That is an old saying that rings true for a lot of us. Sometimes you are on your game. All is well, the wind is at your back and the sun in your face. That is when you are the windshield. Then comes the time you feel more like the bug who meets the windshield with a sudden and abrupt stop! Splat. On occasion, there are events and happenings that are less than stellar. You would not choose them if you had a choice. Splat…the bug hits the windshield.
Janie and I were traveling to Savannah to watch our grandson’s team play. We never know if he will make it to the mound or not. So, we go, make a nice day out of it and enjoy Savannah. This time we were the bug…splat. Somewhere in the middle of beautiful country, a Tom Turkey decided to test out the windshield and bug theory. Splat. We hit the big old gobbler at 55 miles per hour. He was running at full speed perhaps trying to out run whatever was chasing him. He did not look left or right only straight ahead. That proved to be a fatal error: we hit him so hard he did not say gobble gobble, he said wobble wobble!
It sounded just like we hit a frozen solid butterball turkey. Poor guy survives Thanksgiving only to be made into a gobbler cobbler. It begs the question why did the turkey cross the road? Maybe to prove he was not chicken. Bad move, very bad move. We did not call the police even though there was fowl play involved.
“But Thou, LORD are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head.” Psalm 3:3 We were so blessed he ran across and did not fly across into the windshield. No airbags deployed and the only one injured was the poor turkey. The car damage can be repaired and all the feathers can be plucked from the headlight and grill. We are blessed, even when we are on occasion the bug. His blessings are a shield around us all. To God be the glory.
Remember, it is not just the deer you are watching out for. I will chip in $10 if someone will put up a “Turkey Crossing” sign.
Love you all, see you Sunday, good Lord willing!
Pastor Tom