Wednesday, April 29, 2020


That is a great question and I wish I had a great answer. Like the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus, we know every day brings us one day closer than we were. So, let’s talk about the process of re-entering the worship time together. Two things before we begin. First, the staff discusses the when and how every time we are have staff meetings, whether by Zoom or in person. When we meet in person we meet in the Fellowship Hall and sit at different tables. Really! The second thing is our awareness that there are churches meeting as usual, having drive-in services and finding other ways to worship. I see that but I do not envy that. I am one that thinks this pandemic Covid 19 is actually as bad if not worse than the officials are telling us. In 6 weeks we have had almost as many deaths as in the Korean War or Vietnam. I am not the least bit comforted in the statement that most of those who died had pre-existing health issues. They are still someone’s loved one. So, how will we decide when to re-enter worship together. As you might guess, we will try to use some Biblical wisdom and principles.

First: Romans 13:1 says “Let everyone submit to the governing authorities.” I am not likely to be one of those pastor’s who is jailed or fined because I refused to follow guidelines designed to keep me and my flock alive and healthy! Even with the sometimes confusing and mixed messages, I am still going to depend on our National, State and Local leaders to give helpful direction. The Charleston Baptist Association is helping to provide access to leaders (government, lawyers, medical, children’s specialist, etc) that can give wise leadership.

Second, let’s look at 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 “Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible but not everything builds up. No one is to seek his own good but the good of the other person.” I am trying to wear my mask in public and even have taken lessons on the right and wrong way to wear gloves. I am not being a recluse but I am not trying to be careless. Wearing a mask is a polite thing to do for the other person….not seeking my own good but seeking the good of the other person. Mass gatherings provide a great target for this virus. We might have a constitutional right to assemble…it just might not be the smartest, healthiest thing to do…right now.

Third, Philippians 4:5 says “Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.” Some translations say “graciousness”, let your reasonable and gracious ways be known to all. What makes sense? Let’s be reasonable and gracious. Most would have no reason to ever think of this, but churches that meet in defiance to governing authorities could end with liability issues that were unnecessary. Let’s be wise in our decisions. Proverbs 15:22 says “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed”. We will seek the counsel of godly advisers. When we open, it will be with the blessing of our Staff, our Elders and other church leaders. We will be looking for the input of governing officials, attorneys, mayors, child care specialist, etc.

We want our witness to the cause of Christ to be strong. We do not want it to be negatively affected because we moved quickly in defiance of wise counsel. I am so looking forward to being back with you. Hugs, smiles, joy, worship, praise are among the things I miss the most. But until then, keep practicing social distancing, wash your hands thoroughly and often, don’t touch your face and say your prayers!

Love you all,


Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Have you heard that phrase tossed around a time or two lately? For some, that seems to be the only salve that can be put on the disruption caused by the pandemic virus, Covid-19. It seems we will all be dealing with a new normal…whatever that might be. 

So, let’s start with what might be the obvious statements. Some of us loved the old normal and will be sad to see it changed. Part of me is hoping to hold on to my favorite parts of the old normal while gladly getting rid of other parts that were not working so well. Others are the opposite. They were not all that thrilled with the old normal and will gladly take a chance at shuffling the deck again and hoping for a better hand! Reality check: buckle up there will be some adjusting coming our way, some no doubt will be easier to accept than others. So, don’t be surprised if you find yourself grieving over losing a level of comfort found in our old normal.

I don’t know that I can accurately come close to describing all the ways the new normal might affect us as a church family. The staff is already burning brain cells trying to prepare our hearts and minds for whatever is coming. We will be meeting with leaders to add to the mix. After all, our leaders will be dealing with new normal in their own families and businesses too.

I find myself dealing with a little bit of denial…maybe things in church will end up very close to how it use to be. Oh, how I would like to think that could be true. On this particular day, I am planning, for the first time in my ministry a funeral that can only be attended by less than 10 people. I have not made a hospital visit in over a month. That is a first in my 45 year ministry. There are lesser questions like “will we still pass the offering plate” while getting used to this new normal? Will we go back to two worship services in order to meet suggested gathering sizes? As the old rock & roller used to say: “goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!”

I am not trying to borrow trouble from tomorrow. I am trying to say it is time to plan and prepare…not panic. You know what will not change? God’s love for you will not change; the ministry of the Holy Spirit to lead His Church to carry out the Great Commission will not change; our call to go, make disciples, to reach, to teach, to minister to one another, to help the poor, to be the hands and feet of Christ will not change. What might change is the way we do it. I might like parts of, and even most of, the old normal. But I do not worship what is normal. I worship God who is above whatever is normal, new or old. I worship a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever more. We worship a God who specializes in turning our mess into a message, our trials into triumphs, our test into a testimony. We cannot second guess what the new normal will be like. We can make a commitment to plan and prepare…not panic.


Pastor Tom

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Let’s See What We Can Do

We have received word from James Island Outreach that they are in need of food items. In particular, they are in need of: jelly, jiffy corn bread mix, pancake mix, juice, instant potatoes, saltines, cereal, canned potatoes, canned mixed veggies (no green beans or corn).
Now, I like a challenge. I think that we could get them a ton, literally 2,000 pounds of food, if we just put our hearts and minds to it. So, I am committed to P.U.S.H….Pray Until Something Happens! I will do my best to send a letter out by the end of the week. Some of you might actually get my letter before you get the weekly Church Messenger. By then, I hope to have a plan in place as to how we might do this together! Here is what I am thinking today since we have limited access to drop food off at the church and it is not a good idea to come around to pick it up from your home. In that letter will be a stamped envelope addressed back to James Island Baptist. It will have something inside that will let you send us your prayer request, make an offering to help feed the underserved at James Island Outreach and/or include a tithe and offering gift for ongoing church ministries and missions. We have volunteers who will go and do shopping for James Island Outreach! The order to shelter in place/stay home only slowed us down a little. Missions and ministry continue on…albeit in a little different way!

In Case You Missed It We have former members of JIBC who have been serving for many years in International Missions. Apparently there was a security breech at some point and their names were associated with our mission agency. That is one reason we will not mention their names here. They are no longer allowed to return to the country where they have served for a couple of decades. This is a set back to the effort to reach one of the largest people groups in the world. While certain missionaries may not be allowed back we can know the Gospel will continue to go forward unhindered. Prayers appreciated.

Guard Your Heart “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”  Proverbs 4:23
During this time of change caused by the Corona Virus/Covid-19, I encourage you to guard your hearts. The only people who really like change are babies with wet diapers! This amount of change can be stressful and can affect you physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and socially. So, guard your heart. Spend time in prayer and praise, read His Word, exercise when you can, call someone to chat (one friend of mine has made over 90 calls during this time), try to be productive (we tackled a closet that we have not opened in over 20 years). This time has affected me emotionally more than anticipated. So I keep doing what I know to do…guard my heart!

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Is this just the weirdest times you can ever remember? I know the virus is the topic de jour and it is for good reason. This is the only pandemic that I can remember in my lifetime. The consequences on me and my family have only been inconvenient. For some the cost has been deadly and devastating. I am praying for our national leaders, the researchers, world leaders, health care providers, truck drivers, and anyone else considered essential to helping end this plague! I have nothing but love for any and all who are helping and I have no time for the critic. Let me repeat myself: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of our country. God bless everyone who is doing their part to make a difference.

We are trying to stay in contact with our church family. If you know of anyone who has needs we might be able to meet, please let us know. We would rather hear it two or three times than not hear about it once.

STAY IN TOUCH Your church staff is trying our best to avoid being in the office and are cooperating with the call to shelter at home…the best we can. Neale has the phones covered and all of your staff can be reached by phone, email or Facebook. Our team has done a good job at pre-recording Sunday’s service. This will be the first Resurrection Sunday/Easter Sunday I have not been present with our church family in 35 years. You can still watch the service by going to the church website (, going to YouTube, or one of our Facebook pages. I am sure there are other places as well. If you are having trouble sleeping, you can go to my Facebook page and listen to the daily devotionals I have posted there!

Don’t forget to call someone today. You need them and they need you. I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet so take this for what it is worth.

THREE THINGS YOU CAN DO I do believe the worst two weeks are directly in front of us. We know there are three things each of us can do to make a tremendous difference. One, shelter in place as much as possible: stay at home and limit the number of targets this virus has. Number two: wash your hands often and thoroughly. Now do it again. Bring in the mail? Wash your hands 20 seconds with soap and water. Someone came to your house? Wipe down everywhere they went and then wash your hands. It sounds so simple yet it is the #2 way to beat this virus. Number three: DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE (EYES, NOSE, MOUTH). Again, sounds so simple yet it is very hard to do. One reason to wear a mask is to remind yourself not to touch your face. I am trying to treat everyone like I am the one who has the virus. I don’t think you have it, I will just act like I have it and I love you too much to give it to you. So I will avoid being around you for a short period of time.

Read Psalm 91 again today. Pray it as a prayer. Share it as a blessing.

Looking forward to catching up on all the hugs and handshakes!

Pastor Tom