Wednesday, January 9, 2019


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has declared the opioid epidemic a public health emergency. Opioid related deaths exceeded over 42,000 in 2017. That is about 130 deaths every day, day in and day out, all year long. It is estimated that over 11 million people abuse prescription opioids and that 90% of those struggling with addictions are not getting any help. Many of have used and are using opioids as prescribed by our physicians. Opioids include legally prescribed drugs like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine. It also can include illegal drugs like heroine. Heroin is sometimes mixed with Fentanyl which is so strong it has caused many overdose deaths. Fentanyl can be deadly even by just touching it. By the way, we keep a dose of “Narcan” in my office. This is a drug to be used in case of an opioid overdose. Trust me, they never went over this in seminary! Here is the reality: this is the world we live in. If you or someone you know needs help, this is a 24- hour hotline: 843.722.0100.

Thank you for taking on the areas of darkness. Celebrate Recovery is not the answer, it is a way to the answer. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can change and heal any of us. Those struggling with addiction are fighting on at least three different fronts. First, their addiction is a disease. I know that seems controversial to some. It is a complex disease of the brain and body. Second, it is very likely that many of us who struggle with addiction were self-medicating to deal with a known or unknown mental health issue. We were in pain and used our drug of choice to relieve the pain. Third, all of us are dealing with a sin issue. We are broken because of our sinful human nature. Some of us manifest and show our brokenness in more socially acceptable ways like overeating, controlling, perfectionism, etc. Some of us chose more harmful ways to deal with the pain. If you add all three of those together, it results in a pathway of pain. And so Celebrate Recovery steps up to join the fight. Last Sunday night we had 40 adults in Celebrate Recovery. Only about 1/3 of those attending come because of alcohol or drug issues. Others come for co-dependency, anger and control, pornography, grieving, etc. We are glad they come! Our goal is to introduce them to the Healer, the Higher Power we know as the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you James Island Baptist. Thank you for taking a chance, for reaching out, for providing resources, for donating food, for giving a bus for transporting from the Charleston Center, for volunteering to serve, for keeping the lights on, for buying Recovery Bibles, for training leaders, for praying great prayers. Thank you. The struggle is real and so is the healing.

Pastor Tom