Friday, May 26, 2023


This past Sunday I started a new teaching series entitled “No One Fights Alone”. I really struggled with the title since I know there are a lot of people who fight life’s battles alone. Some of us battle with health issues or mental health issues; others battle with family issues; still others battle with work place issues; and on and on we go. It is tough enough to fight battles. It is twice as tough if you think you are fighting them alone.

So here is my suggestion: “No One Fights Alone” is a vision, a goal, something we work toward. We know it is not yet reality for everyone, but we also know it is a blessed reality for many. I use the example of an emotional support dog. Their job is to be there to provide comfort, safety, familiarity, calm, relieve loneliness, help with depression and anxiety. I love that idea.

Now dream with me: What if we were an emotional support church; an emotional support Connection Group; an emotional support friend? What if we could say “No One Fights Alone”? You know you are in a place that loves you, prays for you, hugs you, cries with you, or can be silent with you? No one fights alone. It may not be the reality but it can sure be the goal, the vision, our purpose and intent. NO ONE FIGHT ALONE.

I will be teaching from some great Biblical stories that teach us that no one HAS TO fight alone in God’s Family. We ended the message with several actions any of us could take to prevent feeling lonely and feeling like we have to fight alone.


Sunday, June 18th at 6:30 PM we will be hosting a Mental Health Awareness event here at JIBC. We will have two guest counselors presenting. We always begin with a Fellowship Meal. This meal is being catered free of charge. To come to the Fellowship Meal, all you have to do is register so we can make sure there is enough food. You do not have to come to the meal to come to the teaching time. The Mental Health Conference will begin at 6:30 PM in the Worship Center. The meeting will end a little before 8 PM. Come on out and join us….and bring a friend. Why? Because No One Fights Alone!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Friday, May 19, 2023


I just completed a teaching series I called “Heroes or Villains of the Passion”. We talked about four villains: Judas, Pilate, Herod and Barabbas. Without Christ, there is a villain in each of us…right?

But we also talked about the heroes of the Passion, the people and characters that were around the cross. The first was, of course, our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. Then, the unlikely hero, Mary Magdalene who was among the last at the cross and the first at the tomb; the first to see our Resurrected Lord Jesus; and the first to tell the Good News story of Jesus’ resurrection! Then we looked at Thomas, Peter, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus and Mary, the mother of Jesus. I hope this series helped us learn more about the characters around the cross and about our own lives as followers of Jesus.

OK, but what is next? So here is my plan…I hope and pray that it is God’s plan, too! The next teaching series will be entitled: Nobody Fights Alone: Tapping in, not tapping out! The idea is that in God’s Family there is no need to take on life’s battles alone. So, let’s take a look at God’s strategy for fighting and doing battle with the world. You know God already knows the battles we will fight. His Word has the resources we need. Let’s spend the next 6 weeks getting ready for the battle!

I don’t think I have ever seen more Migrant Hygiene Kits that what you all are brining to JIBC. Our Mission Teams are leading us to participate in providing the kits to be given out at the Migrant Camps in the Low Country. Pastor Claudio and his church family will be actively engaging the Migrants passing through our areas including Johns Island, Edisto and Walterboro. I have often said that our Hispanic Church, Luz y Verdad, may not be the largest Hispanic Church in Charleston, but I do believe they are the most evangelical. They are as committed to sharing the Good News as any group I have ever seen. Thank you for being a part of the mission and ministry.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Friday, May 12, 2023


This Sunday is Mother’s Day. What a wonderful day to remember and give thanks. My mom has been in her eternal home for a lot of years. I still enjoy thinking about her and remembering all the things she tried to teach me. I do not take it for granted that Janie and I were blessed with moms who worked hard, with our dads, to provide a home and a house for our family. If your mom is still with you, give her some extra love this Sunday. If your mom is not here or you just cannot give your mom some love, find a single mom and share some love with her. I suspect it will be greatly appreciated. A big shout out to all the moms…WE LOVE YOU!

Let’s go crazy with the next idea…come to church with mom this Sunday. Any Sunday is a good Sunday to join us in worship. This Sunday could be an exceptional one. We have a special tribute video from some of our kids to their moms. You gotta be there! The message Sunday will be about Mary, the Mother of Jesus; we will have carnations for all the moms; a special video tribute, and the introduction of a brand new ministry…oops, almost told you too much. Please make every effort to be here with us this Sunday.

Last, but certainly not least, we will have a prospective Associate Pastor and his wife with us Sunday. We have had several video interviews with him and are now ready for them to come and visit James Island Baptist and to see the community. In our language, we are still “dating” so there is really no pressure on anyone for this meeting. We are looking forward to them meeting the staff, seeing the campus and showing them around town. If this meeting goes well, we will set up another meeting that will involve our leadership teams and some fellowship opportunities. So, remember, we are just on a date…we are not “engaged” yet. (lol)


Janie and I will be hosting an informational meeting about the upcoming trip to the Holy Land. The trip is scheduled for February—March of 2024. We have had about 40 express a real interest in joining us. If you are interested come on and join us either Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 or Sunday, May 21 at 6:30. Both meetings will be identical. Come on and check it out if you are interested.


Pastor Tom

Friday, May 5, 2023


This Sunday, May 7 we will host an open house for the Transition House. For those who are new to James Island Baptist or are not aware, JIBC sponsors a “Transition House” on our church campus. It is the brick house located at 202 Plymouth Avenue.

Years ago we were blessed to be able to purchase this home from the Alton Parker family after the Parkers had both passed away. It was used to house a homeless family, for Senior Adult classes, part of VBS while we were under construction, emergency shelter during hurricanes and maybe a few more great causes. In 2011 we took a giant leap of faith and opened up a Transition House for women, with infants, on step down drugs who completed their time at the Charleston Center Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center. Our dear friend, Marsha Cline came to live with us while she helped to get the ministry up and running. Numerous people have helped in renovations, furnishing, repairing, etc. It was and still is a labor of love. It is a 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. It can house as many as 4 women but we have found the best results when it houses 2 women with their infants/children.

We have been blessed with welcoming 38 women and just about that many infants and children. We are not their last stop…we are their first stop on the road to recovery. For some, we are their first stop with a church family that shares with them the Higher Power named Jesus!

We currently have a Transition House/Opportunity House Team to help lead in this ministry. It is without a doubt one of the hardest ministries I have ever been associated with. I compare it to riding a bull for the full 8 seconds: it is not likely that you will last all 8 seconds, but when you do, there is a beautiful reward. God has been good to allow us to see some beautiful life change in several of these women. Some have become personal friends with many of us here at JIBC.

The house has been re-furnished and wonderfully cleaned. It is ready for you to come on by, drop in to see the resource you offer to those in great need. We have some little gift items for you to pick up when you drop in.


First, we are expecting a prospective Associate Pastor to visit JIBC on Mother’s Day, May 14. This is not the more official visits, it is kind of a “let’s get to know each other a little better” kind of visit. If this visit goes well, then we would, sooner, rather than later, have some more official visits. We have had maybe 4 or 5 visit JIBC so far. Having them visit JIBC has proven to be a good method of discerning the Lord’s will and making decisions. Please keep us in your prayers.

Second, by popular demand, we are planning a trip to Israel, the Holy Land on February 23, 2024. We have already had almost 40 express a strong interest in going. We will have an information meeting on Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30; the second will be Sunday, May 21 at 6:30. Both meetings will be the same and will meet in the Fellowship Hall, Room F102.

See you Sunday, Pastor Tom