Now you see it, now you don’t! Part I
Take a deep breath. In just a few short days Christmas will have come and gone, now you see it, now you don’t. Janie and I like to leave our decorations up until the new year, but that is just around the corner too.One of the “now you see it, now you don’t” events is the Advent Missions Gifts. As of right now, here is an estimate of how that is going. 1) You have given $7,650 to the Lottie Moon International Christmas Offering. 2) The Lowcountry Pregnancy Center has an estimated 1,653 diapers or 51 packs of diapers and about 1,300 wipes! 3) You have given 193 jars of jelly and 74 bottles of syrup to James Island Outreach. 4) To the recovering hurricane victims in Western North Carolina, you have given $2,500 in gift cards so far!
In three short weeks, it will be now you see it, now you don’t. And the mission gifts will be distributed.
“Now you see it, now you don’t”. I would also like to invoke those words for the current additions taking place in the church worship center/sanctuary. As I type this article, Pastor David is overseeing the installation of acoustic tiles. These will be located around the windows in the auditorium. They will be very obvious when you see them this Sunday. That is the “now you see them” part of the phrase. I suspect that in 6 months, it will be “now you don’t”. They will become a part of the decorations in the worship center. Remember how the “drum cage” was at first? It was so obvious and looked so different. Now, for most of us, we no longer see it because it is part of stage life. The acoustic tiles are designed to do this one thing: make it easier to hear and make everything that is said and played clearer to hear. If they do their job, and we believe they will, the average person may not be able to specifically tell the difference. But that difference is very, very important. There is a certain amount of echo that is a part of a big auditorium. Reducing that as much as possible helps enhance the ease at which we are able to listen to the Word of God. Amen, make it so Lord Jesus.
Plan now to join us for the annual “Carols, Communion and Candlelight” Christmas Eve service. We have two services that are exactly alike. The first one is at 4:00 PM and the second one is at 6:00 PM. Remember to invite a friend. Those not interested in Church may be interested in a traditional Christmas Eve program. Finding child care has been very difficult. At this time, we will not be offering child care at either service. If that changes, we will publicize it as soon as possible.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom