Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Everyone is invited to join us this Sunday for a church-wide family meeting. Whether you are in a Connection Group or just interested, you are invited to join us. We will start with coffee and some lite breakfast snacks. Marty will lead us in a time of worship. Then at 10:00 we will present to the church family the projected scope and cost of the Phase II renovations. This renovation will involve some things that are absolutely necessary as well as needed projects we have been putting off. We will ask the church family to vote to approve the Phase II renovations.

We started off with a leak in the front outside porch of the worship center. We patched that believing the day would not be too far off when we needed to replace the entire roof of the sanctuary. That day is here. The last roof was put on after Hurricane Hugo. We were able to make that one last 27 years. Not bad! But now we have multiple leaks over the sanctuary, fellowship hall and several places around the rest of the building. By the way…did you know we had two chimneys on our buildings? I did not. They will be removed and will no longer be a source of leaks or potential leaks. Once we started looking at the roofing project, it made sense to start looking at all the repairs and renovations we have been putting off. So, all together, our leadership team put together around 10 projects that need attention. We do not have a time table on most of the projects. Some of them will depend on how the church family responds with special offerings.

Starting on Sunday, October 1, our Sunday Connection Groups will be studying a 6 week Bible focus on faith. This Bible study is called “Daring Faith” and is about taking bold risks, developing a daring faith and learning to trust God’s will. For 6 weeks we will study together the call of God for us to leave our comfort zones and to bravely move to where God is calling you.

I think this comes at just the right time in our church history. We are ready for the next step and by God’s grace are ready to exercise a “Daring Faith”. My daughter and son-in-law have put their home on the market to sell. That means they have repaired, replaced and renovated. They have de-cluttered and freshened up their house and their yard. Of course they do this to present their home in the best light possible. They want to make good first impressions. The house must be sound and secure. Now, what does that say about God’s House? We also want to make good first impressions; put our best foot forward; have the church campus safe and sound for all who would gather here. We can do this.

This Phase II renovation comes to you with the support and approval of our entire leadership team: Pastors, Staff, Elders, Finance Team, Ministry Management and Deacons. We had unanimous agreement on leading the church to exercise daring faith in taking on Phase II of the renovations.

Hope to see you this Sunday at 9:45,

Pastor Tom