The teaching series during the month of September was focused on worship. It is one of the five purposes we elevate in value and have as a part of our mission. Our ultimate goal is to bring God glory, cause Him joy and give to Him the worship He is due and that He so wonderfully deserves. I am so grateful for the many people who work behind the scenes to make the worship experience such a positive one. The audio/visual team, the nursery volunteers, the children’s church team, the greeters, ushers, mission and ministry moment speakers, etc, etc. I thank you for your faithful service. Your service, in itself, is a beautiful act of worship. Blessings.
Jesus told them, “The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2
This time of the year is a time of harvest. We particularly think of the fall fruits and vegetables like pumpkins, squash, apples and sweet potatoes. It is a wonderful time of the year. This is also a wonderful time of the year to pray for and expect a spiritual harvest. Think of the wonderful things God could bring into your life this time of the year. Jesus said the harvest is plentiful. The challenge is not the harvest, the challenge, according to Jesus is the workers. So he invited us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out…literally, to throw out…workers into his harvest. Let’s think about not being thrown out. Let’s see how we could pray and go out and work in the harvest. It is a beautiful time of the year to do so.
By the way, part of the beautiful harvest God gave includes the precious families that joined James Island Baptist this past Sunday. We had 17 attend Class 101: Discovering Membership at JIBC. Of those, 11 have already joined. Perhaps more will come at a later time. What an honor that these would choose JIBC as their church family. To God be the glory.
See you this Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
This past Sunday was the dedication of the newly renovated worship center-sanctuary. We talked about how this area is often referred to as the Sanctuary, the Worship Center or even Big Church for those who have little children. At any rate, we had a time of dedication for the gathering place. In Exodus 3:5 the ground Moses stood on was holy. It was holy because of the encounter with the Holy God, Yahweh. Others no doubt passed by the bush and thought of it as just a bush. Perhaps some will attend JIBC worship and think of it as just a building…a religious building, but just a building. I pray that for you and for all who enter the doors, it will be a holy place where we meet the Holy God, Yahweh.
We dedicated ourselves to the Lord. A holy place without a holy people would seem to cancel out each other. It seems like sin will push out holiness or holiness will push out sin. Either way, we are in need of dedicating ourselves to genuine worship, seeking God to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Third, I dedicated myself to the following: Christ-centered preaching; inspired worship; celebration of the symbols of our salvation (baptism and the Lord’s Supper); a place of unity of the faith; and to be a place welcoming the broken who seek His healing. When this happens, I suspect we will be glad when they say unto us let us go to the House of the Lord.
I close today with one of my favorite poems. It was written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
“Earth's crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God,
but only he who sees takes off his shoes; the rest sit round and pluck blackberries.”
Pastor Tom
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
I was thinking my entire article would be made up of a series of the word “Wow”! That was the word we heard most often Saturday night and Sunday morning. Wow. I know it is not a praise word…but it is so close. So let me say Amen and Hallelujah. To our entire team that led the renovation project we say “Well done”. The list is too long but our gratitude is extended to all who led and worked to make this project happen. I only wish everyone who labored on this project could have stood with me as our church family first walked in the doors to see the beautiful renovation. The faces, expressions and words were priceless. To God be the glory.
The Big Reveal, as important as it was to us, was not more important than our purpose for gathering. So everything in the service pointed to our purpose. We began with powerful praise; celebrated with baptizing two precious souls; introducing and interceding for our Connection Group Leaders as they help connect us to God, to each other and to our community; then the central Christ event, the Lord’s Supper; followed up with the entire offering being given as a thank offering to missions. Ladies and gentlemen…you have just witnessed the heart and soul of JIBC. We value what we celebrate and celebrate what we value. I know of no clearer picture that Sunday’s service!
HOW CAN I SAY THANKS? The “BirthAversary” celebration was over the top. I could never have imagined my own children speaking so eloquently and fondly of their old man. And my four preacher buddies…well, that could have hurt a lot worse. They were kind. It could have been a roasting of epic proportions. (BTW, do not buy the book they gave me. It was a joke, not a recommended book!) Having the Chinese Church and Luz Y Verdad present moved me to tears.
We are honored to have played any part in blessing them. My gratitude to all who spoke and shared such kind thoughts and memories. The gift from our church family was so generous. Thank you so very much. I would have liked to have said thank you, but my eyes were leaking with joy!
NOT COMPLETE YET. All the crews worked so hard to be ready by Sunday. Saturday night we were still painting, installing, tweaking everything electronic, setting up chairs, etc. We were 90% ready…but it was a huge 90%! Our volunteers and paid workers did a great job. The punch list of little finishes will come at a much slower speed. And as Forrest Gump says “That’s all I have to say about that!”
Love you all,
Pastor 30/60 Tom
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
This week we are on the final 2 weeks of renovation. The list of things going on this week is long. There will be painting, second coats, carpet going in Saturday, lights went in this past Monday, counters in the front restrooms, paint goes on the walls this week. I mean it is a bee hive of activity. Please pray for all the workers that they will be safe and have a sense of how this job is different from any other. Our offices are still a mess but we can see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
A special thank you to everyone that has been so patient and helpful during this time of transition. Two more weeks and we should be back into our routine…assuming we can find where we have put everything! Lol.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom
Starting this Sunday, I will begin a new teaching series on Worship. With all the activity going on it is too easy to lose focus. At the end of the day, it is not about lights, paint, carpet and chairs. It is about Him…worshipping our Lord. For the next 4 weeks we will focus on worshipping His majesty. This coming Sunday we will learn about the Priority-Purpose-People and Place of worship. On Sunday, September 13, we will have the big reveal. We will re-focus the day by celebrating baptism, the Lord’s Supper and introducing our Adult Connection Group Leaders. We will have only the 11:00 worship service on Sunday, September 13. On Sunday, September 20 we will have a Dedication Service for the renovated Worship Center. And then on September 27 we will look at the John 4 story where Jesus teaches that we are to worship in Spirit and in Truth. A special thank you to everyone that has been so patient and helpful during this time of transition. Two more weeks and we should be back into our routine…assuming we can find where we have put everything! Lol.
We are having a brief prayer and worship time for the staff and ministry management team on Saturday, September 12 at 6:00. Our goal is to have you meet, pray and worship from 6:00 to 7:00. You will be out in plenty of time to get home early or go out to eat. I really encourage our leadership team to join us for this time of prayer and celebration.See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom
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