Monday, June 25, 2012

I love being the pastor here at J.I.B.C!

Thanks to all the Adult Bible Study Classes
Sometimes an idea just works out better than you could have possibly planned.  So it was this past Sunday with Retired Major General John Grinalds.  I have always loved and appreciated the Gideon Bible ministry.  Frankly, some of their speakers have been less than stellar.  In this case, we were treated to the best of the best.  Our speaker kept his obligation to speak in the worship service about the Gideon Bible ministry and how we could help.  But he was gracious enough to give us an hour during the Sunday Bible Study time to share his life story.  Wow.  The fellowship hall was packed, and he kept our attention.  What a distinguished life and career.  And he gives God the glory and shares a clear and compelling message of Jesus.

We have a Gideon Memorial display for anyone who, in the future, would like to give a gift in honor of a loved one.  It is certainly a great way to make a difference. My thanks to all the Adult Bible Study teachers for inviting their class to hear Major General Grinalds.

And now, on to VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL   About the time you receive this copy of the Messenger, our VBS Volunteers will be in need of prayers for extra energy.  After a long day at work, they will come and work for 4 more hours each night.  The end result, the Word of God will go, and it will make a difference.  Some will fall on tender hearts ready to receive it, and we will see young lives changed.  Your prayers, your gifts, your support will all be worth it.  God bless you richly for the sacrifice you and your families make this week.

Celebrate Recovery  By the way, I wish you could have been with me to hear the young lady, 19 years old, express her desire to turn her life over to the Lord and follow Him in baptism. Imagine, going from the darkness of a life of substance addiction to one of following our Lord and being a part of His family.  Thank you for giving so generously, for allowing us to reach out in unusual and unique ways to reach and to rescue.  I love being the pastor here at J.I.B.C!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Monday, June 18, 2012


I think you would agree with me that we are honored when we have guest visit with us at James Island Baptist.  They could go to any church or be any other place, yet they choose to join us in the Lord’s House, on the Lord’s Day to worship.  I am thankful for the attitude that we almost always have when guest arrive.  For the most part, I think guest are welcomed and spoken to with genuine warmth.  Now there is the occasional visitor that somehow slips through the welcome time and unfortunately, does not get our customary warm welcome.  But generally speaking, I think our church family does a good job.  Just about every card that our guests send back comments on our friendly church family.  Let’s take it up a notch and let them know we are not just friendly, we are willing to be friends.

Here are a couple of things you can do to make guest feel welcomed and loved:
1. Take the initiative and go to the guest.  Look for the people just standing there.  That might be a clue they are guest.  We are blessed with so many new faces, I know you are not sure who is a member, regular attendee, or a first time guest.  Cover all the bases, greet them all!
2. Give them your name and offer to introduce them to one of the pastors, a fellow member, or someone that looks close to their age. Careful…err on the side of they all look young!
3. Ask if they found everything ok.  They might not know the way to the nursery or children’s church.  Offer to show them the way instead of just telling them.

Remember, after the 11:00 service, Pastor Dave has a team in the atrium that would love to meet our guest and give them a gift from our church family. 

SPEAKING OF GUEST.  This Sunday at the 11:00 worship service we will have Major General John Grinalds (Retired), former 18th President of The Citadel.  He has had a distinguished and honorable career serving our Father in Heaven as well as the United States of America.  He will speak a brief word about the Gideon Bible Ministry and lead in our offertory prayer.  It will be our honor to welcome him to JIBC.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing…
Pastor Tom

Sermon Passage for Sunday, June 24: Mark 5:21-24, 35-43

Monday, June 11, 2012


This past Sunday, for me, was one of the best.  There were a lot of elements that the Lord blessed to make it a wonderfully, holy day of worship.  The worship songs had a strong message and were sung with passion; I felt the message was spot on for the journey of so many; Rose Haselden’s testimony of healing was wonderful; the parent child dedication of Kendall and her family speaks of such potential and growth; Cheryl and Heather are in Romania; we had a wonderful time in the Class 101 membership class; and we had a great group of guest that could not have picked a better Sunday to visit at JIBC.  I know it can get better.  But to quote my old friend James Taylor, “How sweet it is to be loved by You”.  Thank you, Jesus.

As you pray, remember the Love God-Serve Charleston effort of several area youth groups loving and serving Him.  Pray for the final preparations being made for this year’s Vacation Bible School.  Remember Cheryl and Heather as they finish strong and start their journey home.  Pray for those with whom you are in relationship, as you invite them to join you in worship or small group.  Remember the 9 small groups and the ongoing Bible Study Classes that do life together.  Pray for those who have lost loved ones and are still working through the grieving process.

We are blessed, so blessed.  I pray you will love Him deeply, walk with Him in obedience, and let your light shine where He sends you. 

Good Lord willing, I will see you when we gather this Sunday.
Pastor Tom

Monday, June 4, 2012


In John 5:17, our Lord said, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working.”  I believe that.  God is always at work redeeming a lost and broken world.  It is the mission of God, and He desires to have His people  join Him.  It is easy to say and understand that “the Church has a mission.”  It is much more accurate but harder to understand, to say “God has a mission and needs a church to do it.”

Either way, I love the idea of seeing our Father’s work.  We have Cheryl Parish and Heather Lindsey going to Romania this week.  Mark Livengood is going to Ukraine soon. By the way, this trip is open, and if you ever wanted to go on a trip, this one is a great entry level international trip. They are joining Him in reaching the nations.

But you do not have to go internationally to see how JIBC is joining with our Father’s work.  The Youth will be involved in “Love God-Serve Charleston” next week.  Several area church’s youth groups will join forces to join in God’s mission here at home.   Take a deep breath and we will begin Vacation Bible School.  You have heard it said correctly that more children accept Christ as their Savior during VBS than during any other event of the year.  Why?  Because we join with God in reaching children before they have to be rescued.  I certainly believe it honors God to reach children and to pray for and try to reach their families.  It is missions…right here at home.  If you desire to work with Hispanics, Pastor Claudio and Claudia will gladly put you to work.

We have groups going to the homeless shelters serving in Jesus’ name; groups that take hot meals to the widows; groups that reach out to the orphans; those who visit the sick.  I know in my heart the Father is always working.  I rejoice to see the family known as James Island Baptist joining Him in His mission.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom