Thursday, May 7, 2020


I am not quite there yet, but I do understand the emotions that are leading some people to protest! People are ready to get back to…everything: worship, work, recreation, the beach, the gym, restaurants, family, hospital visits, face to face encounters. We are so ready and so over Mr. Corona Virus. To those who are running on emotional fumes I would say “steady as she goes”. Now is not the time to give up, quit trying, slack off of prayers or lose hope. Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country! That was my rally cry a month ago and it is still my rally cry today. Steady as she goes: keep the faith, continue praying, look for opportunity to bless, be encouraging, act responsibly and be kind. Especially be kind!

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A GOOD BAPTIST? Have you heard that one? What does it take to be a good Baptist? You must be born again and own a good casserole dish! You know that even during a pandemic, the JIBC family is going to be all about the food. James Island Outreach was experiencing a shortage of food and an increase in clients because of the pandemic. In true JIBC style you gave generously. We organized a grocery shopping mission trip for the church staff. The idea was each of us would buy a grocery cart full of needed items for James Island Outeach. We did the shopping, but JIBC family donated the funds. Mission accomplished and you can see the video on Facebook…funny as it is! Before we returned to the office, JIBC family and friends gave another $1,500 for more groceries. So, I asked for 10 volunteers to join me again to go mission grocery shopping. We had 13 show up and bought right at 1,000 pounds of groceries. That made 1,500 pounds given in 7 days. Again, the offerings kept growing. Now I am asking for Jr. High and Sr. High students to join me in a mission grocery shopping trip. I want them to visit James Island Outreach to see the wonderful ministry and mission. My guess is that by next week, JIBC family and friends will have donated over 1 ton of groceries! To God be the glory.

HOW ABOUT OUR WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS? Chef Barry and his Kitchen Krew Warriors did not want the church family to forget about Wednesday night dinners. So they devised a plan to eat and do missions! Winner, winner, chicken dinner. The idea was to buy boxed dinners for you and your family and buy an extra one for someone you know: a veteran, a homebound, an unchurched neighbor. Boom! Instant success. This week we will be sending 10 dinners out to EMT workers in addition to the 100 meals prepared for JIBC and friends. Jesus kind of set the standard when he ate a meal with Matthew/Levi and his tax collecting buddies. Eating evangelism. Gotta love it.

Hang in there, we are one day closer to getting back together. We have a team being put together to make re-entry as safe as possible as soon as possible. Until then, be a blessing to someone and be kind.

Pastor Tom