Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Come, Follow Me: Discipleship @ JIBC

The Great Commission of the Church is to “Go and make disciples”. Somehow in the “Come, follow me” invitation is the task of making disciples. On Sunday mornings I am going through a 5 week series I am calling “Come, Follow Me: Discipleship @JIBC”. The goal is to paint a picture of what a disciple looks like. If making disciples is our business, how is business going? How are we doing in the task of making disciples that make disciples that make our community a better place to live? 

We are starting with the question of “What does a disciple look like?” Each week I am giving a few more pieces of the puzzle. Two weeks ago, we started with the key word BELONG. A disciple is someone who Believes (trusts, surrenders, commits to) in the Lord Jesus Christ; they have been BAPTIZED into the family of God; and the BELONG in God’s household with every other believer. I believe we are all created with a longing for belonging.

This past week the key word was BECOME. A disciple is someone who BECOMES more and more like Jesus as they follow him. It was God’s intention from the beginning of creation that we be made into His image and conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. How does that process work? The work of the Holy Spirit of God changes our hearts. How? Through the regular, ongoing reading of the divinely inspired Word of God, the Holy Spirit of God begins His work. The Bible is read for transformation, not information. DAILY BIBLE READING is essential to being a disciple and for becoming more like Jesus. PRAYER is perhaps the second way the Spirit of God works in and through us. Discipleship and prayer cannot be separated. Don’t look at prayer as our way to change God’s mind and actions. Look at prayer as the way the Spirit of God changes our minds and actions. Prayer moves us to where God is working and to be involved in what God is blessing. The third way of becoming more like Jesus is be becoming a GENEROUS GIVER. Tithing is not the goal of New Testament giving. Tithing 10% is the way you demonstrate that everything you have belongs to God. Not just 10% but 100%. It is all His and we are His managers. Allow me to share a word of pastoral caution about tithing. The tithe is never yours to decide what to do with. It would be spiritually unwise to “hold your tithe” or to “designate” your tithe. You may hold or designate something that belongs to you. The tithe belongs to the Lord. Even then, remember, the tithe is not the goal of your giving. It is the beginning of you becoming a generous giver. Biblical examples, teaching and reason should lead us to give our tithe to the local church where we worship, serve and fellowship. Offerings could be given to other ministries. At any rate, to become more like Jesus, we become generous givers. Last, we must be CONNECTED to become more like Jesus. No one grows in isolation. We need each other and we are indeed better together.

What does a disciple look like? He believes, is baptized, belongs and is becoming more and more like Jesus.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, July 25, 2018



This past week work on the Fellowship Hall renovations was started. It was such an interesting process to see the work in progress. If, and we emphasize the word if, all things go well, we should be able to be back in the Fellowship Hall this Sunday, July 29. Now, repeat after me: “Started but not completed”. If you go back to see the new floor, remember there is no new paint, no new fixtures, ceiling, lights, etc. As of today we believe we will have the new tile floor down by this Sunday. That will allow us to set up the two Adult Bible Study Classes and be able to serve the meal at Celebrate Recovery. And, best news ever…coffee will be served Sunday morning. That is the plan as of today. But in construction world, things beyond our control change. So stay flexible.

Please keep in mind that the new flooring is just the first part of the Fellowship Hall renovation. But in good time, all things will come together. When it is complete, we will have a ribbon cutting and celebration. I really do believe you will love the finished project.

Now, let’s get ready for another significant, but temporary, challenge. Any day now we could start the new entrance and the installation of the elevator. That will be quite a project. For the next two months we will not be using the Plymouth Avenue side entrance. You can still enter the church through the front doors, the atrium doors, the youth fire escape and the back floor by the Genesis Class room. Just remember, this too shall pass. Again, when it is all said and done, this will be such a welcome addition to our church facilities.

Daring Faith was more than just the name of our last church wide discipleship emphasis. It was an accurate phrase used to describe what we were undertaking. Trying to elevate the faith of our church family while raising almost $500,00 to do some much needed renovations to our buildings and grounds. Thank you for your generous giving to make this happen. Some were able to give one time offerings that helped us double the largest single offering ever given in JIBC history. Some are giving a monthly offering. And still others were giving by faith trusting God to provide what they currently do not have. If you can, please consider giving a cash gift now. The more we can pay for as we go, the less we have to borrow from the bank and the ore we save on interest. So far, we have been able to pay for all the renovations without borrowing a penny. Well done!

See you Sunday, looking at the new floors…I hope.

Pastor Tom

Friday, July 20, 2018


Our hats off and our sincere thanks to all who made the Sunday Anniversary Picnic such a wonderful success. I think everyone had a great time. The attendance was great and the weather was beautiful. Thank you to Susan Warren and Janie Brown for organizing the large number of hard working volunteers. Many hands make light work. You all sure made it look easy…and we know it was not. Thank you from all of us that enjoyed the wonderful day. I am so happy to be a part of a church family that loves one another. People sat and talked for hours. By the way, how cool was it to celebrate believer’s baptism on Anniversary Sunday. Such a beautiful young family God has added to the JIBC family. Welcome Wally and Ashley.

We do not know the exact dates so let’s say sooner rather than later! Any time now construction could begin on the next two major Daring Faith Renovation Projects. Both of them could rearrange your usual traffic pattern in attending Bible Study and worship. There are two projects that could be happening at the same time. 

First, the Fellowship Hall. This is predicted to be the dustiest project you can imagine. So when it begins Rose Haselden’s Class and Fred Roark’s Class (Genesis) are very likely to be temporarily displaced. Rose’s class will meet at the Transition House for the few weeks of construction. Hopefully only two weeks. We will see. The temporary location of the Genesis class is TBA. We are working hard on the details. For the two weeks of construction, you will not be able to enter the Fellowship Hall through the double doors in the main hallway by the water fountain. Deep breath and remember…this too shall pass. As soon as we know we will try to let you know.

Second, the new entrance and elevator is coming…maybe at the same time. So, for a month or so, we will not be able to use the Plymouth Avenue side door entrance. That is the side door closest to the oak trees. If we could, let’s all of us able bodied folks park on the Plymouth Avenue side of the church and let those who need to (Senior Adults, people with children, special needs, etc) park on the front paved parking lot. Please note, this project will take longer that the Fellowship Hall. So, we will be without this exit for well over a month. This too shall pass…like a kidney stone, but it shall pass. Be patient and rejoice, be patient and rejoice and again I say be patient and rejoice.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Here we go, ready or …of course we are ready! This Sunday will be a great day to give thank to our Heavenly Father for the part of His Church known as James Island Baptist Church. For 71 years the faithful have been seeking to join God in His mission to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world. I do love that about JIBC…outward focused, loving fellowship and a desire to live out the Word of God. God has been so good to His people.

This Sunday the schedule will be exactly the same as far as Sunday School/Connection Groups. We meet at 9:45 as usual. Then we gather for worship at 11…just as we usually do. We will celebrate believer’s baptism and observe the Lord’s Supper together. THEN THE PICNIC! Dress casual so you can join us at the James Island County Park at the Edisto Shelter. The Edisto Shelter can seat around 300 people inside and it is air conditioned! There will also be seating outside at the picnic tables under the oaks. Weather permitting; there will be some outdoor children’s activities. A new little twist at this year’s picnic will be the time of singing and drawings for some really neat door prizes. You do have to be present and inside for the prize drawings. This will add a little spice to the picnic. Serving tents will be outside, but we will fix our plates and find a place inside the Edisto Shelter. Enjoy the fellowship, get to know some new faces and enjoy the cookout. If you bring anything, just bring a dessert. Please make sure it is pre-sliced and ready to serve since we are not at the JIBC Kitchen will all of our serving supplies! I am looking forward to another great anniversary celebration. I do hope you will join us!


JIBC Church kids will be off to CentriKid Camp at Gardner Webb University on Monday, July 16. I can tell you from first-hand experience, that is a fantastic camp and our kids will have a blast as they grow closer to Christ and to each other. I am hoping that Janie and I can take off Wednesday night after she gets off work and join our kids for the full day of camp on Thursday. I so want Janie to see and experience this camp. Pray for our entire team of leaders and children: ask the Lord for safety and smooth traveling with no vehicle issues; pray for hearts to be drawn ever closer to our Heavenly Father; pray for those who might make first steps toward becoming a follower of Jesus. See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Thursday, July 5, 2018


We are less than 2 weeks away from our 71st Church Anniversary. This year we will celebrate on Sunday, July 15. Join us at JIBC for Bible Study—Connection Groups at 9:45 and Worship at 11:00. We are planning to observe the Lord’s Supper and celebrate believers baptism. What a great day at JIBC.

Then everyone is invited to join us for the church wide picnic in the air-conditioned Edisto Hall at the James Island County Park. Food tents will greet you as you arrive and fellowship will await you around the tables! This year we are adding a little twist of fun. We will have giveaways and live music at announced times. Marie Smith has done a fabulous job in getting great donations for the day. You will want the ticket you will be given as you go to the food tents. There will be activities for the kids as well. Those who choose can enjoy the cookout under the oak trees at the picnic tables. It should be a wonderful, wonderful day.
ON MISSION magazine is published by our North American Mission Board. They have an article called “The Pulse”. Here are some of the, let’s say, interesting items reported. (1) Teen Depression. The American Academy of Pediatrics is now recommending teens between the ages of 12 and 21 be assessed every year for mental health disorders. Suicide has become the third leading cause of death among young people in the United States. (2) Stress and Prayer. Americans surveyed said their stress level is 4.5 out of 10, but only 29% say they turn to prayer in times of stress. “Oh what needless pains we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer”. (3) A study of 27,000 people worldwide showed that having close friends in old age was a stronger predictor of physical and emotional health than close family connections. Connection Groups…they are good for your health!

This Sunday we conclude our study of 1 John: You May Know. The message this Sunday will focus on how to know you are a child of God. Looking forward to seeing you, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom