participate. Your group is certainly free and encouraged to find areas where you have a passion to make a difference. It’s all good! It can all be one of “Life’s Healing Choices”.

Personal Word: Today, September 30, is Week 26 of our daughter Erin’s pregnancy. You have been so kind and gracious to let us share the journey of her incredibly difficult pregnancy with you. She has been in MUSC for a month this time. She was in and out before. She will stay until little Wyatt is born. We give thanks for bringing them safe this far. We continue asking for safety and wisdom on when, during the next two weeks, to deliver.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This past Sunday, September 15, marked our 28th year together with JIBC. Janie and I moved in to our first James Island home on Friday, September 13, 1985. We moved in with our three children: Bryon (5), Brook (3) and Erin (1). They are now grown adults with their own families attending here at JIBC. Some of you may remember that Erin, as an infant, was soon admitted to MUSC and diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. After seven years of treatment and care at MUSC, she was “released” from their care. They don’t like to call it cured. Whatever they call it, we thank God, give Him glory and will always remember the head of the CF Clinic, Dr. Margaret Jenkins, fondly. Twenty eight years later, Erin is back at MUSC. She has been in and out several times over the past month. She finally reached week 24 of a very difficult pregnancy and will likely stay at MUSC until Wyatt arrives. Miracles and modern medicine are familiar territory for Erin. We are so grateful to all our friends for their prayers and love.
I constantly remind myself of the joy and privilege of being a pastor in one place for such a long period of time. That certainly is not the trend. By the way, the pastor at First Baptist Church James Island, Rev. Bernard Gadsden, came the same year as I did. Both of us have been blessed with long pastorates. Janie and I thank you for your love and support. We have loved raising our 3 children, and now 6 and 1/2 grandchildren, as part of James Island Baptist. We are blessed to have our entire family continuing to join us weekly in worship and service.
We are grateful for the “Pirate Mickey Mouse” you gave us Sunday. Most of you could not see that Mickey had envelopes in both hands. One contained restaurant gift certificates and the other a coffee shop gift card! We will look forward to enjoying them once this season of watch is over for Erin, Trey and Wyatt. Why Mickey Mouse? Janie and I went to Disney World on our honeymoon and have made it our annual anniversary trip since then. You gotta love the Mouse to understand.

Thank you for a great 28! My prayer is for Him to be glorified, His people to live sanctified and our community to be justified...in Jesus’ name!

Pastor Tom and Janie

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


This past summer I taught a series of messages from 1 John.  I called the series “Believe Right + Love Right = Live the Life God Intended.  In September, I am teaching a series called “Connections”.  It is a reminder, a re-casting of vision of why we exist as a church.  We exist to help join God in His mission.  We do that by helping Connect people to God through worship; to God’s people through fellowship; to God’s Word through discipleship; to God’s heart through service; and to God’s world through mission.

We are putting emphasis on getting people connected.  We believe the clear biblical directive is that God’s people are to live life in community, connected to God, each other and the world.  So let’s talk about getting connected to each other.  I meet every week with my small group of pastors.  We have been meeting together every Friday morning for 20 years.  Friday is not my day off.  It is just a day that includes my small group time with my pastor friends.  I also teach an adult Bible Study Class every week.  I don’t have to, I love to!  I deeply enjoy the groups I am doing life with.  One meets a deep personal need and the other meets a more social need.  Both provide a place where I can love and be loved, serve and be served, encourage and be encouraged.

This month, we are encouraging everyone to sign up to be a part of a “connection group”.  We have connection groups that meet on Sunday mornings (formerly called Sunday School Classes) and connection groups that meet during the week.  Some meet on campus and others meet off campus in homes.  Why not try a group and see if you find friends there you could so life with?

Starting in October, we will be doing a church wide study on “ Life’s Healing Choices”.  All connection groups are invited to join us during this helpful study.  This would be a great time to try a small group.  It is only 8 weeks.  By then you will know if this is the right fit or not.  There will be sign up tables in the hallways by the office with greeters there to help answer questions.  You can also call Susan Warren at the church office, 762-0244.  Let’s get connected and so life together.   Let’s Believe Right + Love Right  and then Live Life they way God intended…connected.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let’s Get Connected

Generally speaking, we like the idea of being connected.  We don’t like it if we lose connection for our computers, our phones or electricity.  We want to be connected.  We love it when we are connected to someone who can help us get a good deal on a purchase.  Facebook is a social media that helps us stay connected, sometimes too connected, to family and friends.  Being connected is usually a good and healthy thing.

During the month of September my teaching series will be on “Connections”.  The big idea is that God has given His children points of connection.  There are five of these connection points that we will visit over the next four weeks.  As we get connected to these Biblical points of connection, we will enjoy a more balanced spiritual journey. 

During this month, we will be challenged to examine three levels where we can get connected to God’s purpose for our lives.  First, we will look at how our entire church family is doing in living out these points of connection.  Second, we will be challenging all of our Connection Groups, whether you meet on Sunday Morning or during the week.  How balanced is your small group?  We sometimes can get stuck or over emphasize one purpose at the expense of the other five.  Last, we will be encouraged to examine our personal walk with Jesus to make sure we are connected in a healthy way.

Imagine a typical car running with an engine and on four good wheels.  Balanced, smooth, and connected to the road.  Now imagine taking a wheel off.  Imagine taking one wheel off and having a second wheel that is undersized.  Picture having all four wheels but no engine. Get the point?  We need all four wheels, all four connection points, as well as the engine.  Our biblical connection points are worship, fellowship, discipleship, service and mission.  All five are necessary to be connected to God’s purpose for your life.  Let’s get connected and live a balanced life, have a balanced Connection Group and Church family.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Come join us on Wednesday evenings beginning September 4...
there's something for everyone!


Awana  for 3k-6th grade students meets from 6:00—7:30 pm.  During Awana, kids will play games, learn memory verses, participate in Bible Study, learn about missions and make new friends.  Awana is led by Commander Marie Smith and the Awana Ministry Team.


Trek for 7th & 8th grade students meets from 6:30—7:30 pm.  Trek is an Awana program specifically designed for middle school students.  Trek encourages scripture memorization and helps steer teens down the right path of Christ followers.   Trek is led by Audra Rheaume, Hoffman Griffin and Bryon Brown.

"Life Hurts, God Heals" for high school students meets from 6:30 –7:30 pm.  “Life Hurts, God Heals” is a Christ centered recovery program for youth.  Cindy Hunt will facilitate the girls’ group and  Pastor Sean will facilitate the boys’ group. 


Class 301: Discovering my Ministry at JIBC meets from 6:30—7:30 pmThis class, led by Pastor Tom, will help you discover your spiritual gifts, pass and place of ministry here at JIBC.

First Place 4 Health meets from 6:30—7:30 pm.  Janie Brown leads this 12-week Christ-centered weight loss and healthy living program.  The focus of First Place 4 Health is to give Christ first place in all areas of our lives:  spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.  Cost: New Members $100, Returning Members $20.

Diapers to Diplomas, a Parent Class and Support Group, meets from 6:30—7:30 pm.  Led by Melinda Norris, this 10-week class will cover a variety of topics:  Seasons of Parenting, Parents as Leaders, Dumbest Generation, Technology/Gaming/Electronics, Child Development, Potty Training, Teen Years, Homework Hassles, ADHD, Fatherless America, and Sports/Concussions.

Ephesians Chapter 1 Bible Study meets from 6:30—7:30 pm led by David Baxley  This is a 7-week video based Bible Study about our identity in Christ and the spiritual blessings that are ours because of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Finished with 1 John? Never!

 This Sunday we will complete our summer teaching series through 1 John.  It has long since been one of my favorite books in the New Testament. “Believe Right  + Love Right = Live Life”  the way it was designed.  We have looked at some very solid theological teachings as well as some of the most practical applications to this wonderful writing by the Apostle John.

The new September teaching series will be focused on “CONNECTING”.  We really believe it is a powerful word…connecting.  We are beginning a new emphasis where we will refer to all small groups as “connecting groups”.   I know it will be hard, if not next to impossible, for me not to say “Sunday School”.   Nothing wrong with Sunday School.  I have attended one, taught one and been a part of one since I was a child.  But our goal is connecting.  So, we will even refer to our Sunday groups as “Sunday Connection Groups”.  Some groups will meet on Sunday, some will meet during the week; some on campus and some off campus.  All of them will have the goal of connecting.

Think about this.  Our goal is to work with God to help people get connected to God and His family, the church.  Then we want to help them get connected to a group that they can do life with.  A place where they can learn the spiritual disciplines that come with being  a fully devoted follower of Christ.  The next step is to introduce them to the way they can connect with the family of God through service.  How can your unique gifts and abilities add to the family of Christ known as James Island Baptist?  We also want every group to find ways to connect to the community.  Where is God working to reach the lost world?  Let’s connect with Him to reach them.   At the very heart of our desire to connect is worship.  We connect to our Father and Lord Jesus through soul inspiring,
heart-felt worship.

So, here we go.  Let’s get connected.
Pastor Tom

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Great Children’s Camp at Bonnie Doone

Felecia and I have lost count of the number of Children’s Camps we have enjoyed.  I cannot remember a time in my 28 years that we did not have children’s camps.  We go all the way back to Ms. Charlyn and the camps at White Oak and St. Christopher Retreat Center.  Over the years we have seen and experienced some wonderful times.  This year was no exception.

The Bonnie Doone staff has done a really good job of improving the camp facilities and experience.  They have increased their awareness of safety and liability while maintaining a high level of fun for the kids.  If it has been a while since you have visited Bonnie Doone, it would be worth a day trip to go out and visit.  By the way, they have the mansion rented out every weekend of the year.  The entire retreat center is getting more use than ever, enabling them to pay for the much needed improvements and upgrades.  Their future looks as bright as ever with plans to expand and add!  Good job guys.

My thanks to Felecia and her team for putting on a great camp experience for our kids.  Pastor Sean did a good job with the Bible Study and worship times.  The kids had a blast enjoying the beauty of Bonnie Doone.  Thank you, Lord, for the first week in years where we were not combating rain.  We had at least two children make first steps toward becoming followers of Jesus.  We will follow up with their parents.  Something unique happened at family night.  We got a picture of the families who had multiple generations of attending camp at Bonnie Doone.  There were a good number of parents who went to Bonnie Doone as a child who now had children attending.  We also have several of our junior counselors (our youth) who attended camp as kids and were named “future camp counselors”.  How cool to see them now serving in that capacity. 

This year I had no teaching responsibilities.  I went as Camp Pastor to just spend time with our children, to love on them and to spend time with them.  For me, it was time well spent!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Goodbye Kay, Hello Amber!

Kay Miller has been serving as our custodian here at JIBC. She was going to school to be a pharmacy tech and has been offered a job with more hours at one of our local hospitals. Congratulations Kay. She has served us well and we wish her the absolute best.

Hello Amber! Amber is one of the ladies living at our Transitional House. She is the newest of our residents and was in the process of looking for a job. She has had some years of cleaning with a professional service. This just seemed like great timing. So she will be training with Kay for a couple of weeks and will then be on a “trial run” for a few weeks. We think she will work out great and look forward to having her around.
I will tell you the truth, the Transition House is running about as smooth and as well as I could image. Among the biggest problems we have is taking care of little things like leaks and broken pull strings. If anyone would like to volunteer for a few hours work, we could really use the help. Most of the items are relatively small like that. A breaker trips and now two outlets do not work; a doorbell that does not work; a leak from the upstairs bathroom. Any handymen out there that would like to take on one or more of these projects? Give us a call at the office 762-0244.

It is hard to believe that two of our residents are at the one year mark. One has already been through our Celebrate Recovery leadership training!

Now here is a prayer request for you. Two of our ladies are looking now to “transition” to their next place of residence. Tonya is looking for her own place to rent. It must be at least two bedrooms since she has the twins. If it is three bedrooms, it would give her the option of a roommate to help with expenses. If you would like to help her in this next transition, please let us know. She is employed and has a great future ahead of her.
The second lady looking to transition is Emily. Emily works two jobs and has been very faithful in attending JIBC. She is ready for her next move. If I had my wish come true for her this is what it would be: a mature Christian woman looking to help mentor someone for the next 3 to 6 months. I would love to see one of our senior adults offer a room to Emily. She is able to pay rent on time and is an excellent house cleaner. It could be a senior adult lady or a couple that needs a little extra income, needed help cleaning or just wants to help a young person succeed. You would be helping Emily and providing her next step in transitioning and on her spiritual journey. I really hope one of our church members will be able to help both of these ladies.

Remember, is some way, we are all transitioning. This earth is not our home, we are just passing through!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing!

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Blessings Upon Blessings

It was pretty cool hearing Ryan and Kristin Parker this past Sunday.  They are former members who are now serving in East Asia.  They work with Tibetan Buddhists in the Himalayas.  Again, that was pretty cool.  Ten years ago this past Saturday, Janie and I were privileged to marry this young couple.  We traveled to New Haven, Connecticut for the wedding…they traveled to the Himalayas for their ministry!  They did a great job sharing during the Bible Study hour and were gracious to stay around for an hour or so after the worship service.  They have an incredibly interesting work and were glad to share about all that God is doing.  Our thanks to all our staff, teachers and the Kitchen Krew for making this time happen.

Can you imagine going to Kathmandu, Nepal?  I already know a couple of people ready to go.  Imagine walking the Himalayan mountains to share the gospel with an unreached people group;  or joining Kristin in her passion to reach the women of her city.  If you want to know more about their ministry, check them out at:  yakityyakparkers.blogspot.com. You can also find more information at eastasianpeoples.imb.org or facebook.com/eapeoples.  Anyway you do it, you will be amazed.  Really?  Kathmandu and the Himalayas?  Sounds like the vacation of a lifetime!

And the blessings keep on coming.  Two weeks ago I was privileged to baptize my grandson, Noah and his dad, Jerry.  This past Sunday I had the privilege of leading in the Parent/Child Dedication service of four beautiful young families.  Among them was my newest grandchild, Micah Thomas Brown.  I really try not to take for granted the wonderful blessings God has allowed me to experience here at James Island Baptist.  We raised our kids here and now are on the next generation.    I would ask you to remember our daughter, Erin, in your prayers.  She and her husband Trey are expecting.  She has had some very significant health issues associated with this pregnancy.  All prayers and love would be greatly appreciated.

OK. The youth came back from a great week at Mission Fuge (MFuge) and now we are gearing up for a week at Bonnie Doone for Children’s Camp.  Now doubt, the blessings will continue to flow.  Thanks for your prayers.  There is always a need for extra help scholarship a child to camp.  If you would like to make a donation, please call the church office at 762-0244.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing!

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's happening at JIBC?

The Apostle John writes to us:  “The Life appeared (Jesus); and we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life…we proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you may have fellowship with us.”  
1 John 1:2,3

Let me share with you what we have seen and heard that you may rejoice and have fellowship/have in common the life Jesus is bringing.  I want to share at least a few highlights of where we are seeing Him working.  I thank you for your continued prayers and your generous giving.  You not only are giving in obedience to His word and getting a great return on your investments.  You are also part of changing lives, sharing light in dark places, giving hope to those with limited options. You are a part of making disciples that make disciples that change the world.

Since January of this year we have seen 21 precious souls baptized into the family of God known as JIBC.  That represents 15 adults, 1 teenager and 5 children.  By the way, at this year’s VBS, we had over a dozen children make first steps toward their professions of faith in Jesus.  No doubt God’s grace will see them follow through with these decisions in the near future. Susan Warren is using this year’s generous VBS offering to assist the Florence Crittenton Home for young unwed mothers.  We will be building ongoing relationships with this vital community service.  Your generous giving above your tithes makes possible the blessings to dozens of young mothers. 

One significant ministry that continues to be blessed is Celebrate Recovery.  The Sunday of our church anniversary, July 14, had over 60 adults in attendance.  They are involved in a Christ-centered 12 Step ministry led by JIBC volunteers.  Your support makes it possible to give them the recovery/discipleship materials needed.  Kickin Chicken, The Charleston Crab House, Stono Café and our CR Kitchen Krew provide for meals each Sunday night.  We have helped train leaders from other churches that will also start Celebrate Recovery Ministries.  Our prayer is that one day there will be Christ Centered Recovery programs offered every night of the week. 

Your Transition House is full at four residents.  Two of them have been there for one year!  Wow! Who would have thought that possible?  You give so generously to these women individually as well as allowing the church to underwrite this ministry.  You are changing lives, helping to set the captives free.  To God be the glory.

You pray, you serve, you lead and you give.  You make it possible to be a church that is focused externally and not just on ourselves.  Of course we have to maintain campus buildings, pay bills and maintain church ministries.  Your giving and your attitude allows us to make a difference, to proclaim life, to invite others to share in the sweet fellowship that we enjoy.

Blessings in the Name of Life who appeared…Jesus!

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


“Jesus answered, ‘ I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.  Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.’”  John 3:5-6

Almost 9 years ago my daughter Brook asked me to be her “birth coach” when her first child was born.  We trained and prepared together anticipating the birth of her son, my first grandchild, Noah.  My daughter, Erin, and I were at her side coaching and Janie was there encouraging.  When Noah was born (of water and flesh as Jesus said), we were there.  They lived with us for the first five years of Noah’s life.  We lived together, prayed together, played together, vacationed together…whatever we did, it was almost always together.  This past Sunday, Noah made his public profession of being born of the Spirit and was baptized.

When Brook and Jerry were married, my first question was about Noah.  Does he have to leave too?  I may have felt more empty nest feeling about Noah leaving than I did my own three children…as much as I loved and still love them.  If you are not yet a grandparent, don’t fool yourself…it is different.  I watched as Noah began asking spiritual questions about God, being baptized and accepting Jesus.  He had been loved by great preschool teachers, children’s Sunday School teachers, VBS and camp counselors as well as by a loving family.

For Noah to say he had accepted Jesus into his heart and wanted to be baptized was a blessing beyond my already answered prayer.  The answer to one of my greatest prayers had happened 9 years earlier.  Living to see my grandson accept Christ and me being able to baptize him…well that was like God showing off.  It was answered prayer and then some.

Now, through a wonderfully complicated series of events, Jerry, (Noah’s dad and Brook’s husband) also had accepted Christ as his Savior and confessed his desire to be a follower of Jesus.  So, last Sunday, the James Island Baptist Church baptized 7 precious souls into the family of God.  Among them… my grandson Noah, and his dad,  my son-in-law, Jerry.

Let’s see…is there anywhere else I would rather be or anything else I would rather be doing?  I can’t imagine.  On the other hand, I have a great Father who can do abundantly more than I can ever imagine!  The Spirit gives birth to spirit.  Can’t wait to see what He does next.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


This Sunday we will celebrate our 66th Anniversary as a church family.  It is always a worthwhile investment to ask “Why did God put us on this corner in this community?”  The answer will be the same whether it was asked 66 years ago or today.  His purposes never change.  Our methods of accomplishing his purposes always change…but His purposes never change.  This is one clear way to say it:  God is in the business of reaching and redeeming a lost and dying world.  That is His mission.  Our mission is to join Him.  He is not so much looking for a church to “do missions”.  He already has a mission…now He is looking for a church family like JIBC to join Him on His mission.  My vision as a pastor is to see where God is working and lead JIBC to have a heart ready to join Him.

Side bar:  the religion/religiosity of our day is a major distraction to accomplishing His mission.  I know we have talked about this long and often.  The reality is the biggest struggle for the church is not the world outside the church.  It is the world inside the church.  It is our nature to want to substitute religion and religious works a living vibrant relationship with God.  The downward call of our human nature is that “every man does what is right in his own eyes”.  Add that to our southern sense of independence and you have the making of a beautiful religion…that really does not need God or Jesus.  Ouch.

Our annual church anniversary is our opportunity to “re-up, re-commit, re-surrender” our wills to His.  My friend has a slogan at his church that I like very much.  We are disciples who make disciples who change the world.  After I use that slogan a few more times, I will pretend that it is mine (lol).   I like it.  Let’s be followers of Jesus who follow Him, who love what He loved and values what He values.  Let’s be disciples of Jesus who make disciples who change the world. Let’s make a difference in our families, in our community, Charleston and the world. I think we are on the way to doing just that.  Good Lord willing, I will see you this Sunday as we celebrate what He is doing and make commitments to join Him.

Pastor Tom

Monday, July 1, 2013


Whewww!  What a long week of Vacation Bible School.  My hats off to everyone who made this year’s VBS a wonderful success.  Many of our volunteers worked all day and then came for 3 1/2 hours or more each night.  I am praying for all of you to have a restful recovery.  I am also praying that the work you did will have fruit that remains.  We know that we had over a dozen children make what I call “first moves” toward becoming followers of Jesus Christ.  You know our motto:  Let’s reach the before we have to rescue them.  The total VBS offering was just over $1,700...an outstanding offering.  In years gone by, the VBS offerings had to be used to help pay for VBS expenses.  In our more recent years, your faithful tithes and offerings have allowed us to bless those outside the church family.  This year’s offering will be used to bless the Florence Crittenton Home.  Florence Crittenton is a home for young, unwed pregnant girls ranging from 10 years of age to 21.  We will be able to supply more than diapers and wipes.  We are working to supply friendships and support.  Our adult VBS class made baby blankets and mother’s blankets for each of the residents.  Each one made with love and prayed over; each one representing the love and compassion of our Father in Heaven.  Way to go JIBC.  I love the outward focus of our groups.

Why do I love and support Vacation Bible School? The gospel is taught;  compassion is modeled; love is shared; professions of faith are made; and the good and beautiful God is made known.  Gotta love it.  But I am ready for a rest this week.


Last Sunday night one of our Adult Bible Study Classes did a traditional July 4th cookout for Celebrate Recovery.  They cooked for over 55 adults and 20 children.  Our thanks to all who make the Sunday night fellowship meals a success.  Thanks to The Kickin Chicken, The Charleston Crab House, our JIBC Kitchen Krew, Barry Waldrop and all our many friends.  You are making a difference!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing, as we continue our summer series on  1 John:  Believe Right + Love Right = Live Life!

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, June 25, 2013



We are currently enlisting a new ministry here at James Island Baptist.  We are putting together an A/V Team (audio/visual).  In the past, the worship leader has basically been responsible to run the whole show…production, lights, audio, sound, equipment, graphics…the whole production.  Now that we have moved to a part time worship position, we need to make some much needed adjustments.  Fred Hudson is currently serving as our interim worship leader.  Thankfully, he has been able to be a “one man show” and has the skills to do it all.  What he cannot do is be in two places at once.  So, we are making the decision to have the worship leader and musicians focus on worship and music and not all the details of equipment and details.  It is kind of a left brain vs right brain situation.  We want the worship leader’s creativity to be focused on leading worship…not feedback loops, lighting, blend in monitors, etc.   Believe it or not, this will be a new adventure for us, so there will be a little learning curve.  Thank you in advance for your patient understanding.

We are hiring a local company to come in to help us get things up and running.  Then he will help train our all volunteer A/V team.  His services will continue to be available to the team leader and church staff whenever needed.  Interested?  You do not have to be a “techy” person to serve on this team.  We need some who are leaders…who can schedule people and manage a team.  If you would like to know more, this is the time to jump in.  Our consultant, Chip Cooley, will be able to teach and train you according to the amount of knowledge you would like to know.  Even our church staff will be involved in this training… and I assure I am among the least tech savvy people you know.  Chip says he can teach me to operate the system to whatever level I want to learn.  Sounds like my kind of guy.
Susan Warren is our staff member in charge of enlisting this team.  If you are interested in joining or knowing more, give us a call at 762-0244.

Testing, one, two, three…testing

Pastor Tom

Monday, June 17, 2013

Believe Right + Love Right = Live the Life you always wanted

Summer Sermon Series: 
Believe Right + Love Right = Live the Life you always wanted

I will be teaching from the New Testament book of 1 John this summer.  This little book was inspired by the Holy Spirit of God and written by the Apostle John.  It is only 5 short chapters, but they are five powerful chapters filled with practical guidance on the Christian life.  At the same time, it is very theologically deep.  Most of us could easily read 1 John in less than 30 minutes.  I suggest we spend time reading, re-reading, meditating, memorizing, studying and applying it.  It will be well worth our time and effort.  The stated goal of the book is that your joy may increase and you would have a rock solid assurance of your relationship with Jesus Christ.

My working title for the series captures it well:  Believe Right + Love Right = Living the Life You Always Wanted!  This week we will be on 1 John 1:5-10.  If you have not memorized 1 John 1:9, I would encourage you to do so.  “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9 (KJV)  To paraphrase what the Apostle John said:  “These things I teach to you that our joy may be full” (1:4).  That is my prayer…your joy may be full and you live in a victorious assurance of your relationship with our Father and Lord Jesus Christ.

Vacation Bible School: 
Colossal Coaster World,  Sunday June 22-28

In 2010, 25,000 Southern Baptist Church families reported holding Vacation Bible Schools.  Those churches reported 82,000 professions of faith…men, women, boys and girls that began their spiritual journey of following Jesus.  In 2005 there were 3 million enrolled in VBS and over 92,000 professions of faith in Jesus.  It is amazing to think that 26% of all baptisms in the Southern Baptist Convention result from the week of VBS.

So what can you do?  First, pray for the workers and for the children.  Ask God for changed lives.  Seek God’s blessing of protection and blessing on the large number of volunteers.  Second, invite those you know to attend.  Even unchurched and under churched people will agree to send their kids to Vacation Bible School.  It’s summer time and the kids will be ready for a new challenge.  Let’s provide one that has eternal benefits. Third, attend with joy.  Help out before or after, be a greeter, a helper, a leader.  Felecia Hebert and her team will be delighted to find you a place of service.  You might want to be hands-on or behind the scenes.  It takes all hands on deck to make this an awesome experience!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

Monday, June 10, 2013

VBS, Rock the Block, and Southern Baptist Convention


Vacation Bible School is one of the great traditions of the church.  And I have particularly come to love the way our church family does VBS.  It is truly a family event reaching preschoolers, children, youth and adults.  For our newer members it may seem strange having a week of VBS for adults.  Think about it this way: a week of studying God’s Word, being with church members you would like to know, having family together for a week!  What’s not to love?  By the way, our VBS Team will even provide a lite meal each night.

There is a lot competing for our hearts these days.  Here is a way of making an effort to reach our kids before we have to rescue them.  Be in prayer for our volunteers.  They work all day and then come and volunteer 3 hours a night for the week.  They do it because they love Jesus and love our kids!  Let’s pray for the spiritual harvest this week.


Pastor Sean and his team will launch a brand new mission this Saturday called “Rock the Block”.  It is literally taking it to the streets.  Their first area to bless will be the park on Medway, the street directly behind the back parking lot of the church campus.  They will cook out, have a jump castle, plays some games and share the sweet love of our Lord Jesus.  I love Sean’s heart on this mission.  The Great Commission says “go” and so here he goes!  Love it.


This past Monday I left for Houston, Texas to attend the Southern Baptist Convention.  I cannot remember the last time I attended the Southern Baptist Convention.   Certainly it has been over ten years since I have attended and maybe as many as 15 years ago.  I am certain a few blue moons have passed.  What makes this one interesting is the chance for my Friday Pastor’s group to go and visit one of our guys that moved to Texas.  I have been meeting every Friday for the last 20 years with a small group of Pastor’s.  Our current group consist of  Marshall Blalock of First Baptist Charleston, Curt Bradford at Riverbluff in North Charleston and myself.  One of our members, Tim Head, use to pastor Lighthouse Church in Mt. Pleasant.  He now works for the SBC at Guidestone.  We will meet Tim in Houston for the convention and then drive to his home in Dallas to spend a few days with him.  Even though he is in Dallas, we still copy him in on what takes place in our group.

I am looking forward to seeing you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Monday, June 3, 2013


Once again, there is no way to thank everyone who made the Bless 2 B A Blessing Celebration an amazing day.  There were very few things that did not come off close to perfect…including the weather.

Let me start by thanking the staff for all the work they did.  Each one of them carried an extra load to make this happen.  You efforts were clearly seen.  I am thankful to have such a diverse and gifted team.  Your work allows me to do what I do best!

The large number of volunteers who made the set up under the oaks look so festive.  Only those on the carrying end of all those tables and chairs have an idea of how much work that takes.  Everything was in place and ready for business.  One man who could not be here for the festivities still came at 7:30 that morning to help in the process.  What great servants.  After the crowds had left, we still had a host of volunteers, young and old, who cleared the area and put things back in order. It cannot happen without such a team.

The Kitchen Krew does such a great job on a regular basis, it is easy to overlook their hard work.  They were here on Saturday cooking and prepping and then early Sunday morning with the grills fired up.  It may be the first time I ever remember our Kitchen Krew running out of food.  This was a grilled chicken frenzy!  And when the Chinese fellowship brought out their food…wow, what a blessing…in every since of the word.  It was fun having the Chinese Fellowship, Luz Y Verdad and JIBC all together.

The 20 different mission groups, ministries and service organizations blessed us with representatives, information and opportunities to roll up our sleeves and make a difference.  I am looking forward to hearing Susan Warren’s summary report.  Our dear friends DreamLand always add the joy and fun into our celebrations.  They sang the best of the oldies.  They stood in the sun sweatin’ and a singin’.  Sounds like the lyrics of a good country song.  To top it all off and to make sure everyone stayed hydrated, Coca-Cola donated all our drinks!

OK, I know I am missing some others…but what fun I had trying to remember all the blessings that helped make this a great Lord’s Day.  To God be the glory.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom