Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Outward Focus

A few weeks back I sent a letter to our Connection Group Leaders. I was asking them for reports on the kind of missions their Connection Groups were involved in doing. Remember, the name “Connection Group” comes for the idea of Connecting with God through studying His Word; connecting with other believers as we gather; and connecting with the community through missions. We must always be true to the great commission to “go” and to “make disciples”.

It has been my observation over the years that gathering for Bible Study and fellowship kind of comes natural for church families. We generally love each other and enjoy spending time in fellowship, eating together and studying God’s Word. What takes a little more effort is the mission, the outward focus, the “going” part of the Great Commission. Over the years, I have joyfully watched as JIBC has become more and more outwardly focused. By God’s grace, we regularly have members going on international mission trips, relief efforts here in the Southeast, volunteering in local missions, going to public schools, etc. I truly love that about our church family. We are embracing more and more the challenge of taking light to the dark places in our community.

I describe mission as having two levels. First, there is what I refer to as mission support. This is vitally important. I never want to under estimate the value of prayer support for all mission efforts. There are some who will go as God helps provide the finances. Giving finances so others can go is one great form of mission support. James Island Outreach is always grateful for JIBC jelly offerings. Imagine, last year you gave just a little short of two tons of jelly! All of these are fantastic. May our Father continue to lead us to be generous in our desire to provide mission support.

I am also rejoicing at the amount of what I call “hands on missions”. That is when God gets the salt out of the shaker…the church out of the building …to go to the mission field. I am currently putting together a list of the mission projects that were turned in. I am not so interested in giving the names of who did that mission project. I am interested in giving God glory for the things He has done. I am believing what the Bible says…that as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. It is my hope that what one Connection Group is doing will be used by God to inspire another Connection Group or individual to step out by faith and try.

I so love that being outward focused is a part of our DNA. It is one of the 5 purposes of the church as found in the Bible. The list will be coming soon. We are still waiting for a few of the Connection Group leaders to respond. To God be the glory and to you all…job well done.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom