Thursday, April 26, 2018


I know it seems like yesterday that we announced Daring Faith: Renovating Believers and Renovating Buildings. Phase I was the roofing of the entire building. We had not replaced the shingles since 1990, after Hugo. Completed! Let me here you say amen. Phase II was the protection of the buildings, property and people. For most of us, the curve at Maybank and Wappoo just does not seem that difficult. If you add speed, night time and alcohol/drugs then it can be a horrific curve. We cannot do anything about the speed and D.U.I., but we could do something about the lighting and the protection. Each of the “boxes” has a concrete post planted into the ground designed to slow a vehicle down considerably before it gets very far on JIBC property. The lighting is necessary because almost 100% of the wrecks have been after midnight and before daybreak. The landscaping and signage were much needed. Our teams worked hard to make sure we had almost everything in place before Resurrection Sunday (Easter). We are grateful for their extra hard work. So, let’s celebrate that the first part of Phase II is completed…and paid for. Yes, we have put shingles on all the buildings and completed the extensive protection and landscaping project and have paid for it all. God is good and our church family and friends have been faithful and generous.

Now, the second part of Phase II is in the planning. We are applying for permits, ordering the elevator (doesn’t it sound cool to say that?) and working on the next timeline. At this point, here is the next order of events. First, we will have a ribbon cutting/prayer of dedication for the beginning of the new entrance. The new entrance will be on the Plymouth Avenue side of the building. That is also where the Elevator will be installed. We will most likely have the new entrance finished and in use before we start on the elevator. The elevators are made in China and apparently there is only one elevator inspector for the entire state of South Carolina. We will plan on ribbon cuttings when we start and dedication services when we finish. As soon as we know starting dates, we will warn you…I mean let you know…construction is about to begin.

I do not want us to miss the wonderful blessing of God. By His grace He has led our church family and friends to give generously above their tithes and offerings that we may be good stewards of His buildings. And because so many are giving on the front end of Daring Faith, we do not have to borrow money or pay interest. The blessing is doubled. To God be the glory.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


For the past year and a half Frankie Gilmore has been serving as our Youth Ministry Intern/Student Campus Ministry Director. During this time Pastor Sean trained and mentored Frankie as an intern. Under Sean’s supervision, much of the youth ministry had been turned over to Frankie’s leadership. Frankie has also been serving as Pastor Marty’s assistant in the Worship ministry. Therefore, it was easy to fully recommend Frankie to take on the new position as full time Youth Pastor. It worked out as if it was the perfect timing of God: we already had in place a qualified servant ready to step in.

Let me tell you a little about Frankie. He is a graduate of Charleston Southern University with a Bachelor of Arts in Music and Worship Leadership. He has a very strong background in bands and ensembles. Frankie’s peers recognize him as a leader, extremely organized, Gospel centered, artistic and creative. Since 2012 he has worked at Moe’s Southwest Grill in Summerville. The last three years he worked there as Shift Manager. Frankie is engaged to Jen Colburn. They make a most beautiful and wonderfully talented couple. You see Jen playing and singing in the praise band each Sunday. She also serves with Frankie and Marty in the Youth “Surge” ministry. Frankie and Jen have already been a blessing to our church family and the ministry here at JIBC. I look forward to working with Frankie and seeing how our Father will use him to equip JIBC to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken generation.

Two caveats to my introduction. First, Frankie is not Sean. God already has a Sean. Frankie is Frankie: saved by grace, blessed by God, talented in more ways than we can count. Sean brought almost 25 years of experience to the table. Frankie is just beginning his full time journey. Frankie learned from one of the best, so he has a great start. Second, Frankie is primarily focused on Youth Ministry. While he may deal with those infamous “other duties as assigned”, his primary mission is to lead JIBC to join God’s work to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken generation of youth. He is not the Connection Pastor or All Star Pastor. He is the Youth Pastor who will, as all of us do, help out when appropriate. Susan Warren will supervise Joanne Brown in Children’s Ministry and Marie Smith in Awana. It is our plan that Frankie will continue as our Full Time Youth Pastor even when, Lord willing, we fill Pastor Sean’s position as “Family Pastor/Associate Pastor”. The new position and title has yet to be determined. To God be the glory, great things He is doing!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, April 12, 2018


Pastor Sean came to me a few weeks ago to announce that he felt led to start a new church on Johns Island. When he came to share his decision I had mixed emotions. First, Sean has been a good friend and faithful servant during his five years here at JIBC. He is creative and highly energetic. Second, it had been our hope that Pastor Sean would be at my retirement, the next successor here at James Island Baptist. I had developed a four part, four year plan of succession believing Sean would help provide a smooth transition when the time came for my retirement.

Sean shared that he and Audra had prayed extensively about this new adventure. He felt like the Lord was leading him in a different direction. After hearing his plans, I agree with his decision. I very much appreciate his honest assessment, insight and concern for the ministry and mission of JIBC.
We have enjoyed and benefited from Sean’s ministry here at JIBC. He is gifted in so many ways and his sweet family has been a joy to us all. We will certainly miss them all. The good news is they are staying right here on James Island and ministering just across the bridge.

The Elders and I put together a plan that would recognize Sean’s years of service at JIBC and bless the new work he feels called to start. We are trying to be more in the sending business and less in the ending business. We believe James Island Baptist should affirm Sean’s calling with our prayer and our support. To that end, our leadership team has committed to pray and has approved supporting Sean with four full month’s salary as he begins his new church plant. In addition, when the new work is up and running, we have a $5,000 support check to donate. We believe this generous parting gift will help Sean and his family as they transition out of James Island Baptist into the work where God has called them.

Although Sean’s new work will be officially independent of JIBC, our friendship will continue and we hope there might be opportunities to partner in the future for the sake of God’s Kingdom. I have every confidence that God will continue to lead and bless JIBC just as He will Sean and his family. This may be a surprise to us but I do not believe it was a surprise to our Heavenly Father. To God be the glory.

Imagine how the Church at Antioch, Acts 13, must have felt when they commissioned and sent out the Apostle Paul AND Barnabas as missionaries. They were sending out the greatest theologian the church had known, the man God used to write half of the New Testament and his good buddy Barnabas, the most encouraging guy many of them had ever known. The end result…the Gospel continued to go around the world! May it be so again, in Jesus Name.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


I am so enjoying teaching Experiencing God on Wednesday evenings. It is one of the major influencers in my growth as a follower of Jesus. When the opportunity comes around to take Experiencing God, I hope you will give serious consideration. It is a commitment and you reap the reward of making such a big commitment. One of the teachings I would share today concerns doing God’s will. It always costs to do God’s will. Sometimes it costs you and sometimes it costs those around you. When Jesus went to the cross it obviously cost him. It also cost his mother as she watched her son die such a cruel death. It cost his followers who felt like their dreams just died on the cross with Jesus. In Acts 13 the church at Antioch were led by the Holy Spirit to send out Barnabas and Saul (the Apostle Paul as he is called later). Imagine giving up the man God chose to write half of the New Testament. In addition, they gave up the man known as the Encourager. It cost to send out/give up two of the greatest leaders the church had ever known. It did not just cost Barnabas and Saul…it also cost the church. Someone else would pick up their responsibilities; others would feel like they were abandoned when they needed Barnabas and Saul the most. It always costs to do God’s will…it just costs more not to. Paul went on to be perhaps the greatest missionary who ever lived.

I could go on and on about the wonderful principles taught in Experiencing God. If you have taken it before, you know what I am talking about. If you have not…I hope you will sign up for the next course!


Praise the Lord for a wonderful Holy Week “This Changes Everything”. The Children’s musical was precious and wonderfully attended. Blessings were received all around. Marty and the Praise Team were outstanding at the Good Friday Worship service. It was a very meaningful worship experience. And then of course…Resurrection Sunday. The Worship Center was packed from top to bottom. Many of our members gave up their seats so others could sit. You make a pastor so happy. Thank you all. We baptized three adults and had inspiring music. What a day of rejoicing.

See you Sunday, another Sunday when we celebrate His resurrection! Every day we worship on the Lord’s Day/Sunday, we are recognizing the resurrection!

Pastor Tom