Thursday, October 25, 2018

Fall Festival Is Almost Here!


I know it does not seem like it, but the Annual Fall Festival is the largest attended event of the year for JIBC. We pack the worship center out for Christmas Eve and Easter. But we will have three times that number at the Fall Festival on Wednesday, October 31. Susan and her team have done a good job of recruiting volunteers, gathering mountains of candy and dealing with the construction obstacles this year. So, this year may be a little…different. Hotdogs and drinks will be served outside at the Kickin Chicken Food Truck. All restrooms will be the port-a-potties! We will not have anything inside this year since the side door-elevator entrance is under construction. Remember the goal: a family friendly, extremely safe, fun filled alternative to the traditional Halloween (going door to door, accepting candy from strangers, too much emphasis on evil, etc). Families of preschoolers and children can have a great time, get plenty of candy and be about as safe as you can be (our security team will be in full force). If you have not signed up to volunteer but want to, please let Susan know. There are jobs where you can sit the whole time, mingle the whole time, give directions or actively participate at a booth. This is a day the Lord has made, let us be glad and have fun with it. The devil does not get to decide what we do on any day of the year! Amen!?

THEN COMES ADVENT. You know your pastor, I absolutely love the Christmas season. Just about the only thing I do not like about Christmas is the idea of someone going into debt or spending money they do not have on things that will not last. I absolutely love that JIBC has found a wonderful way to combine Advent with Missions. Susan Warren and our old friend Charles Dillon will be gathering a list of items for us to bring each Sunday of Advent. This year we will, of course, bring jelly for the James Island Outreach. The other three Sundays of Advent, we will bring items needed in the hurricane relief efforts. Hopefully, we will be able to take a load down the week after Christmas to our old friends at Carpenters House Global, Charles and Judy Dillon. The Dillons are former members who have gone full time into Disaster Relief work.

As I said last week, starting with the Fall Festival, this is my favorite season of the year!

Pastor Tom