Tuesday, January 27, 2015


“Christians worship is the most momentous, the most urgent, 
the most glorious action that can take place in a human life.” 
Karl Barth 

These words from an old theologian represent an extremely high view of worship. It is rightfully so. I am not sure there are enough adjectives to cover the prominence of worship. I like the more poetic words of an unknown writer: To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek Him is the greatest of all adventures; to find Him is the greatest of all achievements.

Our February teaching series will be built around the greater theme of worship. My desire is to lead us to reflect on Who we worship, how we worship and why we worship. This Sunday we will begin the series by looking at the great passage found in Isaiah 6.

At JIBC, we try to keep focused on the purpose of God. He is working to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world. We are in the business of joining Him. The way we do that is driven by the purpose of God: to reach people for His family; help them mature to become more and more like Jesus; helping them discover their passion and gifts building up the church body; equipping them to go into the community and world to join God’s work to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world; and to magnify and worship His Holy Name. This month, we will focus on the purpose of worshipping and magnifying His Name.

As you read the Bible this month, look for ways the Bible speaks to the invitation to worship. How does the Bible record people of faith worshipping? What motivates them to worship or what hinders them from worship? Read Isaiah 6 and meditate on Isaiah’s worship experience in the Temple. What can you learn from his story?

I agree with Mr. Barth: Worship is the most momentous, the most urgent, the most glorious action that can take place in our lives. Let’s make it all about Him.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


It is kind of a popular campaign to say “I love my church”. Overall, I think that is a great thing. I love His church. Not just the one I attend. I love the capital “C” Church…His Church; all believers, all places, of all times. His Church. I also love His church locally known as James Island Baptist. I really love JIBC.

I love the growth in outward focus. The challenge of every Connection Group finding a way to be salt and light in the community; finding a way to take the Light of Jesus to the places of darkness. I love that we are trying to establish reading buddies in under performing schools. Teaching someone to read or read well can be life changing…they may one day read the Word of God! I love that we offer recovery ministries for adults as well as teens and children. Celebrate Recovery is taking on one of the most difficult of life experiences…addiction. Having a Transition House offers opportunity to establish a new direction. It is hard. I love that you do not shy away from the hard task.

I love the way you give away your love. The Kitchen Krew works every week to cook and provide a fellowship meal. Many of those attending do not pay and are welcomed to enjoy. Meals are willingly sent out to the sick and homebound whether they are members or not. Our Budget Team gave the Kitchen Krew more money than they asked for in this year’s budget. Why? Because they use it wisely doing great work. I love that they have a heart to do it and our leadership has a heart to help fund it.

I love the trust we have for leadership. Not just for pastoral leadership. I love that we have grown to the place where we trust those who lead the ministries to do what they are called to do. They do not have to be regulated and controlled by those who are not doing the work. They do it because they love Jesus and love His people…they love His Church.

If I have not said it lately, let me say it again: I love His church. I especially love His church known as James Island Baptist. See you this Sunday, Lord willing.

Pastor Tom