Tuesday, October 29, 2013

So, how’s it going?

That is kind of a general question...how’s it going? Many of us would respond by saying something like “How is what going?” Let’s keep it general for right now. How is it going? You know...life and stuff...generally speaking, how is it going? It’s not a bad idea to occasionally step back and take an inventory. Physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, financially...how’s it going? When and how do we have those moments in life to do a little self audit, a spiritual inventory to evaluate? We might ask ourselves questions like: Are we still moving in the right direction? Are we accomplishing what we intended? Are we striving to live the dream, the picture God placed in our heart? How’s it going? Truthfully, it is a question that can be bothersome and a bit troubling. It does have the potential for course correction and to help us get back on track if that is needed.
So, how’s it going with JIBC? Last month we baptized 8 precious souls into the church family. This month we are scheduled to baptize 8 more adults. The Lord is adding to His church. Susan Warren has led in the effort to launch almost a dozen new connection groups. Many of them are working through the life changing material, “Life’s Healing Choices”. Imagine a church family moving toward being more authentic, revealing and healing. The outward focus of our church family continues to excite me. I love when I hear new stories of ministries and missions being done through the connection groups. I can only hope to hear stories. There is no way to keep up with them all. Our worship team is doing a good job in leading us to be upward focused when we gather. They select and lead in God-exalting, Christ-centered, fresh songs. Guests regularly report they feel welcomed and wanted when they join us. Offerings are strong and are meeting and exceeding our budget requirements. That has allowed us to address replacing the old boiler and water tower. It has also allowed us to give more to mission causes. Celebrate Recovery has an attendance around 50 every week. We are taking on the darkness of addiction, hurts, habits and hang-ups with the Light of Christ. Great job!
So, how’s it going? An inventory of our lives is a good thing. During this season of Thanksgiving, it could prove to be a productive, fruitful endeavor. Father, how is it going? What do you think when you see my life? I pray you will hear Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Well done.”

Remember to change you clocks this Sunday,
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 21, 2013

Good News!

First, let’s start with some financial good news. The blessings of the Lord have allowed us to do some things we have not been able to do before. First, we are in the process of replacing our old boiler system and cooling tower. Most of us didn’t know we are on such heat and a/c systems. I will say this; we have gotten our money out of them. They have been running since Noah brought them over on the ark. Our members and local Heating and Air companies have patched, matched, rigged, replaced, prayed and repaired them as much as they could. Terrace Heating and Air only had one man who ever worked on boilers and he has retired and gone to the islands to live. I seriously think they have been working for over 40 years. Now that is good stewardship!

Second: Because tithes and offerings have been up, we are able to ask our ministry team leaders to submit budget request for the 2014 Missions and Ministry Budget. The down economy over the past years has been reflected in our down offerings. That makes sense. In those years, there was really no need to ask ministries to submit a budget, we had to hold the line and trim where we could. Any ministry and mission that needed extra funding could put in a request. As far as I can remember, we have never had to deny any request for ministry or missions. Praise the Lord. Just a reminder of how a budget works. For example, a ministry may have a budget of $2,000 for their year. In reality, that $2,000 is not just sitting in a bank waiting for that ministry to spend. It comes in over the 52 weeks of the year. Generally speaking, many of our budgets don’t need their funds on January 1…or we could never meet the request. Spread out over the year, usually, we have no problem. Again, generally speaking, we do not spend money and then make the budget request; we make the budget request, make sure the monies are available, and then spend the money. Our team leaders have been very good about this process over the years. By the way, increased offerings usually allow for increase giving to missions and ministries, paying our debt down and doing needed, but unscheduled, repairs. Hallelujah.

Third: A personal note. On behalf of our entire family, thank you again for the wonderful prayer support for Try, Erin and Wyatt. Erin is home now and goes back and forth to MUSC daily, sometimes, multiple times, to be with Wyatt. We do not know when Wyatt will get to come home. His due date was January 6, so we hope before then. I think Erin is hoping for Thanksgiving…how wonderfully appropriate. He is doing as well as expected. I think most of his issues are just because he is a preemie. Hopefully as he grows, the issues just go away. Again, we are humbled and grateful for your prayers and support.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Every year we do several outreach “bridge” events into our community.  The Fall Festival is a good example of an event targeting the community.  Here are the only limitations I see…you can’t put 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 pound bag.  In other words, we cannot manufacture any more space.  This event is about as big as we can make it on our church campus.  Otherwise, it has been a wonderful opportunity to serve the community.

Let me review some of our goals for this event:

1. We are intentionally going head to head with Halloween.  We believe we can offer a family friendly, fun and safe event that does not pay tribute to witches, devils, or any of the dark side associated with Halloween.

2. Instead, we offer a family event that features fun, activities, a safer environment in a setting with followers of Jesus.  Not many events bring as many unchurched  families onto the JIBC campus.

3. Our goal is to provide a positive experience that allows families to come and enjoy time with their children in a safer environment.  It has been a long time, if ever, when it made sense to send our children to the doors of strangers,  on darkened roads,  to accept gifts from strangers.  Not trying to spoil anyone’s traditional fun, just sayin’ there are safer alternatives.

4. Even if we set aside the missional aspect of serving the community; the social correctness of family friendly activities; the theological issues with Halloween….it is just a BIG FUN EVENT!

So, how do you plug in?  Pray.  Really, we will do more than pray.  We will do more and better after we pray.   Volunteer.  This is a volunteer army.  On Wednesday night, October 30, we will wear our work clothes and be staging for the Thursday night Fall Festival.   It takes dozens of  volunteers to staff this festival.  All types of volunteers are needed:  work a booth, cook a meal, clean and empty, welcome and greet, watch for security, etc.  Sign up tables are by the church office.   Donate Candy.  No child wants to feel like they missed out on the opportunity to load up on sweets…they surely get their bag filled at JIBC!    Donate funds.  Always there is something that has to be purchased.  Your gifts make it easier to do.

Good Lord willing, I plan to be there.
Pastor Tom

Tuesday, October 8, 2013



This past Sunday we celebrated the baptism of 8 followers of Jesus. The Lord added 2 from the Hispanic Church, Luz Y Verdad. It is always a joy to work with Pastor Claudio. They are averaging around 50 every Sunday and are as active in outreach as I could possibly imagine! Then we baptized a mother with her three children. Follow that up with the baptism of a mother and her teenage daughter and you have a wonderfully exciting celebration. To God be the glory. Thank you for your generous giving that allows us to have missions like Celebrate Recovery and the Transition House. You make an impact on individuals, their family and the entire community.


I am thrilled with the start of our church wide series on “Life’s Healing Choices”. We have 11 Connection Groups that meet in homes throughout the week and in various communities. We have 9 Sunday Connection Groups that meet on campus every Sunday morning. Some are continuing the Adult Bible Study and some are using the Life’s Healing Choices” Bible Study material. Either way, you have great options for connecting with God, God’s Word, God’s people, and His community. Off to a great start! Susan Warren is leading this ministry. If she can be of help to you or your group, please give her a call at the church office, 762-0244.


An update on my daughter Erin, Trey and baby Wyatt. By the time you read this, we may have a baby on board. Monday as I type this, the plan was just made to start the ball rolling to deliver this week. Not that they asked me, but I agree. I cast my granddaddy vote for Thursday, but gladly surrender to the wonderful timing of the Lord. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and thoughts. He is our strength and salvation.

See you Sunday, Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Wyatt was born Monday night, October 7 a little after 9 pm, weighing approximately 2 pounds. Mom and baby are doing good...Please continue to pray as Erin recovers from a c-section and Wyatt continues to grow bigger and stronger each day!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Life’s Healing Choices

This Sunday we will begin a new sermon series on “Life’s Healing Choices”. This is a part of our church wide mission and ministry. Several wonderful things will happen. First, we have baptism scheduled for the first Sunday of this campaign! New life for new followers of Jesus. What a joy. Second, we will launch new weekday connection groups. Meeting in homes throughout the community spending time in fellowship, the Word, ministering to one another and reaching out to the community. What’s not to love? Third, we actually start a new Sunday Connection class with Dean Kelly as the leader. There is room for anyone who would like to be a part of this wonderful class. Fourth, I will be teaching a series of messages on “Life’s Healing Choices”. These messages are based on the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5. I am very excited to share with the church family the kind of discipleship and Biblical teaching that we share weekly in Celebrate Recovery . The message of Celebrate Recovery is based on the Word of God and form the basis of a Christ centered 12 Step program. I anticipate healing and blessing from this series. It will be difficult for some to deal with their “junk”…but it can be liberating. If you are interested in how to get involved or find a connection group, please give us a call at the office, 762-0244. Last, we will be continually encouraging all our connection groups to be outwardly focused. What will your group do to take the Light of Christ to an area of darkness? Susan has a list of several ongoing ministries where you can plug in and participate. Your group is certainly free and encouraged to find areas where you have a passion to make a difference. It’s all good! It can all be one of “Life’s Healing Choices”.

Personal Word: Today, September 30, is Week 26 of our daughter Erin’s pregnancy. You have been so kind and gracious to let us share the journey of her incredibly difficult pregnancy with you. She has been in MUSC for a month this time. She was in and out before. She will stay until little Wyatt is born. We give thanks for bringing them safe this far. We continue asking for safety and wisdom on when, during the next two weeks, to deliver.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom