Friday, October 25, 2019


The largest JIBC event of the year is just around the corner: Fall Festival, Thursday, October 31! We have been doing this Fall Festival for 34 years. It has grown in every way. Let me take a few moments and go over some of the basics about this community outreach event.

First, from year one, we designed Fall Festival to go head to head with the traditional Halloween. We intended to offer a family friendly, safer, fun event for families with children. It is a free event so absolutely everyone can afford to attend. Underserved and economically challenged families can come and have a great time, lots of fun, get plenty of candy and it is FREE!

Second, I understand that those who love Halloween don’t like us offering this alternative. Sorry about that but we like a good clean and fun party! I also understand those who feel the history of Halloween is sketchy and therefore want to stay as far away from anything related to Halloween. Here is my response: Psalm 118 “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it”. The fact that some use this day for evil is all the more reason for us to stake our claim…this is the day the Lord has made. We serve a mighty God. He doesn’t run away; He does not negotiate with evil; He does not give up a day He made because someone does something wrong on that day. I spent my ministry leading and equipping our church family to do more than curse the darkness, wring our hands and lament how bad things are. Jesus is the Light of the world. He said you and I, as His followers, are the light! So, let your light so shine! Let them see our good works and give glory to God. No telling who you are helping to rescue by offering a family friendly option. By the way, for our volunteers…you do notice that we absolutely do not have vampires, walking dead, bloody costumes or decorations. I am aware of the dark side of Halloween and want us to stay clear of promoting it but go head to head in offering alternatives.

Third, this is a volunteer intensive event. We still need about 50 more volunteers. We have sitting jobs, game jobs, registration, candy delivering, clean up, booths for preschool games, childrens games, active, passive, set up, take down…we need you. Sunday, the green information sheets should have a list of areas where we still need volunteers.

See you Sunday as we continue our way through Ephesians!

Pastor Tom