Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Blessings Upon Blessings

It was pretty cool hearing Ryan and Kristin Parker this past Sunday.  They are former members who are now serving in East Asia.  They work with Tibetan Buddhists in the Himalayas.  Again, that was pretty cool.  Ten years ago this past Saturday, Janie and I were privileged to marry this young couple.  We traveled to New Haven, Connecticut for the wedding…they traveled to the Himalayas for their ministry!  They did a great job sharing during the Bible Study hour and were gracious to stay around for an hour or so after the worship service.  They have an incredibly interesting work and were glad to share about all that God is doing.  Our thanks to all our staff, teachers and the Kitchen Krew for making this time happen.

Can you imagine going to Kathmandu, Nepal?  I already know a couple of people ready to go.  Imagine walking the Himalayan mountains to share the gospel with an unreached people group;  or joining Kristin in her passion to reach the women of her city.  If you want to know more about their ministry, check them out at: You can also find more information at or  Anyway you do it, you will be amazed.  Really?  Kathmandu and the Himalayas?  Sounds like the vacation of a lifetime!

And the blessings keep on coming.  Two weeks ago I was privileged to baptize my grandson, Noah and his dad, Jerry.  This past Sunday I had the privilege of leading in the Parent/Child Dedication service of four beautiful young families.  Among them was my newest grandchild, Micah Thomas Brown.  I really try not to take for granted the wonderful blessings God has allowed me to experience here at James Island Baptist.  We raised our kids here and now are on the next generation.    I would ask you to remember our daughter, Erin, in your prayers.  She and her husband Trey are expecting.  She has had some very significant health issues associated with this pregnancy.  All prayers and love would be greatly appreciated.

OK. The youth came back from a great week at Mission Fuge (MFuge) and now we are gearing up for a week at Bonnie Doone for Children’s Camp.  Now doubt, the blessings will continue to flow.  Thanks for your prayers.  There is always a need for extra help scholarship a child to camp.  If you would like to make a donation, please call the church office at 762-0244.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing!

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's happening at JIBC?

The Apostle John writes to us:  “The Life appeared (Jesus); and we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life…we proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you may have fellowship with us.”  
1 John 1:2,3

Let me share with you what we have seen and heard that you may rejoice and have fellowship/have in common the life Jesus is bringing.  I want to share at least a few highlights of where we are seeing Him working.  I thank you for your continued prayers and your generous giving.  You not only are giving in obedience to His word and getting a great return on your investments.  You are also part of changing lives, sharing light in dark places, giving hope to those with limited options. You are a part of making disciples that make disciples that change the world.

Since January of this year we have seen 21 precious souls baptized into the family of God known as JIBC.  That represents 15 adults, 1 teenager and 5 children.  By the way, at this year’s VBS, we had over a dozen children make first steps toward their professions of faith in Jesus.  No doubt God’s grace will see them follow through with these decisions in the near future. Susan Warren is using this year’s generous VBS offering to assist the Florence Crittenton Home for young unwed mothers.  We will be building ongoing relationships with this vital community service.  Your generous giving above your tithes makes possible the blessings to dozens of young mothers. 

One significant ministry that continues to be blessed is Celebrate Recovery.  The Sunday of our church anniversary, July 14, had over 60 adults in attendance.  They are involved in a Christ-centered 12 Step ministry led by JIBC volunteers.  Your support makes it possible to give them the recovery/discipleship materials needed.  Kickin Chicken, The Charleston Crab House, Stono CafĂ© and our CR Kitchen Krew provide for meals each Sunday night.  We have helped train leaders from other churches that will also start Celebrate Recovery Ministries.  Our prayer is that one day there will be Christ Centered Recovery programs offered every night of the week. 

Your Transition House is full at four residents.  Two of them have been there for one year!  Wow! Who would have thought that possible?  You give so generously to these women individually as well as allowing the church to underwrite this ministry.  You are changing lives, helping to set the captives free.  To God be the glory.

You pray, you serve, you lead and you give.  You make it possible to be a church that is focused externally and not just on ourselves.  Of course we have to maintain campus buildings, pay bills and maintain church ministries.  Your giving and your attitude allows us to make a difference, to proclaim life, to invite others to share in the sweet fellowship that we enjoy.

Blessings in the Name of Life who appeared…Jesus!

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


“Jesus answered, ‘ I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.  Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.’”  John 3:5-6

Almost 9 years ago my daughter Brook asked me to be her “birth coach” when her first child was born.  We trained and prepared together anticipating the birth of her son, my first grandchild, Noah.  My daughter, Erin, and I were at her side coaching and Janie was there encouraging.  When Noah was born (of water and flesh as Jesus said), we were there.  They lived with us for the first five years of Noah’s life.  We lived together, prayed together, played together, vacationed together…whatever we did, it was almost always together.  This past Sunday, Noah made his public profession of being born of the Spirit and was baptized.

When Brook and Jerry were married, my first question was about Noah.  Does he have to leave too?  I may have felt more empty nest feeling about Noah leaving than I did my own three children…as much as I loved and still love them.  If you are not yet a grandparent, don’t fool yourself…it is different.  I watched as Noah began asking spiritual questions about God, being baptized and accepting Jesus.  He had been loved by great preschool teachers, children’s Sunday School teachers, VBS and camp counselors as well as by a loving family.

For Noah to say he had accepted Jesus into his heart and wanted to be baptized was a blessing beyond my already answered prayer.  The answer to one of my greatest prayers had happened 9 years earlier.  Living to see my grandson accept Christ and me being able to baptize him…well that was like God showing off.  It was answered prayer and then some.

Now, through a wonderfully complicated series of events, Jerry, (Noah’s dad and Brook’s husband) also had accepted Christ as his Savior and confessed his desire to be a follower of Jesus.  So, last Sunday, the James Island Baptist Church baptized 7 precious souls into the family of God.  Among them… my grandson Noah, and his dad,  my son-in-law, Jerry.

Let’s see…is there anywhere else I would rather be or anything else I would rather be doing?  I can’t imagine.  On the other hand, I have a great Father who can do abundantly more than I can ever imagine!  The Spirit gives birth to spirit.  Can’t wait to see what He does next.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


This Sunday we will celebrate our 66th Anniversary as a church family.  It is always a worthwhile investment to ask “Why did God put us on this corner in this community?”  The answer will be the same whether it was asked 66 years ago or today.  His purposes never change.  Our methods of accomplishing his purposes always change…but His purposes never change.  This is one clear way to say it:  God is in the business of reaching and redeeming a lost and dying world.  That is His mission.  Our mission is to join Him.  He is not so much looking for a church to “do missions”.  He already has a mission…now He is looking for a church family like JIBC to join Him on His mission.  My vision as a pastor is to see where God is working and lead JIBC to have a heart ready to join Him.

Side bar:  the religion/religiosity of our day is a major distraction to accomplishing His mission.  I know we have talked about this long and often.  The reality is the biggest struggle for the church is not the world outside the church.  It is the world inside the church.  It is our nature to want to substitute religion and religious works a living vibrant relationship with God.  The downward call of our human nature is that “every man does what is right in his own eyes”.  Add that to our southern sense of independence and you have the making of a beautiful religion…that really does not need God or Jesus.  Ouch.

Our annual church anniversary is our opportunity to “re-up, re-commit, re-surrender” our wills to His.  My friend has a slogan at his church that I like very much.  We are disciples who make disciples who change the world.  After I use that slogan a few more times, I will pretend that it is mine (lol).   I like it.  Let’s be followers of Jesus who follow Him, who love what He loved and values what He values.  Let’s be disciples of Jesus who make disciples who change the world. Let’s make a difference in our families, in our community, Charleston and the world. I think we are on the way to doing just that.  Good Lord willing, I will see you this Sunday as we celebrate what He is doing and make commitments to join Him.

Pastor Tom

Monday, July 1, 2013


Whewww!  What a long week of Vacation Bible School.  My hats off to everyone who made this year’s VBS a wonderful success.  Many of our volunteers worked all day and then came for 3 1/2 hours or more each night.  I am praying for all of you to have a restful recovery.  I am also praying that the work you did will have fruit that remains.  We know that we had over a dozen children make what I call “first moves” toward becoming followers of Jesus Christ.  You know our motto:  Let’s reach the before we have to rescue them.  The total VBS offering was just over $1, outstanding offering.  In years gone by, the VBS offerings had to be used to help pay for VBS expenses.  In our more recent years, your faithful tithes and offerings have allowed us to bless those outside the church family.  This year’s offering will be used to bless the Florence Crittenton Home.  Florence Crittenton is a home for young, unwed pregnant girls ranging from 10 years of age to 21.  We will be able to supply more than diapers and wipes.  We are working to supply friendships and support.  Our adult VBS class made baby blankets and mother’s blankets for each of the residents.  Each one made with love and prayed over; each one representing the love and compassion of our Father in Heaven.  Way to go JIBC.  I love the outward focus of our groups.

Why do I love and support Vacation Bible School? The gospel is taught;  compassion is modeled; love is shared; professions of faith are made; and the good and beautiful God is made known.  Gotta love it.  But I am ready for a rest this week.


Last Sunday night one of our Adult Bible Study Classes did a traditional July 4th cookout for Celebrate Recovery.  They cooked for over 55 adults and 20 children.  Our thanks to all who make the Sunday night fellowship meals a success.  Thanks to The Kickin Chicken, The Charleston Crab House, our JIBC Kitchen Krew, Barry Waldrop and all our many friends.  You are making a difference!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing, as we continue our summer series on  1 John:  Believe Right + Love Right = Live Life!

Pastor Tom