Monday, February 11, 2013

It’s a little bit different!


Since August, 2012, Brent has announced he feels led to go to Baltimore and start a new church. He is not leaving us for a “bigger church”…he is going to start a church. He is not leaving us for “mo’ money”…he is having to raise all the money he will be receiving. He feels led to start a new work. I have shared many times that I think this is exactly the right move for Brent. His four years at JIBC have been a good growing time for him. We have been blessed as he has been.

That being said…it is a little bit different. In the secular world, once you announce you are leaving, they take your keys, box up your office and send it to you. Your days are over as soon as they know you are leaving. Actually, sometimes it is like that in the church world. That leads people to act in secret and avoid honest conversations. I commend Brent for being forthcoming and sharing his goal. This process has been something we can embrace, celebrate and support. I have met with Brent’s new Director of Missions from Baltimore. I like him. Brent will be in good hands and has a good support system there.

Here is another part that is a little bit different. Knowing Brent is leaving has given us lead time to start the process of looking for a replacement. You cannot replace Brent! He is one of a kind. We can, and will, fill the position with someone we feel is called to join the JIBC family. Over the past several months, we have interviewed a half dozen prospects. We have already had several of them come and visit JIBC to see the campus, the area and get a little taste of JIBC. Some have looked promising while others…not so much. Typically, our contacts start with a resume and an email. If there is interest, we follow up with a “skype” interview. This allows us to have a live interview without the expense of actually paying for someone to come to JIBC. So far, when we have had one skype interview we have followed up with a second. At that point, then we invite them to come and visit. So, from time to time, we have had families visiting JIBC without being announced. These are still what I consider dates. We are not ready at this point to bring them to meet leadership teams. They are coming to see the campus, the area and to meet with the staff. After we all clear that point, then we set up leadership team meeting.

It is a process. Sometimes it is a mysterious, long and tedious process. I am grateful for your prayers and support. We will try our best to keep you informed. It is a little bit different actively searching for a position while that position is still here. What a blessing that has been.

By the way, you may not have met the Youth Intern, Parker Busch. Brent has been training him since the beginning of the new school year. What a blessing Parker will be during this transition time.

Just for your calendaring let me share these two dates with you. Friday, April 5 we are planning to have an ordination council for Brent. It will be a good thing for him to be ordained as he goes to his first lead pastor position. The ordination service is planned for Sunday, April 14. What a joyful celebration that will be. With the blessings of God, how cool would it be to have the “new pastor” participate in this service???? It would be a little bit different!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing

Pastor Tom