Wednesday, April 29, 2020


That is a great question and I wish I had a great answer. Like the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus, we know every day brings us one day closer than we were. So, let’s talk about the process of re-entering the worship time together. Two things before we begin. First, the staff discusses the when and how every time we are have staff meetings, whether by Zoom or in person. When we meet in person we meet in the Fellowship Hall and sit at different tables. Really! The second thing is our awareness that there are churches meeting as usual, having drive-in services and finding other ways to worship. I see that but I do not envy that. I am one that thinks this pandemic Covid 19 is actually as bad if not worse than the officials are telling us. In 6 weeks we have had almost as many deaths as in the Korean War or Vietnam. I am not the least bit comforted in the statement that most of those who died had pre-existing health issues. They are still someone’s loved one. So, how will we decide when to re-enter worship together. As you might guess, we will try to use some Biblical wisdom and principles.

First: Romans 13:1 says “Let everyone submit to the governing authorities.” I am not likely to be one of those pastor’s who is jailed or fined because I refused to follow guidelines designed to keep me and my flock alive and healthy! Even with the sometimes confusing and mixed messages, I am still going to depend on our National, State and Local leaders to give helpful direction. The Charleston Baptist Association is helping to provide access to leaders (government, lawyers, medical, children’s specialist, etc) that can give wise leadership.

Second, let’s look at 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 “Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible but not everything builds up. No one is to seek his own good but the good of the other person.” I am trying to wear my mask in public and even have taken lessons on the right and wrong way to wear gloves. I am not being a recluse but I am not trying to be careless. Wearing a mask is a polite thing to do for the other person….not seeking my own good but seeking the good of the other person. Mass gatherings provide a great target for this virus. We might have a constitutional right to assemble…it just might not be the smartest, healthiest thing to do…right now.

Third, Philippians 4:5 says “Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.” Some translations say “graciousness”, let your reasonable and gracious ways be known to all. What makes sense? Let’s be reasonable and gracious. Most would have no reason to ever think of this, but churches that meet in defiance to governing authorities could end with liability issues that were unnecessary. Let’s be wise in our decisions. Proverbs 15:22 says “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed”. We will seek the counsel of godly advisers. When we open, it will be with the blessing of our Staff, our Elders and other church leaders. We will be looking for the input of governing officials, attorneys, mayors, child care specialist, etc.

We want our witness to the cause of Christ to be strong. We do not want it to be negatively affected because we moved quickly in defiance of wise counsel. I am so looking forward to being back with you. Hugs, smiles, joy, worship, praise are among the things I miss the most. But until then, keep practicing social distancing, wash your hands thoroughly and often, don’t touch your face and say your prayers!

Love you all,
