Monday, January 28, 2013

Changes Update

Last week’s article was about the change that occurred in our staff.  We no longer have a full- time Pastor of Worship and Connection Ministry.  For the time being we are very blessed to have two very qualified part-time “interims.”  As we shared last week, Fred Hudson will be leading our worship teams.  He has served as the assistant for a number of years.  He is, perhaps, the most talented musician I know.  I do believe he is capable of leading in the position for the time being.  Thank you ahead of time for your patience as Fred and our worship team get use to a little different way of doing things.  It may take a week or so to work out some of the wrinkles.  It will happen.

Now let me introduce the Connection Ministry interim, Susan Warren.  How about that?  We have been extremely blessed to have access to someone with Susan’s background.  Susan is the daughter of Juanita Garrett.  She grew up here in James Island Baptist Church.  Through the years, when in town, she always visited here.  She is a graduate of Charleston Southern University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  She has her Master’s Degree in Childhood Education.  She served for 11 years at Derbyshire Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia.  She served there as Minister to Children and Families.  She also served with our International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.  She was a free lance writer and produced children’s materials.  She has terrific credentials and extensive experience.  I am very happy to have here assistance in continuing the Connection ministry.  I think she will bring strong administrative and relational skills to this ministry.

We also want to add a welcome to the third resident of the Transition House, Crystal Johnson.  You will enjoy getting to know Crystal.  She is looking forward to joining the activities and life of JIBC.  I am confident she will be received with the same love shown to Emily and Tonya.  One week from now, we will welcome the fourth resident, Jessica.  That will make a “full house” with no more space available until one of them “graduates” or “gives up their bed” as we say.  They are, generally speaking, staying for up to 6 months, but that was an arbitrary number.  We will adjust that as we grow along.  By the way, I get calls from the Charleston Rehab Center asking if there are any more spaces or houses available.  I know this sounds crazy, but if you have ever thought of donating your house to a worthy cause, this would be a good one.  We could easily fill as many houses as were available.  Helping women transition is a very big deal.  Thank you for your support.  Another “by the way”:  do you know of someone hiring part time, please call the church office and let us know, ph#762-0244.  This is always a need for our ladies.  And if you have an old car you are wondering what to do with…I have a suggestion.  Call me.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we start back with the Gospel of Mark.
Pastor Tom