Friday, October 25, 2019


The largest JIBC event of the year is just around the corner: Fall Festival, Thursday, October 31! We have been doing this Fall Festival for 34 years. It has grown in every way. Let me take a few moments and go over some of the basics about this community outreach event.

First, from year one, we designed Fall Festival to go head to head with the traditional Halloween. We intended to offer a family friendly, safer, fun event for families with children. It is a free event so absolutely everyone can afford to attend. Underserved and economically challenged families can come and have a great time, lots of fun, get plenty of candy and it is FREE!

Second, I understand that those who love Halloween don’t like us offering this alternative. Sorry about that but we like a good clean and fun party! I also understand those who feel the history of Halloween is sketchy and therefore want to stay as far away from anything related to Halloween. Here is my response: Psalm 118 “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it”. The fact that some use this day for evil is all the more reason for us to stake our claim…this is the day the Lord has made. We serve a mighty God. He doesn’t run away; He does not negotiate with evil; He does not give up a day He made because someone does something wrong on that day. I spent my ministry leading and equipping our church family to do more than curse the darkness, wring our hands and lament how bad things are. Jesus is the Light of the world. He said you and I, as His followers, are the light! So, let your light so shine! Let them see our good works and give glory to God. No telling who you are helping to rescue by offering a family friendly option. By the way, for our volunteers…you do notice that we absolutely do not have vampires, walking dead, bloody costumes or decorations. I am aware of the dark side of Halloween and want us to stay clear of promoting it but go head to head in offering alternatives.

Third, this is a volunteer intensive event. We still need about 50 more volunteers. We have sitting jobs, game jobs, registration, candy delivering, clean up, booths for preschool games, childrens games, active, passive, set up, take down…we need you. Sunday, the green information sheets should have a list of areas where we still need volunteers.

See you Sunday as we continue our way through Ephesians!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, October 10, 2019


I want to say thank you to our staff for making the Elevator Dedication and Celebration such a success. If the dedication part of the service seemed a little too funny rather than all seriousness, please forgive me. My thinking was that the whole process took so long that we need some humor, laughter and joy to help remember the beautiful thing that was accomplished. We thought and gathered and planned for over a year on how we would celebrate with joy, thankfulness and laughter. Our beloved Donnie Almond is the best sport in the world. My son, Bryon, came up with the name for the elevator: “The Donnie Almond Tower of Terror”. It was perfect. It was the winner in my heart for two reasons. First, Donnie represents a lot of what is great about James Island Baptist. He and Kitty have served faithfully for many years. Donnie has also been the recipient of many of my jokes…and I many of his. I have loved every minute of it. The second reason I loved the name is because it included something from my happy place…Disney World. If you have never been, The Tower of Terror is a popular ride at one of Disney’s parks. It involves an Elevator with quite the surprise! We will, by God’s good grace have none of those surprises in this elevator! We will try to send out a letter with all eleven elevator names that were suggested and submitted. You will love many of them, laugh at most of them and be touched by several of them.

Perhaps the most beautiful part of the Elevator Dedication and Celebration for me was as follows. Most of the people who contributed so generously to have an elevator will possibly never need it. They did not give to something that they themselves needed. They gave to those who are in wheel chairs, who have heart issues, have hip, knee or foot issues, balance problems, or any of the many problems that make stairs difficult. Again, that is what I love about JIBC.

I try not to make asking for funds a major part of our Sunday worship. The reality is you cannot put an elevator in just because it is a nice thing to do. At the end of the day and at the end of all the construction, it cost $170,000. Because you give generously we can, by God’s good grace and blessings, even attempt something of this nature. The elevator cost about 1/3 of the entire Daring Faith Renovations. Was it worth it? Just watch the next senior adult take the ride; watch when our first wheel chair guest or member freely goes up and down. Yes, it is worth it. Even though most of us may never have to use it…it is there for those who need it! Hallelujah and Amen! We are, if my calculations are correct, still right at $100,000 away from totally completing all parts of the Daring Faith Renovations. Let’s see if 2019-2020 can be the year we complete all the renovations and pay off all our debt.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Elevator Celebration and Dedication This Sunday, October 6!

I so hope you can join us for this Sunday’s Celebration and Dedication of the Elevator. There will be four parts to the Celebration and Dedication. First, we will share all the names that were submitted for the name of the elevator. Some are hilarious and some are real groaners. The winning name will be loved by all! Second, we will have prayers of thanksgiving and dedication. Here is a wonderful truth you may not have realized. Most of us who gave sacrificially so we could have an elevator, will probably never have to use it out of necessity. You gave not because you needed it or will one day need it. You gave financially so others could benefit. You were a part of Daring Faith for the last two years because you believed in mission and ministry. Your giving made it possible for members and non-members to be able to go upstairs for Bible Study. You made it easier for those who have had surgeries or injuries to be able to go upstairs and serve in Awana. Your willingness to give generously made it possible for Senior adults who have never seen the upstairs to take a tour and see part of the church campus they could not see. Thank you. All gifts that have been given are appreciated. The reality is we could not install an elevator with a dollar here and a dollar there. Rather, many members gave generously to provide something that they themselves may never have to use. I love that about JIBC. Third, we will receive a thanksgiving offering and encourage our church family and friends to continue giving that we might end this third year of Daring Faith as strong and successfully as God grace allowed us to finish these past two years. Fourth, last but not least, we will reveal what was in the “time capsule” discovered behind the 1949 dedication marker that was opened. The 1949 dedication marker had to be removed in order to install the elevator. We discovered, so to speak, a copper box with items place in it years ago. Oh boy, were we surprised! I mean really, really surprised. We will have the items on display. We will also be taking suggestions for what should go back in the box for future generations to discover.

What a day of rejoicing that will be. Speaking of suggestions, if you missed last Sunday’s worship service, you missed, in my opinion, one of the best worship services ever at JIBC. David and our praise team did a great job and our congregation was ready to worship with joy! Then on Sunday night we had over 90 attend the Narcan Opioid Overdose training. It was, according to our presenter, the largest crowd they have ever had at one training event.

It was a great day to be a part of JIBC. To God be the glory!

Pastor Tom