Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Let’s See What We Can Do

We have received word from James Island Outreach that they are in need of food items. In particular, they are in need of: jelly, jiffy corn bread mix, pancake mix, juice, instant potatoes, saltines, cereal, canned potatoes, canned mixed veggies (no green beans or corn).
Now, I like a challenge. I think that we could get them a ton, literally 2,000 pounds of food, if we just put our hearts and minds to it. So, I am committed to P.U.S.H….Pray Until Something Happens! I will do my best to send a letter out by the end of the week. Some of you might actually get my letter before you get the weekly Church Messenger. By then, I hope to have a plan in place as to how we might do this together! Here is what I am thinking today since we have limited access to drop food off at the church and it is not a good idea to come around to pick it up from your home. In that letter will be a stamped envelope addressed back to James Island Baptist. It will have something inside that will let you send us your prayer request, make an offering to help feed the underserved at James Island Outreach and/or include a tithe and offering gift for ongoing church ministries and missions. We have volunteers who will go and do shopping for James Island Outreach! The order to shelter in place/stay home only slowed us down a little. Missions and ministry continue on…albeit in a little different way!

In Case You Missed It We have former members of JIBC who have been serving for many years in International Missions. Apparently there was a security breech at some point and their names were associated with our mission agency. That is one reason we will not mention their names here. They are no longer allowed to return to the country where they have served for a couple of decades. This is a set back to the effort to reach one of the largest people groups in the world. While certain missionaries may not be allowed back we can know the Gospel will continue to go forward unhindered. Prayers appreciated.

Guard Your Heart “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”  Proverbs 4:23
During this time of change caused by the Corona Virus/Covid-19, I encourage you to guard your hearts. The only people who really like change are babies with wet diapers! This amount of change can be stressful and can affect you physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and socially. So, guard your heart. Spend time in prayer and praise, read His Word, exercise when you can, call someone to chat (one friend of mine has made over 90 calls during this time), try to be productive (we tackled a closet that we have not opened in over 20 years). This time has affected me emotionally more than anticipated. So I keep doing what I know to do…guard my heart!

Pastor Tom