Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blessings Upon Blessings

The Thanksgiving Service

Sounds like a wonderful broken record: Maybe the best Thanksgiving service ever! Sunday’s worship service was certainly a highlight in many ways. The card board testimonies were through the roof. What a great job. Baptizing 11 was fantastic…6 from JIBC, 3 from the Chinese Church and 2 from Luz Y Verdad. International missions right here at home. The worship center was filled to the brim in attendance. The Kitchen Krew did an outstanding job feeding the largest crowd ever. I know, it sounds like a broken record…at least it is a wonderful broken record. To God be the glory, what a Thanksgiving!

We are going shopping for the Transition Apartment

Most of you are familiar with the Transition House. That ministry is really going well. We have several ready to transition out into their next homes. If you by chance know of something like a four bedroom home that two of them could rent together, please let us know. JIBC has two small apartments that we are going to use for transition as well. One is almost completely furnished. The other is one we are working on. We are looking for two twin beds, a small kitchen/dinette table with two chairs, a small microwave oven, and kitchen items (dishes, silverware, pots, pans, etc). Our goal will be to make these ready to move into. The only thing they will need to bring is their clothes. By the way, we are not in the “real estate rental business”. We know we could rent these any day of the week. So, we are not looking for people to rent these apartments. They will become part of our transition ministry. Affordable housing is so hard to find, we have people asking on a regular basis if the apartments are available. The answer is no. We are not looking to rent the apartments.

Sunday begins Advent

The word advent comes from a Latin word meaning “coming”. It is the season where the followers of Christ anticipate and celebrate the coming of God’s Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ into the world. It is one way we lead our church family to focus on the meaning of Christmas and to enjoy the rich traditions of the Church. We will celebrate the season of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy made possible by our Lord Jesus. This week I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. This Sunday, we begin the Advent Season. Thanks to our volunteers for decorating the worship center…it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

We are entering the “Most wonderful time of the year!”. Gotta say, I love me some Christmas time. I am not upset about decorations coming out early and I have already bought two Christmas gifts! That may be a record for me.

A couple of things I want to encourage you to consider for this Christmas season.

1. Consider making a gift to International Missions and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering this year. Giving through Lottie Moon or to a mission project is one way of getting the absolute best bang for your buck. This is always a part of our Christmas celebration.
2. Consider how you will help someone else this Christmas. Do you know a single mom in need of a little help? Maybe a young family under-employed or unemployed? It can be kind of fun to find a way to be a blessing. Maybe your connection group will take on a project that allows you to interact with a family?

3. Buy a tree and help send someone to Haiti. I love the idea of a fund raiser where those going on the trip help raise the funds for their trip! You would probably give to them anyway. Why not buy a tree, a wreath, some decorative garland or a meal! Hey, maybe you would buy a tree for someone who could not afford one?

4. Take advantage of the Christmas Invite cards available at the welcome centers. We took one to lunch today to invite the server at one of our favorite restaurants. Pretty easy to ivnite someone we already know…I think she will attend.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…let’s help make it that way for someone else as well.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thanksgiving Season is here!

We are quickly moving to a wonderful time of the year…Thanksgiving. I love what I see on Facebook: people intentionally, thoughtfully, gratefully giving thanks everyday for something. What a great idea…count your many blessings, name them one by one! Several of my friends are going through the alphabet giving thanks using the “letter of the day”. I love it. Hope it catches on. It is a worthy spiritual exercise and discipline. My letter “A”….Anytime is a good time to thank the Lord.

Sunday, November 24

A couple of reminders about this year’s Thanksgiving service. First, the Sunday before Thanksgiving is Sunday, November 24. We will have only one service that day. There will be no 8:30 service. Second, we will have one service followed by our church wide Thanksgiving meal. Our Kitchen Krew provides the entire meal. If you would like to bring a favorite dish or dessert, it will be put on the table and completely consumed! Third, we will be celebrating BAPTISM and THE LORD’S SUPPER at that service. Those wanting to be baptized should contact the church office at 762-0244 if you have not already heard from us. Fourth, one of the highlights is the presentation of new members God has added to the church family this year. There will be a time in the service when we ask all new members to join together for a picture and celebration. It is a joyful moment. And last, but not least, the Community Thanksgiving service at James Island Presbyterian Church (1632 Ft Johnson Road). Please note it is an hour earlier this year. The service will be at 6 pm Sunday November 24. There will be a free concert at 5 pm for all who would like to attend.

A Personal Word of Thanksgiving

My daughter, Erin and my son-in-law, Trey, join us in giving thanks for your prayers and blessings during the past several months. Little Wyatt, is doing well. He has graduated out of NICU and is in the next stage of care. He has grown from 2 lbs 1 oz to just over 3 pounds. He is out of his first little preemie diapers into the next size. He has started nursing and wearing clothes. Hallelujah, Amen. We cannot say thank you enough to our Father in Heaven and our blessed friends here on earth. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. We do not know when he will get to come home. He has to be breathing “on his own”, maintaining his temperature and growing. He is doing well on all of those. Thanksgiving??? Wouldn’t that be so appropriate!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom