Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Come, Follow Me: Discipleship @ JIBC

The Great Commission of the Church is to “Go and make disciples”. Somehow in the “Come, follow me” invitation is the task of making disciples. On Sunday mornings I am going through a 5 week series I am calling “Come, Follow Me: Discipleship @JIBC”. The goal is to paint a picture of what a disciple looks like. If making disciples is our business, how is business going? How are we doing in the task of making disciples that make disciples that make our community a better place to live? 

We are starting with the question of “What does a disciple look like?” Each week I am giving a few more pieces of the puzzle. Two weeks ago, we started with the key word BELONG. A disciple is someone who Believes (trusts, surrenders, commits to) in the Lord Jesus Christ; they have been BAPTIZED into the family of God; and the BELONG in God’s household with every other believer. I believe we are all created with a longing for belonging.

This past week the key word was BECOME. A disciple is someone who BECOMES more and more like Jesus as they follow him. It was God’s intention from the beginning of creation that we be made into His image and conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. How does that process work? The work of the Holy Spirit of God changes our hearts. How? Through the regular, ongoing reading of the divinely inspired Word of God, the Holy Spirit of God begins His work. The Bible is read for transformation, not information. DAILY BIBLE READING is essential to being a disciple and for becoming more like Jesus. PRAYER is perhaps the second way the Spirit of God works in and through us. Discipleship and prayer cannot be separated. Don’t look at prayer as our way to change God’s mind and actions. Look at prayer as the way the Spirit of God changes our minds and actions. Prayer moves us to where God is working and to be involved in what God is blessing. The third way of becoming more like Jesus is be becoming a GENEROUS GIVER. Tithing is not the goal of New Testament giving. Tithing 10% is the way you demonstrate that everything you have belongs to God. Not just 10% but 100%. It is all His and we are His managers. Allow me to share a word of pastoral caution about tithing. The tithe is never yours to decide what to do with. It would be spiritually unwise to “hold your tithe” or to “designate” your tithe. You may hold or designate something that belongs to you. The tithe belongs to the Lord. Even then, remember, the tithe is not the goal of your giving. It is the beginning of you becoming a generous giver. Biblical examples, teaching and reason should lead us to give our tithe to the local church where we worship, serve and fellowship. Offerings could be given to other ministries. At any rate, to become more like Jesus, we become generous givers. Last, we must be CONNECTED to become more like Jesus. No one grows in isolation. We need each other and we are indeed better together.

What does a disciple look like? He believes, is baptized, belongs and is becoming more and more like Jesus.

Pastor Tom