Thursday, April 27, 2023

Celebrate Recovery

“He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.’ Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. He began by saying to them, ‘Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.’” Luke 4:16-21 (NIV)

Someone not associated with James Island Baptist asked if Celebrate Recovery was really the kind of ministry we wanted to have at James Island Baptist. This was followed by a second question: “Is that really the kind of people you want your church family and guests to see?”

I have several thoughts on that line of questioning…as you might imagine. First, read or re-read the above Scripture. This is what many call Jesus’ inaugural sermon. Here is his target, his goal, his vision, his values, his heart: prisoners, the blind, the oppressed, the poor…he could have continued a long time with his list. He came for the sick and the unrighteous. He hung out with sinners, prostitutes, thieving tax collectors. He freed the demon possessed. Yes, these are the type of people Jesus loves and wants to reach, redeem and restore.

My second thought: “I am one of ‘those’ people”. A church called Dorchester Waylyn Baptist took a chance on reaching out to a delinquent teenager. I was a prisoner to my sin; blind to the goodness and grace of God; oppressed by my own bad choices; spiritually poor and broken. I am so glad Bob Morris had room in his heart and theology to want one of “those people” to come to a camp with the other teenagers. At that camp, my life was changed, my sins were forgiven, I had a group to help me make it.

We had around 45 in Celebrate Recovery this last Sunday Night. My guess, there was a Tom hiding somewhere in that group. Thank you for being the kind of church that welcomes “those kind of people” and for recognizing we are all “those kind of people”. (Romans 3:23)

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom


Friday, April 21, 2023


For today’s article, I have three items that I would like to share. Maybe one or more of them will be of interest to you. Let’s give it a shot.

First, we would like to host an open house for the James Island Baptist Transition House. The furnishings have been upgraded and the house is in as good of shape as ever. For those who are new to the JIBC family, we operate a Transition House/Opportunity House for women who are coming out of the Charleston Center Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center. We offer housing and support to mothers with infants who are on “step down drugs”. When we first opened the Transition house, we were the only place in town offering this service. We have had 38 women and just about 38 children go through this ministry. The Charleston Center has not been able to send us anyone since the Covid crisis. So, while we have an empty house, I thought it might be good to have an open house. Sunday, May 7 we will have the house open after the 9 AM worship service and after the 11 AM Worship Service. No reservation needed. Just drop by and see the resource you have given to our Father in Heaven.

Second, we need miracle working organizers to help with a project. JIBC has a “flower/decorating” storage closet. It has vases, candles, table cloths, artificial flowers, globes, giraffes (just seeing if you are still reading, lol). Every year or two, this closet needs a serious makeover. Sounds easy doesn’t it? It is a challenge like any home organization project. Interested? Please call our Office Manager, Neale Young. She will make sure your tetanus shots are up to date! Lol This could be a great project for an individual, a ministry team or a Connection Group.

Third, but so very important. I am asking the Safety Team and the Greeter team meet with me on Wednesday, May 3rd. That gives anyone interested two weeks to plan on attending the meeting. By the way, we will feed you at our Wednesday night fellowship. These are two teams that have not met for a while and have some loose ends that need to be tied up. The free meal will be served starting at 5:30-6:15. Our meeting will be held in the room right off the Fellowship hall in Room F102. If you have any interest or talent related to these two ministries, please make an effort to be present. The Safety Team does just that...they add to the safety of our church families particularly on Sunday mornings. There are currently around 10 people on the Safety Team. Some on out and join us. Did I mention there was free food?

The Greeter Team is another team we really enjoy having as a part of our Worship experiences. Some of you would be absolutely perfect for this Team. No obligation, just come and hear what they are doing and what they need to continue to do a great job!

Love you all.

Pastor Tom

Friday, April 14, 2023

Passion Week

This year’s Passion Week Celebration was one of the best I can remember. While Janie and I were on vacation, we had the opportunity to have an evening meal with a prospective staff member. As we were leaving them he replied “It looks like you all (JIBC) will have a busy week this week.” I thought about my schedule and said “How so?” He had been looking at our Church App and saw the calendar of events for Passion Week. “Oh yes, some of our members and staff will be very busy.” We celebrated Palm Sunday, then we had the Resurrection Party for Children (they were able to “observe” the Passover Seder; then the Good Friday Service; the Saturday Community Easter Egg Hunt; and then Resurrection Sunday Celebration; concluding with Celebrate Recovery Sunday night. Wow, I think he was right, this was a very busy week. A big thanks to all the staff and their teams that made all that happen. Well done, good and faithful servants. It was really a wonderful week. He is risen, He is risen indeed.

By the way, it was a lot of fun having 400 people in worship Sunday. Anyone who was visiting surely went away feeling like they had been in the presence of our Lord. The praise team and our tech team did an outstanding job. Wow and wow again! Well done.

The Search Continues…I mentioned that Janie and I had the opportunity to meet a prospective staff member and his wife. Neale and I have had multiple conversations with people that we think are excellent prospects. We have had several come to visit us here at JIBC and we have a few more coming in the near future. We are feeling very encouraged by the quality of the people we are meeting and interviewing. We do not have anyone that we think is “the one”. We do, however, have several that we think our church family would love.

The process is very slow and deliberate. We are in what I call the dating stage. It may be a few more months before we get to the “engagement” where we bring someone in to meet the staff and leadership in a more formal way. There is an old saying that fits here: “Better to want it and not have it, than to have it and not want it.” Know what I mean? It is better to be slow and deliberate. The staff has given me good counsel to go slow and take our time. As the Word says “He makes all things beautiful in His time”. We feel sure he will do just that.

See you this Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Thursday, April 6, 2023


I am so looking forward to this year’s Good Friday service and Resurrection Sunday. Good Friday service will be from 6 PM to 7 PM. It will consist of praise and worship songs that focus on the great love of our Heavenly father and our Lord Jesus Christ. There is an old saying “there can never be a feast without a sacrifice”. We have certainly feasted on the riches and glories of our Lord and Savior. Good Friday is an opportunity to focus on the sacrifice that made the feast possible. We will begin the service with the Lord’s Supper and then read the stories about the villains of the passion, concluding our 5 week teachings “Heroes and Villains of the Passion”. I hope you will be able to join us.

Then, “Up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph over his foes! “ Can you guess which Hero of the Passion we will focus on this Resurrection Sunday? You got it! We will celebrate the Hero of all Eternity, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Remember, this is a great service to invite a friend, a family member, a co-worker or neighbor. It will be a celebration of God’s great love for us all. I have shared with you before about my own family blessing. The only time I ever remember my family worshipping together was on a Good Friday service here at James Island Baptist Church. I was so happy I asked and even more happy they said yes! You know anyone you invite will here great music celebrating God’s goodness and a message that clearly presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I know our azaleas bloomed crazy early this year. If you have any flowers left in your yard, or in a nice neighbor’s yard, would you bring a few of them for the flowering of the cross? We have a special old rugged cross that will be transformed into a beautiful reminder of what our Father has done for us! Just bring your flowers to the Worship Center before the 9:00 service and the 11:00 service. Our volunteers will help place them on the cross.

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom