Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Have you heard that phrase tossed around a time or two lately? For some, that seems to be the only salve that can be put on the disruption caused by the pandemic virus, Covid-19. It seems we will all be dealing with a new normal…whatever that might be. 

So, let’s start with what might be the obvious statements. Some of us loved the old normal and will be sad to see it changed. Part of me is hoping to hold on to my favorite parts of the old normal while gladly getting rid of other parts that were not working so well. Others are the opposite. They were not all that thrilled with the old normal and will gladly take a chance at shuffling the deck again and hoping for a better hand! Reality check: buckle up there will be some adjusting coming our way, some no doubt will be easier to accept than others. So, don’t be surprised if you find yourself grieving over losing a level of comfort found in our old normal.

I don’t know that I can accurately come close to describing all the ways the new normal might affect us as a church family. The staff is already burning brain cells trying to prepare our hearts and minds for whatever is coming. We will be meeting with leaders to add to the mix. After all, our leaders will be dealing with new normal in their own families and businesses too.

I find myself dealing with a little bit of denial…maybe things in church will end up very close to how it use to be. Oh, how I would like to think that could be true. On this particular day, I am planning, for the first time in my ministry a funeral that can only be attended by less than 10 people. I have not made a hospital visit in over a month. That is a first in my 45 year ministry. There are lesser questions like “will we still pass the offering plate” while getting used to this new normal? Will we go back to two worship services in order to meet suggested gathering sizes? As the old rock & roller used to say: “goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!”

I am not trying to borrow trouble from tomorrow. I am trying to say it is time to plan and prepare…not panic. You know what will not change? God’s love for you will not change; the ministry of the Holy Spirit to lead His Church to carry out the Great Commission will not change; our call to go, make disciples, to reach, to teach, to minister to one another, to help the poor, to be the hands and feet of Christ will not change. What might change is the way we do it. I might like parts of, and even most of, the old normal. But I do not worship what is normal. I worship God who is above whatever is normal, new or old. I worship a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever more. We worship a God who specializes in turning our mess into a message, our trials into triumphs, our test into a testimony. We cannot second guess what the new normal will be like. We can make a commitment to plan and prepare…not panic.


Pastor Tom