I am so looking forward to this year’s Good Friday service and Resurrection Sunday. Good Friday service will be from 6 PM to 7 PM. It will consist of praise and worship songs that focus on the great love of our Heavenly father and our Lord Jesus Christ. There is an old saying “there can never be a feast without a sacrifice”. We have certainly feasted on the riches and glories of our Lord and Savior. Good Friday is an opportunity to focus on the sacrifice that made the feast possible. We will begin the service with the Lord’s Supper and then read the stories about the villains of the passion, concluding our 5 week teachings “Heroes and Villains of the Passion”. I hope you will be able to join us.
Then, “Up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph over his foes! “ Can you guess which Hero of the Passion we will focus on this Resurrection Sunday? You got it! We will celebrate the Hero of all Eternity, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Remember, this is a great service to invite a friend, a family member, a co-worker or neighbor. It will be a celebration of God’s great love for us all. I have shared with you before about my own family blessing. The only time I ever remember my family worshipping together was on a Good Friday service here at James Island Baptist Church. I was so happy I asked and even more happy they said yes! You know anyone you invite will here great music celebrating God’s goodness and a message that clearly presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ.FLOWERING THE CROSS
I know our azaleas bloomed crazy early this year. If you have any flowers left in your yard, or in a nice neighbor’s yard, would you bring a few of them for the flowering of the cross? We have a special old rugged cross that will be transformed into a beautiful reminder of what our Father has done for us! Just bring your flowers to the Worship Center before the 9:00 service and the 11:00 service. Our volunteers will help place them on the cross.
He is risen! He is risen indeed!
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom