Tuesday, September 27, 2016


That is a common way of referring to anything that is big. That defensive tackle for Clemson weighs a ton. He doesn’t really weigh a ton. He is just very big. “THAT IS A TON OF JELLY”. This time, we really mean it. Last year, you literally gave 1 ton of jelly to the James Island Outreach. Technically, we were 42 pounds short of a ton. You gave 1,958 pounds of jelly…just shy of a ton. That amounts to $3,250 worth of jelly the way James Island Outreach calculates donations. Any way you measure it…that is a ton of jelly!

For those who are new to our church family, you may need two words of explanation. James Island Outreach is an effort by churches, businesses and individuals to help provide food and other resources to underserved clients here on James Island and Folly Beach. This ministry, right now, is located at Bethany United Methodist Church. Soon, it will be located on Camp Road on the campus of St. James Church. James Island Baptist supports and participates fully in this outreach effort. We have people that work at JIO as volunteers and some who serve on the board. And we have a lot of people who bring jelly on Sunday mornings.

Second, you may need to know that our church family has been designated as the “Jelly Church”. You can bring any kind of non-perishable item to donate. Primarily, we are the only church assigned and asked to bring jelly. Other churches and organizations have designated items they bring. So when you buy your groceries and see a BOGO, BUY ONE GET ONE, on jelly…pick some up and bring them with you to worship on Sunday. There is a marked collection box just outside the church office. (By the way, if you have old shoes that are in good shape, we also have a shoe ministry. That collection box is located just outside the Fellowship Hall).

If serving the poor is on your heart and you would like a place to get started, let us know. Call me or Susan at 762-0244 and we will help you get connected.

It is not too early to reserve Sunday, November 20th on your calendar. That is our annual Community Thanksgiving Worship Service. Different church choirs and praise teams, great fellowship and an offering for James Island Outreach. JIO has produced an original Christmas CD that will be available for purchase. All proceeds go to JIO.

See you this Sunday, good Lord willing, as we look at Romans 8:28!
Pastor Tom

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


By faith, I am speaking this word: We are planning to have an Open House this Sunday after the 11:00 Worship Service. Just to let you know why I say it that way, I have a letter where I told someone I thought we would be open by the end of May. Actually, I did not say May of 2016, so I could be 8 months ahead of schedule. OK, so project management is not my specialty. But, we are planning to be open for our church family to drop in this Sunday just after worship. If you would like to see the house, this is your opportunity. We should have residents in very soon. I recommend you stay downstairs only because the stairs are just a little narrow.

We will also have a Prayer Walk/Dedication on Sunday evening. The Transition House will be open again this Sunday evening around 5:00 until 6:30. Anyone and everyone is welcomed to attend. We will invite those attending Celebrate Recovery to join us before or after the CR meal. CR members will still be able to make it back for CR at 6:30.

My thank you list for this project could be very long. Thanks to Brush Construction; the group of paint volunteers; Ed our electrician and all around handy man; Todd for the landscaping; Ava Mims for distressing the furniture and on and on the wonderful list could go. Really, I want to thank all of you who volunteered and gave to make this happen. The house even has new dishes thanks to Fran Morrow! I love that the project is completed. I love it even more that so many people were involved in making it happen. May our Father get the glory and the women and children get the love from JIBC! So far, we have had over 22 women and just about that many children live at the Transition House. Looking forward to the next families for us to love.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Almost every time Janie and I have been hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains we have seen black bears. Thankfully most of them have been at a safe distance. We once walked right under a yearling in a tree above us. For the most part, we have been able to spot them on a trail below or across a field. I remind Janie that she does not have to out run the bear; she just has to out run me! Every trail we have ever hiked has a picture of a black bear and this question: Did you kill this bear? There have been occasions where someone did what they were not supposed to do…feed the bears. It seems cute at the moment but it is harmful to the bear and potentially harmful for the next humans that come by. The bear starts to associate food handouts with humans. It is easier than moving old logs and eating grubs. Then a mauling occurs and the bear has to be shot because it is now a threat to all humans in the area. It could have been prevented…just don’t feed the bear.

Please don’t be offended at my analogy. We routinely have people come by the church looking for handouts. They usually say they are homeless and need food. They often come because they have received cash handouts before. Who can resist giving a hungry person food? Here is the thing. With all good intentions, you are teaching people that they can come by a church for handouts of money…not food. They often say they need food but when offered food, they get to the point, and they want cash. It could be for bus fare or a meal…or crack or beer. The point is we encouraged them to come by the church and look for vulnerable people who will give them cash. Our logic says they will just go away if someone says no to their request because they do not have any cash. Someone thought the bears would just go away when they found out you did not have ham sandwiches and cookies…but they were wrong. You will do what you feel led to do…I understand that. You may unintentionally be putting others at risk. As a rule, we do not keep cash at JIBC. Our staff is directed to never give out cash or even imply that we have cash on the property. We do not keep cash on campus, so we cannot give cash handouts if we wanted to…which we don’t. If I give out cash to the homeless, what may happen when they come by and the secretary is here alone? This may sound less than charitable. Sometimes our helping can hurt. So let me share with you how we do help.

First, if you are approached by anyone who is homeless, in recovery or living at the transition house asking for money here is a positive option. Tell them they have to see one of the Pastors, Elders or Celebrate Recovery leaders. It is wonderful if you feel led to help them. Just tell them you will give the money through our recovery program. That may help keep you and others one step away from a potentially dangerous situation. Let our leaders handle the request. Don’t make the mistake of thinking because you feel safe, the next person they approach will be safe. Second, when I am approached for money, regardless of the need (my father died again, I need food, bus fare, etc), I tell them I have no cash on me and we do not keep cash on the church property. Cash is not a possibility. I quickly tell them I will help them. I guarantee I will help them. It might not be the way they want to be helped…with a free handout. But I will help them. For the hungry, we get them immediate food. We feed homeless friends almost every Sunday night. We always invite them to come get a hot meal on any Sunday night at Celebrate Recovery(and feel free to stay for a great program) and on any Wednesday night. We are also prepared for their immediate needs. I have given out many protein power bars and bottles of water from my office closet. We keep enough food in our church pantry to last them a few days until they can get to James Island Outreach for more in depth and sustained help. Because our church family is generous in their giving, I can almost always offer them several hours of work so they can earn the money they need. When I say we have shovel ready jobs, I actually mean it! Actually it is “rake ready”. Soon, our JIBC security team will be up and running. You will be able to immediately lead them to one of the security team members as well as a Pastor, Elder or CR leaders.

Does that make sense? It is not an emotional response that ends up hurting the people we try to help. It is a Biblical response, showing love and friendship. We are happy to build relationships with those in need and help them find the long term help they need. Be safe and act wisely not just for yourself but for others as well. Thank you for being such a loving, generous family of God. I love being a part of JIBC.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How good is a Connection Group?

As my old country friend used to say: Gooder than snuff and not half as dusty! Sorry, how about this one: It will make you happier than a June bug on a tomater plant! I think you get the picture. I am all in favor of our church family getting connected. Why call them Connection Groups? Our prayer is that together you will get connected to God’s Word; together you will get connected to each other; and that together you will get connected to meeting a need in the community. They are Connection Groups…not Connection Silos. Life is better together. It is not good to be alone in life. We were made for community and we really are better together.

Pastor Sean has done a great job of introducing our church family to the Connection Group leaders. That was a great way to see age groups, locations, etc. It is possible you were not here several of the Sundays and missed seeing some of the groups. We will help you get connected…really, it will be our joy. If you don’t know which group to choose, come see me, Sean or Susan. We will help you get plugged in with a great group to try. It is also possible you would like to be in a group that has not yet started. Some of you would love to offer your home as a meeting place but are not so sure about facilitating a group. Great, we need several more places to meet. Others of you would be glad to facilitate the group but cannot volunteer your home…I think we might have a match. And here are the people I am looking for…some of you are party planning machines. You love organizing get togethers and being a great host/hostess helping people feel welcomed and comfortable. Wow, do we need you. Some groups have everything they need except someone to add that little extra love! So, here we go. You can pick a group that is up and running. Try it for a while and see how it fits. You could help start a brand new group by hosting, facilitating or being the Captain of Hospitality!

Some of you have been as lost as last year’s Easter Eggs. It is time to get connected. There is no need to be as lonely as a pine tree in a parking lot. Without being connected life can get all catawampus. OK, I will close the Redneck Southern Sayings site. But I really am praying for you to get connected. Even Jesus got connected to a small group. Let’s follow his example.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom