We are trying to stay in contact with our church family. If you know of anyone who has needs we might be able to meet, please let us know. We would rather hear it two or three times than not hear about it once.
STAY IN TOUCH Your church staff is trying our best to avoid being in the office and are cooperating with the call to shelter at home…the best we can. Neale has the phones covered and all of your staff can be reached by phone, email or Facebook. Our team has done a good job at pre-recording Sunday’s service. This will be the first Resurrection Sunday/Easter Sunday I have not been present with our church family in 35 years. You can still watch the service by going to the church website (, going to YouTube, or one of our Facebook pages. I am sure there are other places as well. If you are having trouble sleeping, you can go to my Facebook page and listen to the daily devotionals I have posted there!
Don’t forget to call someone today. You need them and they need you. I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet so take this for what it is worth.
THREE THINGS YOU CAN DO I do believe the worst two weeks are directly in front of us. We know there are three things each of us can do to make a tremendous difference. One, shelter in place as much as possible: stay at home and limit the number of targets this virus has. Number two: wash your hands often and thoroughly. Now do it again. Bring in the mail? Wash your hands 20 seconds with soap and water. Someone came to your house? Wipe down everywhere they went and then wash your hands. It sounds so simple yet it is the #2 way to beat this virus. Number three: DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE (EYES, NOSE, MOUTH). Again, sounds so simple yet it is very hard to do. One reason to wear a mask is to remind yourself not to touch your face. I am trying to treat everyone like I am the one who has the virus. I don’t think you have it, I will just act like I have it and I love you too much to give it to you. So I will avoid being around you for a short period of time.
Read Psalm 91 again today. Pray it as a prayer. Share it as a blessing.
Looking forward to catching up on all the hugs and handshakes!
Pastor Tom