Wednesday, March 5, 2025


On Friday night, February 28, JIBC kind of did a thing. Actually, we did a thing again, and again. Now this is the third time we kind of did that thing.

On Friday night, February 28, we hosted an evening meal for our church leaders, the leaders of the Ukrainian Church, and the Ukrainian leaders from their “sending/sponsoring” church in Charlotte, NC. Almost two months ago, a small group of young adult Ukrainian believers showed up in worship at JIBC. They were welcomed and well loved. They went on to share that they were looking for a place they could meet for worship, discipleship and mission. We began a series of talks with them and started doing our due diligence allowing us to know them better. Everything we considered looked like it was put together by our Heavenly Father. They have actually been meeting at 11:00 every Sunday morning. They meet in the Youth/Student Worship Center after the Students are dismissed and leave to attend JIBC worship. They are easy to spot. They are the ones singing in Ukrainian language! Lol

Our leaders were asked to be in prayer and come prepared to hear the story of the Ukrainian group. You know we don’t really “vote” on many things. Instead, we ask “What do you sense God is doing and do you sense God is in this situation?”. That is the better question. Not “What do I want or what does anyone want?”. We only seek to discern what does God want. We have been blessed with a pretty good track record having hosted a Chinese Church family that grew to over 100 here at JIBC. And it is happening again with the Hispanic Church who is also reaching about 100 people per week. Now, let’s see if we can help provide fertile soil for the Ukrainians so they may reach 100 Slavic people living in the greater Charleston area.

Yep, we did a thing and agreed to welcome the Ukrainian Church to the JIBC campus and the JIBC family. We celebrated with food and observed the Lord’s Supper together. To God be the glory and may we see many come to know Jesus as Lord and our Great God as their Heavenly Father.

Next? Who knows. We did not manufacture this one, we were just trying to be ready when we saw Him working. As our old buddy says “You can’t make the wave, you can only ride it.”

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Thursday, February 27, 2025


That is an old saying that rings true for a lot of us. Sometimes you are on your game. All is well, the wind is at your back and the sun in your face. That is when you are the windshield. Then comes the time you feel more like the bug who meets the windshield with a sudden and abrupt stop! Splat. On occasion, there are events and happenings that are less than stellar. You would not choose them if you had a choice. Splat…the bug hits the windshield.

Janie and I were traveling to Savannah to watch our grandson’s team play. We never know if he will make it to the mound or not. So, we go, make a nice day out of it and enjoy Savannah. This time we were the bug…splat. Somewhere in the middle of beautiful country, a Tom Turkey decided to test out the windshield and bug theory. Splat. We hit the big old gobbler at 55 miles per hour. He was running at full speed perhaps trying to out run whatever was chasing him. He did not look left or right only straight ahead. That proved to be a fatal error: we hit him so hard he did not say gobble gobble, he said wobble wobble!

It sounded just like we hit a frozen solid butterball turkey. Poor guy survives Thanksgiving only to be made into a gobbler cobbler. It begs the question why did the turkey cross the road? Maybe to prove he was not chicken. Bad move, very bad move. We did not call the police even though there was fowl play involved.

“But Thou, LORD are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head.” Psalm 3:3 We were so blessed he ran across and did not fly across into the windshield. No airbags deployed and the only one injured was the poor turkey. The car damage can be repaired and all the feathers can be plucked from the headlight and grill. We are blessed, even when we are on occasion the bug. His blessings are a shield around us all. To God be the glory.

Remember, it is not just the deer you are watching out for. I will chip in $10 if someone will put up a “Turkey Crossing” sign.

Love you all, see you Sunday, good Lord willing!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Unpleasant at first and then it got better!

Wouldn’t you agree that at times, somethings start off not so good but they tend to get better with time? My wife, Janie, had a knee replacement a month ago. The doctor told her he did not know when she would be ready for the knee replacement, but assured her she would know. He was spot on with that little nugget of wisdom.

So, the surgery was scheduled, performed, went great with no issues. Now, to the recovery. It was a little unpleasant at first but then it got better. She was a great patient and did what her doctor and physical therapist said to do. She took her meds, did the exercises, iced it regularly and walked as prescribed. It helped that she had an outstanding home health care provider! It was, as I said, a little unpleasant at first and then it got better. She is not back to her normal free range of motion but she can tell it is coming soon. She is doing more and more each day. I have a note that says she is completely cleared for operating ovens and such! I wrote the note, but it is a note none the less.

Sometimes on our spiritual journeys we come across things that may be a little unpleasant at first and then it gets better. Like apologizing to someone. Ugh, it can be a little like swallowing a bitter pill…and then, it got better. Stopping an old habit that has been a part of your routine can be a little unpleasant at first. Then it starts to get better and better. Practicing new spiritual disciplines can be a little uncomfortable at first, like a new pair of shoes that are a little too tight. Just a little unpleasant and then it gets better.

Don’t be afraid to try something just because it starts out being a little unpleasant. Prayer, Bible Study, having Sabbath rest, confession, giving generously, not having to have the last word…they all might take a little practice…and then, it gets better.

So, back to Janie. When ever she wants to do something new for her knee recovery, I just look at her and say “Knees-see does it!”

Love you all, see you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Thursday, February 13, 2025


You may have heard a little about this big event, The Festival of Hope. I had one of those heart burns from our Heavenly Father. It involved finding a way to help remove the stigma of mental health issues and to raise the awareness of substance abuse disorders (addictions). It has been my observation that mental health issues can be one of the main pathways to substance abuse. We know we are hurting or that something is not right, so we are tempted to self-medicate with our drug of choice, food, shopping, gambling, isolation, drinking, etc.

Why be concerned about this? This is too big of a problem for little James Island Baptist to take on by ourselves. It might be too big for us but it is not too big for God. This is a Community Giant that we can take on. Did you know: 1 in5 adults experience mental illness each year; 1 in 20 adults experience serious mental illness each year; 1 in 6 youth experience a mental health disorder each year; more than half of people with mental health condition did not receive any treatment. I think you get the picture. Jesus came that we may have life and have it abundantly. Let’s help those with mental health issues and substance abuse disorders experience God’s abundant life.

What would I like you to do? Number one, put the FESTIVAL OF HOPE event on your prayer list. Let us seek the Lord’s favor. We have over 20 “Vendors of Hope” signed up to be a part of this event. These are groups like The Charleston Center, James Island Outreach, Wake Up Charleston, Still Worthy, Palmetto Hope, Gideons International, Warrior Surf Foundation, and on and on. These Vendors of Hope will be present to talk, counsel, share information, connect with other vendors, ask and answer questions, etc.

THE FESTIVAL OF HOPE will be held Saturday, May 17th at the First Baptist Athletic Complex 2051 George L Griffith Blvd here on James Island. There will be live music, free food, and inflatables for kids. HIS RADIO will be present with Charleston Southern University. At their booth, you can register for a later drawing for a free car!

Let’s help remove the stigma of mental health illness and raise awareness of Substance Abuse Disorders. Big? Oh, yeah, this is really big. It will be the biggest event of its kind on James Island. This is Goliath BIG. But not bigger that God! So, #1 put it on your prayer list; #2 put it on your calendar May 17, 10 AM to 2 PM; #3 plan to attend and bring a friend; #4 consider volunteering for one of the teams (parking, safety, cooking, inflatables, etc.

I love a God sized challenge.

Pastor Tom

Thursday, February 6, 2025


In Acts 1:8 we read a beautifully inspired and very interesting verse. The basic idea is that when you receive God’s Holy Spirit you will be witnesses for him in Jerusalem (at home), in Judea (still close to home but different) in Samaria (OK, the differences are more obvious) and the uttermost part of the world (now we are talking different). So basically, we are doing outreach and loving on people if they are across the street, across the bridge, across the state line or across the ocean blue!

We get to see that lived out here at James Island Baptist. You love your neighbors well. We give literally a ton of jelly and pancake syrup to our underserved neighbors on James Island. We also give thousands of dollars to help pay utilities, buy medicine, etc. Several of our members volunteer in service and go face to face with neighbors!

We also do across the bridge. We have one Connection Group that prepares “mercy bags” to help those who hold up cardboard signs at intersections. They have put together a strategic list of items homeless people might need. We got the list from some of our formally homeless friends!

This past Sunday we had maybe around 40 Ukrainians worshipping and praying at JIBC. When I walked up to say hello after our service they said “Hi Pastor Tom, we just finished praying for you and your church family!” Most of the Ukrainians come from across the river.

We just sent our fourth truck load of blessings to Western North Carolina. Charles and Judy Dillon and Chip were here for a few days. One of our Connection Groups put together a drive and got us going to give 21 tanks of propane; Dean Kelly gave carpet to outfit at least 10 of the mini homes; JIBC sent tea urns, baking pans, 50 Bibles, bags of children’s materials, on and on. You sent Charles and Judy with us on their first mission trip to New Orleans after Katrina. They loved it so much they have served as volunteers for the last 20 years. Now they are in Western North Carolina. That was a great investment!

Sunday, we had a commissioning service for Amanda and Lyla. They are going to Uganda, Africa. It would take me a minute to find Uganda. But they are going in Jesus’ Name and we wanted to bless them in their Great Commission Trip. Keep them in your prayers. God provided them with enough money to purchase hundreds of Bibles for the children at the orphanage.

So, we continually focus outward: across the street, across the bridges, across the state line and across the ocean blue. Reason Number 7,893 why I love our church family! Well done good and faithful servants, well done.

Pastor Tom

Thursday, January 30, 2025

What is next?

What are the next things happening for our JIBC family? There are what I call the basic mission and ministry of the church. We will always be busy making disciples that make disciples that change our community and world. Our goal is to bring those who don’t know Him into FELLOWSHIP in His family; help them grow and SPIRITUALLY MATURE to be more like Jesus; help then FIND A PLACE OF SERVICE to help His Body, the church, grow; to help them be OUTWARD FOCUSED ALWAYS BEING ON MISSION; and TO WORSHIP HIM in our daily life and our weekly gathering! That will always be “What’s next!”

Part of “What is next?” is our seeking God’s will and timing about hosting a Ukrainian Church family. We are in prayerful talks about starting a Slavic Church family that would meet here at JIBC. This would be a church family focused on reaching any of the Russian Speaking groups in the Greater Charleston Area. We are currently doing our due diligence work. At this point, everything we think we need to know is checking out. A small group has already been worshipping with us for a month or so and a small group is already meeting in the Youth Room while we are meeting in the Worship Center. The next big step is a meeting between our leaders and their leaders and families. I would like for our leaders to hear their stories and be able to explore this possible mission. That will most likely happen around a meal and the Lord’s Supper. Some of the leaders from their “sending” church in Charlotte may be able to meet with us for this meeting. I think this is a good thing and looks exactly like what we have seen God do here n the past. More to come as news develops.

The third part of “What is next?” may refer to a couple of building related projects. We started the Kitchen Renovation a while back. All the equipment was bought, new paint and better shelving installed. Now, there is still some work to complete. Pastor Kyle will be assembling the team to make that happen. When that starts (and we have no starting date) it will require shutting the kitchen down for a week or two. We believe the changes will help our Kitchen Krew have a better place to do their culinary magic!

What’s next…that will keep us busy for a while. I just received a phone call from a friend of a different denomination asking if I knew of a contact in Western North Carolina that his church family could work with. Just happens that Charles and Judy Dillon, along with Chip, are in town for a few days. I love the way He works.

Pastor Tom

Friday, January 24, 2025

Necessary Endings

Necessary endings are a normal occurrence in our lives. Some things have to end to make room for the other things we want in our lives to happen. So is the case with our team member, David Martin Jr. From the first time we met David Jr we tried to hire him to be a part of our church staff. His preference then, as it is now, was to be on staff as a consultant. It may surprise you to know David Jr is not technically a member of our staff or a member of JIBC. That never changed the amount of love and respect we have for him or his level of commitment and love to us.

It is with a mix of gratitude and love that we announce David Martin Jr.'s departure from our Worship and Audio Visual Technical Team at James Island Baptist Church. I think David Jr. preferred the title “Creative Strategist.” David Jr’s last Sunday on the Worship Team will be January 26. He may continue on helping make the technical transition for a bit longer. David is stepping away to embark on the next chapter of his life with his wife, following their recent marriage.

David has been a cherished member of our team, both on and off the stage. His powerful voice has been a staple in our worship services, and his contributions to our technical production—whether behind the scenes in live streaming, sound, or technical projects—have been invaluable. Many of his efforts, though unseen by the congregation, were a crucial part of our worship experience. The countless hours he spent in preparation and execution were a true testament to his dedication and passion for serving God through the church.

We are grateful for all that David has given to our ministry, and though we will miss him, we understand that this is a positive step for him and his new life together with his wife. We celebrate what God has done through David’s service here and are excited for the future he’s stepping into. We will anticipate with faith what our Father has instore for JIBC as well. We are also thankful that David’s father, David Martin Sr., remains on staff as our main worship pastor, ensuring that our worship ministry continues to thrive.

Please join us in expressing our deep gratitude to David Jr. for his dedicated service. As he steps into this new season of life, we will be praying for God’s guidance, blessings, and provision in his journey with his wife. David, thank you for everything—your heart, your voice, and your commitment to our church. We pray that God continues to lead you both in all that lies ahead, and we trust He will use you in powerful ways. You will always have a home here, and we look forward to seeing the amazing things God has in store for you.

Pastor Tom