Over the next few weeks, we will begin a renovation project for the Fellowship Hall. We had a very generous donation to have new “tile” put down in the Fellowship Hall. If you have ever done any kind of renovation project at home, you know the process. It is a little bit like pulling a string on a sweater. Once you start…
So, here is our plea for temporary mercy and grace. With the exception of the Annual Spring Banquet, everything that goes on in the Fellowship Hall for the next few weeks is very likely to be postponed, moved to another location or cancelled. Please don’t feel like you are being targeted…everyone will need to make a few minor adjustments. Let’s prepare for the worst case scenario and then be pleasantly surprised. It is possible, but not likely, that your group or event will not be affected.
Here is a rough guess of the schedule. Monday, April 23 the existing ceiling tiles will be taken down. Then Monday evening through Wednesday, April 25 the majority of the new ceiling tiles will go up. I know this is very optimistic, but by the time you read this, the ceiling tiles should be all but done.
The next projects include taking up the old floor shoe molding and stripping the floors of wax. We will not have to take the existing floor tiles up for the process we are using. Woohoo, or as I like to say, Hallewoohoo! If all goes well, the new floor “tile” will be put down the week after the Annual banquet, the week of May 7-12. This is probably the week with the most disruption. Don’t panic. Repeat after me…don’t panic. We know it will have a few challenges. I think we are ready for them and are blessed to have very good alternatives for you.
Then, there is the painting. We are not exactly sure when that process will begin. That could be the most straight forward part of all. Calling all painters, attention, calling all painters. Gotta love it…really, you just gotta love the generosity of God’s people.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing.