Monday, October 29, 2012

Update on Celebrate Recovery

“Anyone can curse the darkness…let’s be the ones who light a candle.”  That is especially true when we are followers of Jesus, the Light of the world.  I am thankful to God for the JIBC family that supports two outstanding ministries fighting for freedom for those struggling with addictions.  We have two very intensive, very focused ministries aimed at helping men and women experience freedom in Christ.

The first one is Celebrate Recovery:  a Christ centered 12 Step program.  It is recovery ministry using the 12 Steps and the 8 Principles found in the Beatitudes.  There is no mistaking that Jesus Christ is The Higher Power.  When we read the 12 Steps we also share their biblical basis.  For Bill W., the “founder” of AA, there was no question about the 12 Steps being based on the Bible and that the Higher Power was Jesus Christ.  We are gratefully continuing his inspired approach.  A typical meeting goes like this:  gather for a shared meal at 6:00; brief worship set at 6:30; we use the chip system to mark time and celebrate; we read the 12 steps and/or the 8 Principles from the Beatitudes; we have a lesson on one of the steps; then we divide into men and women’s groups.  The entire program is over at 8 p.m.

By the way, did you know that The Charleston Crab House, Kickin’ Chicken, and the Stono CafĂ© each graciously provide a meal one Sunday out of the month?  Please tell John, David, and Barry thanks when you see them.  Then our team cooks or provides pizza on the fourth Sunday.  What a blessing!  We have a strong team leading this ministry.  I am pleased when I can participate with them.  Just a reminder that we all are recovering from something.  It is not just about alcohol and drugs.  It is about codependency, bad choices, traumatic experiences, abuses of all kinds, eating disorders, etc.  This past Sunday night we had 35 in attendance;  about half from the Charleston Center and half from our church and community.

The second mission outreach is the Transition House: The 180 Ministry.  It took so long for us to get this off the ground.  Marsha Cline came in as the administrator and got the ball rolling and served as the first “house mother.”  When she returned to Indianapolis, she had a stroke.  She is doing better and still needs our prayers.  The Transition House was in such good shape and order, that we tried a new approach.  We now have two residents, and two itty bitty babies, living there.  We are getting ready for our third resident.  These are women who, primarily, come to us through the Charleston Center.  We did make an exception for one of the ladies who was in need when the house was empty.  There is only one other ministry like this in the Charleston area that we know.  The Ruth House just opened.  It is a ministry of The Mount Moriah Church in North Charleston.  So we have a sister ministry to compare notes.  Thank you Jesus!

And thank you JIBC for being a church family willing to take on the giants.  Anyone can curse the darkness…you chose to light a candle of hope that they might find Jesus.

Pastor Tom

Friday, October 26, 2012

I almost made it!

             You know I love my calling, my job, our church family and Charleston.  I feel extremely honored to have the privilege of teaching God’s Word, leading this family.   Even so, there are times, just like with anyone, my emotions can get overwhelmed.
                 A week or so ago, our daughter Erin and Trey, announced they were expecting.  They announced early knowing the need for prayer.  They have already lost two babies in the second trimester.  Pretty sure they had this one figured out, they joyfully announced and immediately asked family and friends for prayer.  They were wonderfully overwhelmed with support.
Last Friday something happened and they lost the baby.   The same day Erin was in the hospital, Janie and Brook were hosting a baby shower for a friend who was expecting.  In the grace of God, it reminds us:“He gives and takes away, blessed be the Name of the Lord”.  It is the ebb and flow of life.  Joyful thanksgiving followed by trusting and mourning.
Here is the reality:  life goes on, duties are carried out, ministry and missions continue, healing begins, faith is stretched and grows.  I preached Saturday night for Edgewood Baptist Church in Walterboro.  It was their homecoming weekend.  It was good to visit the place we started our ministry 37 years ago.  Then we had our Sunday services and responsibilities.  It made for a long, emotion filled weekend.
I thought I could make it…keep a stiff upper lip, press through and deal with the emotions later.  Janie and I planned to take a motorcycle ride and spend time over a cup of Starbucks.  I didn’t quite make it.   Sunday morning was a tough time for me emotionally.  Thankfully, our church family is a safe place to grieve and hurt.  It is a place of comfort and hope.  There is a ready line of brothers and sisters willing to give a hug, say a prayer and share a tear.  Put a wounded heart that is mourning in that setting and God will bring comfort.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.  We do believe Romans 8:28.  We absolutely believe God is good all the time and all the time God is good.  And I do believe “blessed are those who mourn, they will be comforted.”  Our family loves you and thanks you for your love and prayers.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 15, 2012

Class 101: Discovering Membership at James Island Baptist Church

Last Sunday night, I taught another Class 101: Discovering Membership at James Island Baptist Church.  We had 17 sign up and 17 show up.  It was a great night with a wonderful and varied group of people.  We have people attending from sister churches, from different denominations, different ages and stations in life, differing degrees of spiritual maturity and faith.   It is a wonderful opportunity for me to have “face time” with those I usually only say hello to in passing.  I love the wonderful variety God brings to our church family.  It is a beautiful box of crayons!

Last night, we had 17 people who allowed me to share their entire afternoon and part of their evening.  In case it has been a while, let me remind you what we cover.  First, we go over God’s plan of salvation.  We give every member an opportunity to hear me present a clear and simple plan of how to receive Christ as Savior and Lord.  We then go over the meaning of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  Second, we review what God’s Word says about the 5 purposes of the church.  We exist to join in the mission of God by being a church that brings people into the family of God, helps them become more like Jesus, involves them in service to the family of God, equips them to live on mission and to honor God with a life of worship.  Third, we cover how we operate as a church family.  In some ways, I love this part the best.  It is what keeps us on focus and allows us to rise above selfishness and self-centeredness.  We cover why we do what we do.

So far, of this group of 17, we had 8 that joined.  Others may join at a later date. Welcome to our church family:  Tonya Broome, Wayne and Kathy Clark, Sherl Gaskins, Paul and Melinda Norris, and Fred and Frances Pooser.  We welcome you all to the family of God known as James Island Baptist, The Church at Riverland Terrace. We welcome you to become fully devoted followers of Christ seeking to love Him and serve others.

I love being a part of His work.  See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom