The word advent comes from the Latin word meaning “coming”. Many churches and many denominations observe the Advent Season, the Christmas season, to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus as the babe in Bethlehem. It also has some reference and meaning connected to the Second Coming of Christ. It is a very rich and meaningful word that can help in celebrating a very meaningful and important Biblical theme…the Coming of Christ.
So, let’s say it again. The Advent season reminds us of Jesus’ first coming as a Holy Babe in Bethlehem and it reminds of us His second coming as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So far, so good, right? The very Latin word for advent is a translation of the Greek word “parousia” the Word we usually associate with the Second Coming. But this isn’t a Greek or Latin lesson. It is a call to worship and reflect. That is strong theologically.
The fact that Jesus came the first time as the babe at Bethlehem and He will come the second time as King of Kings can be a moot point without the “third coming”. If Jesus Christ does not come into your heart and life as Savior and Lord then you personally miss the greatest Coming of all time and could potentially miss the next greatest Coming of all time. I hope our Lord comes to your heart daily as you seek Him like the wise men and as you worship Him as the Shepherds did.
When we gather this Christmas season we will observe Advent. Our theme this Advent season is Simple Christmas. It is a call to remember the reason for the season. It is an opportunity to celebrate His birth…the Advent. It is a reminder to be charitable and an opportunity to bless others. Enjoy the lights and remember He is the Light of the World. Revel in the music for what it is…worship of the Son of God becoming flesh. Intentionally spend time with family and friends. Consider reaching out to someone, say a little different than you. Help them celebrate the advent of the Babe so one day they might celebrate their own advent of the Savior.
Advent…what’s not to love? Simple Christmas…I love the idea!
Pastor Tom

I hope you are like the Psalmist every Sunday when he declares “I was glad when they said unto me Let us go to the House of the Lord.” Let’s make it our goal to come before Him with praise and thanksgiving every Sunday, Amen? But what is special about this Sunday?
First, we gather in obedience to the command of God to not forsake the gathering of our selves together (Hebrews 10:25). But beyond that…it is going to be another wonderful day at JIBC. We have 2 families participating in the Parent/Child Dedication. This is such an honor to welcome these beautiful new babies into our church family. You symbolically are standing with these parents in the awesome task of helping them bring their children to be fully devoted followers of Christ.
Second, we will be announcing whether we reached our two goals for the Daring Faith: The Key To Miracles campaign. We were hoping to have the largest one-time cash offering in JIBC history. Second, we were hoping to raise $400,000 for renovations that would be outside and in addition to our regular budget offerings. You will join me in rejoicing and standing in awe of the great thing God has done! I thank our Father in Heaven for His faithfulness and I thank you for your generous and sacrificial giving. Let the renovations begin!
Third, Janie and I have a small gift we want to give to anyone who would like one. As a gift to our church family and friends, Janie and I purchased 300 copies of O.S. Hawkins booklet, The Christmas Code: Daily Devotions Celebrating The Advent Season. Dr. Hawkins has served as Pastor at First Baptist, Dallas and First Baptist, Fort Lauderdale. Janie and I happened to be visiting First Baptist, Fort Lauderdale on Dr. Hawkins first Sunday. What an inspiring man. He is currently the C.E.O. of Guidestone Financial Resources for the Southern Baptist Convention. We hope you will enjoy this as much as we have. Let it help you and your family keep the focus of Christmas on Christ. Be blessed and bless others. We will give the books out on Sunday, but you can pick a copy up at the office any time.
Fourth, when you arrive on Sunday, November 26 the Church will be decorated for Christmas. I think our worship center is lovely all year long. It goes to another level at Christmas. I love it. Great big old Christmas thanks to our decorating volunteers. You do a beautiful job! Thank you. If you have never looked closely at the Chrismon Tree, take a moment to look at the decorations and the legend that explains them.
And last, but not least, we will have available copies of the proposed 2018 Missions and Ministry Budget. We have printed the names of the Budget Team to help answer any questions you might have concerning this year’s budget. We will vote to accept the budget on Sunday, December 31 at the morning worship service.
Any one of these would be worth the extra effort of attending this Sunday. All together, it is hard to imagine missing, even on a Thanksgiving weekend. Hope you will be able to join us.
Pastor Tom

You will want to make every effort to attend this Sunday’s Daring Faith Thanksgiving Celebration. After 8 wonderful weeks we are going to celebrate the goodness of God and what He has done and is doing through His family known as James Island Baptist. This has been a wonderful 8 weeks of theologically strong messages built around the importance of faith. We have had 6 strong and deep Bible centered messages taught on DVD by Rick Warren. I consider Rick Warren as one of the greatest pastor’s of modern times. I am grateful to Saddleback Church for blessing so many with the Daring Faith study.
So this Sunday, what can you expect? First, Marty and the praise team will be leading us in Christ-exalting worship. We begin the service with “All Creatures of our God and King” and go into the Doxology. One of my favorite worship sets. Second, we will observe Communion together. If ever a time to call it Eucharist, this is the Sunday. Indeed a day of Thanksgiving.
Third, we will have an Ingathering for those who would like to make a commitment to Daring Faith: Renovating Building and Grounds. There are several ways you can choose to give. First, you can always give online. Go to the church website: www.jamesislandbaptist.com. Janie and I are going to do three things: first, make a cash gift offering; second, make a three year commitment; third, going to sell some assets. However you do it, rejoice and give thanks. I shared with the church family Sunday that 14 families have committed to giving $272,690 toward Daring Faith. “And the people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD.” 1 Chronicles 29:9. Then fourth, we will follow the example in 1 Chronicles 29 and celebrate with a feast. Our Kitchen Krew will provide the entire Daring Faith Thanksgiving Meal. You are invited to bring your favorite dessert if you would like to. We should have plenty!
Really, try your best to join us this Sunday. It will be a day to remember and a day to give thanks. “According to your faith will it be done to you.” Matthew 9:29
Pastor Tom

It is hard to believe we are down to the final days of Daring Faith: The Key to Miracles. The first part of Daring Faith has been Daring Faith: Renovating Believers. I hope you have been able to take advantage of one of the deepest, and yet most applicable Bible Studies we have ever had. I am actually sad for anyone who missed out on this series. How could we not profit from delving deeper into God’s Word about faith? We had 10 sermons about the theological foundations of faith; 6 dynamic Bible Studies by one of the best Bible teachers in America; a 40 day devotional that led you to read the Word, study the Word, meditate on the Word and apply the word; encouraged our church family to memorize 6 Bible verses, hiding them in your heart ready for spiritual warfare. Somebody say AMEN. Thank you for all who helped lead this church wide spiritual growth campaign. It was as theologically deep and as wonderfully practical as any believer could hope for. Two final words, if you missed session 6, I will be teaching it on Wednesday, at 6:30 in Rose Haselden’s Bible Study room. Second, if you could not make it but would like to go through this on your own, we will be delighted to get you a DVD and a Devotional book. Just let us know.
The second part of Daring Faith has been Renovating Buildings and Grounds. We have 10 projects that total approximately $400,000. Some of them had to be done, most of them really need to be done and some of them have needed to be done for years. It is our hope to be able to stretch our faith and see these funds given in a way that would not stop or hinder any of our ongoing missions and ministries. Even with such a large church wide campaign, we still had the largest Fall Festival ever; our missions outreach continues; and all youth and children’s ministries continue full speed ahead. We have also made a commitment that no one should feel pressured to give. We are following the Biblical principle: “Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.” ( 2 Corinthians 9:7) If this is not the season for you to give, we understand. Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can help you.
You will receive one final letter from me concerning Daring Faith. I am praying you will receive it with love and enthusiasm. I can’t wait for you to read the good news inside the letter. Sunday, November 19 will be our Daring Faith Thanksgiving Celebration. We will have Christ exalting worship; Communion; a special ingathering of Daring Faith offerings and commitments; followed by a church wide Thanksgiving Banquet. *Bring your favorite dessert if you would like to, everything else will be provided!
This Sunday, November 12, you will hear some of the absolutely best news ever concerning Daring Faith. I wish I could tell you now, but it will have to wait to be announced Sunday.
See you soon, Good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

What are we renovating? Your church leaders have by design been laser focused on Daring Faith for the past 6 weeks. Almost our entire effort has gone into the priority of “Renovating Believers”. We have planned 10 sermons on faith; 6 Video Driven Bible Studies for our Connection Groups; provided a 40 Day Devotional to keep you plugged into God’s Word daily; and encouraged our church family to memorize 6 Key Bible verses about faith. As your pastor, I am thrilled you have had this opportunity to grow in faith.
We are renovating believers but we are also renovating buildings and grounds. Just like your homes, the Lord’s House needs repair and refreshing. I believe our leadership has been excellent stewards in maintaining our buildings and grounds over the years. But now is the time. So let me list and give a brief word about each of the renovations needed. Perhaps one of these will speak to you more than others. You can certainly designate an offering toward one of the projects. All of the cost listed are estimates and could change by the time we begin.
1. The repair and replacement of the church shingles to address leaks throughout the building. It was time. The old roof lasted us almost 27 years. The cost of that project was approximately $73,000. Completed! Can somebody say AMEN!
2. The protection for our front parking lot and the buildings. The last wreck at the point of our property wrecked two buses and resulted in a fatality. In my 32 years at JIBC, we have had two fatalities and no less than 20 wrecks. Several of these have actually hit the buildings. The new landscaping design will provide a very attractive system of protection as well as signage.
Hopefully, this will be the next project completed. Estimated cost-$10,000
3. A comprehensive landscaping design plan for all three sides of our church campus. This will include the design for the protection and sign as well as suggestions for future landscaping on all sides of the campus. The Maybank Highway side of the church has always had an unattractive industrial look. Perhaps the next three years we will be able to implement the new design. The cost for the design is $1,000.
4. The resurfacing and restriping of the front and back parking lots. This is long overdue and will add significantly to the curb appeal of the campus giving a fresher look. We are trying to schedule this project when the office and weekday preschool is closed. Cost $5,000.
5. Remodel the two main hall way restrooms. The majority of this renovation will be to update the women’s restroom giving more space, new fixtures, counters and convenience height toilets. The men’s room will get the old mirror from the women’s room. Just kidding. We don’t have room for that big mirror. $27,000.
6. Replace the flooring in the Fellowship Hall. The existing flooring is coming up and is a safety issue. This will be scheduled during the summer when the Fellowship Hall is not used as often. It will have a durable tile similar to that in the front of the Worship Center. $18,000.
7. Renovate the church library/conference room. In the last 40 years, we have put in new carpet once and new chairs once. Other than that, this room has remained basically the same. It is in desperate need of updating in technology as well as looks. It is the only official meeting room that serves as a conference room. $10,000.
8. The Plymouth Avenue side entrance is scheduled to be an enclosed entrance. More people enter the building through this entrance yet it is the least welcoming. Plans include a new glass enclosed entrance. $20,000.
9. A limited use elevator has been in demand for years. Finally, the cost has come down to make this a possibility. The only way upstairs in our building is via steps. For anyone in a wheel chair or with physical health issues, that makes it almost entirely off limits. The elevator will be located in the new side entrance. $75,000.
10. The current church debt is $150,000.00. In three years this should be down to quite a bit. It would be a great accomplishment to finish the Daring Faith Renovations and be completely out of debt. Our finance team has done a tremendous job of keeping enough funds on hand to handle emergencies and at least 3 months of budget needs. The joy of freeing up annual mortgage payments of $35,000 a year is amazing. That money could be used for missions and ministry.
So, that is the second part of Daring Faith: Renovating Believers and Renovating Buildings. We continue our commitment that no one will be pressured to give. The Bible is correct when it says “God loves a cheerful giver”. We will ask our church family and friends to trust God and exercise daring faith. I so believe we can continue all of our current missions and ministries and still tackle this mountain. It is too big for us but not too big for our God. Pray with us. Let’s see what great thing He will do.
Pastor Tom