Cal Worthington has served faithfully at JIO over the years. Due to family health problems, he is stepping down as the Director of James Island Outreach. My understanding is that he will still stay around for the completion of the relocation and renovation of the new James Island Outreach facilities located on Camp Road. The Outreach will be looking to fill the position and I know their search team would greatly appreciate our prayers. They will begin taking resumes and applications after Easter. The JIO Director will serve as an important link between JIO, Churches, Schools and area businesses. What an exciting time. Pray for our own Judy Knapp who serves as the Administrative Officer of the ministry, Susan Warren who serves on the Board of Directors and David Miller serving as Chairman Emeritus. Thank you to all who volunteer hours to serve and to all who bring, literally 1 ton of jelly over the year!
This Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday. We will be remembering the last week of Jesus’ ministry here on earth before his death, burial and resurrection. This was a week that changed everything.
Joanne Brown, her crew and a host of talented children will be performing a Children’s Easter Musical on Wednesday night, March 28. This fits in nicely to the “THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING” Holy Week Celebrations. Entitled “Were You There”, the musical will start at 6:30 on Wednesday night, March 28. The Christmas Musical they put together was extremely well done and heartfelt. Come on out for dinner and stay for a wonderful Gospel presentation.
Our Good Friday Worship Service will be Friday night, March 30 at 7:00 pm. It is a more reflective worship experience built around the amazing love of God and the obedience of His Son, our Lord Jesus. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
And then, no fooling, we will celebrate Resurrection Sunday/Easter on Sunday morning, April 1. I know it seems so weird to celebrate Easter on April fools. I can hear the heavenly conversations now: “So, you finally killed the Son of God and have Him securely placed in a guarded tomb? Looks like the devil won..APRIL FOOL, HE IS NOT THERE HE IS RISEN! Reality…the resurrection changes everything! Join us at 9:45 am for Sunday Bible Study and 11:00 am for Resurrection Sunday Celebration!
Pastor Tom