Friday, May 19, 2023


I just completed a teaching series I called “Heroes or Villains of the Passion”. We talked about four villains: Judas, Pilate, Herod and Barabbas. Without Christ, there is a villain in each of us…right?

But we also talked about the heroes of the Passion, the people and characters that were around the cross. The first was, of course, our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. Then, the unlikely hero, Mary Magdalene who was among the last at the cross and the first at the tomb; the first to see our Resurrected Lord Jesus; and the first to tell the Good News story of Jesus’ resurrection! Then we looked at Thomas, Peter, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus and Mary, the mother of Jesus. I hope this series helped us learn more about the characters around the cross and about our own lives as followers of Jesus.

OK, but what is next? So here is my plan…I hope and pray that it is God’s plan, too! The next teaching series will be entitled: Nobody Fights Alone: Tapping in, not tapping out! The idea is that in God’s Family there is no need to take on life’s battles alone. So, let’s take a look at God’s strategy for fighting and doing battle with the world. You know God already knows the battles we will fight. His Word has the resources we need. Let’s spend the next 6 weeks getting ready for the battle!

I don’t think I have ever seen more Migrant Hygiene Kits that what you all are brining to JIBC. Our Mission Teams are leading us to participate in providing the kits to be given out at the Migrant Camps in the Low Country. Pastor Claudio and his church family will be actively engaging the Migrants passing through our areas including Johns Island, Edisto and Walterboro. I have often said that our Hispanic Church, Luz y Verdad, may not be the largest Hispanic Church in Charleston, but I do believe they are the most evangelical. They are as committed to sharing the Good News as any group I have ever seen. Thank you for being a part of the mission and ministry.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom