This Friday is Good Friday, named so not because of what happened to Jesus, but what happened for us. The terrible suffering, crucifixion and death were so tragic that even nature mourned and darkness covered the earth at noon day. Join us this Friday at 7:00 pm as we read the stories, sing the songs and feel the emotions of the sacrificial love of our Father and Lord Jesus. We will observe communion together and join our hearts in gratitude for the wonderful love crucified for our sins…our hurts, habits and hang-ups. It is not too much to say Jesus was hung up for my hang ups.
It’s Friday…but Sunday is coming! This coming Sunday is Resurrection Sunday…Easter. We are combining to have one service on Easter. Please note that our Sunday Connection Groups will meet as they always do at their appointed times. The 8:30 service and Luz Y Verdad will join together with the 11:00 worship service for one Easter Celebration. Luz Y Verdad will most likely join us toward the end of the service for the celebration of baptism. It is an annual event to “flower” the cross. We will have a smaller cross on the floor level that will be transformed by flowers from your yard. You may bring them before, during or after Sunday Connection groups or just before the worship service. There will be someone there to help you place your flowers on the cross. It is always beautiful.
Bring an offering of jelly. As you know, JIBC is the jelly provider for the James Island Outreach. Churches, businesses, schools and individuals join together to help provide food and other assistance to those in need. Cal Worthington is the new Executive Director. We have several people that make up 2 or 3 teams that volunteer at J.I.O. They are low on jelly. Watch for those bogo deals and bring an offering that will be a blessing. Just drop the jelly off in front of the church office in the box just outside the door.
He is risen…He is risen indeed!
Pastor Tom