Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Excuse me for sounding like a broken record, but I love Christmas time. It is a great time, not the only time, but a great time for the followers of Jesus to stand strong about the reason for the season. It is very easy to drift into a secular mind-set about Santa and the consumerism mentality of Christmas. So, as we say on so many occasions: anyone can curse the darkness, let’s light a candle! In this case, it is a Christmas candle or an Advent candle so to speak.

The entire reason for the Advent emphasis at JIBC is to call our attention to the stronger messages of Christmas. Let’s focus on Christ coming and the reason; let’s renew our emphasis on worship and Bible Study; let’s ride the wave of Christmas cheer and reach out to help those in need; let’s sing songs of faith and songs of joy! Sorry, you are not going to get a bah humbug from me. I love Christmas. I love Christmas joy, songs, charity, lights, Advent, musicals…I love the Christmas time. As I have said, about the only thing I don’t like about Christmas is seeing people go in debt to buy what they cannot afford or to bust a budget that is already strained. There are a lot of ways to show some Christmas love that does not cost you a penny! OK, one other thing I don’t like about Christmas…those who take it upon themselves to be an unofficially elected Grinch. The song lyrics go like this: “Every party has a pooper that’s why I invited you!” Why invite the Grinch…unless he needs Jesus and the joy of Jesus in his heart! OK, I even like inviting the Grinch!

So why don’t we do this all year long? WE DO. We worship the Prince of Peace all year long; we do acts of kindness and charity all year long; we give to support missions all year long! That is one of the things I love most about JIBC…you are the hands and feet of Jesus all year long. You don’t just come to church, you are the church. You take the salt out of the shaker, the believers out of the building, all year long. You go to the homeless; feed the widows; bless the orphans; support cross cultural ministry; send out workers into the high schools; serve the poor; heal the sick; etc, etc. YOU DO THIS ALL YEAR LONG! I love His church known as James Island Baptist.

No bah humbug from me. If you can, bring a jar of jelly, a pair of p.j.s, some diapers or a pop up hamper to show a little love to our community.

Pastor Tom