Thursday, February 13, 2025


You may have heard a little about this big event, The Festival of Hope. I had one of those heart burns from our Heavenly Father. It involved finding a way to help remove the stigma of mental health issues and to raise the awareness of substance abuse disorders (addictions). It has been my observation that mental health issues can be one of the main pathways to substance abuse. We know we are hurting or that something is not right, so we are tempted to self-medicate with our drug of choice, food, shopping, gambling, isolation, drinking, etc.

Why be concerned about this? This is too big of a problem for little James Island Baptist to take on by ourselves. It might be too big for us but it is not too big for God. This is a Community Giant that we can take on. Did you know: 1 in5 adults experience mental illness each year; 1 in 20 adults experience serious mental illness each year; 1 in 6 youth experience a mental health disorder each year; more than half of people with mental health condition did not receive any treatment. I think you get the picture. Jesus came that we may have life and have it abundantly. Let’s help those with mental health issues and substance abuse disorders experience God’s abundant life.

What would I like you to do? Number one, put the FESTIVAL OF HOPE event on your prayer list. Let us seek the Lord’s favor. We have over 20 “Vendors of Hope” signed up to be a part of this event. These are groups like The Charleston Center, James Island Outreach, Wake Up Charleston, Still Worthy, Palmetto Hope, Gideons International, Warrior Surf Foundation, and on and on. These Vendors of Hope will be present to talk, counsel, share information, connect with other vendors, ask and answer questions, etc.

THE FESTIVAL OF HOPE will be held Saturday, May 17th at the First Baptist Athletic Complex 2051 George L Griffith Blvd here on James Island. There will be live music, free food, and inflatables for kids. HIS RADIO will be present with Charleston Southern University. At their booth, you can register for a later drawing for a free car!

Let’s help remove the stigma of mental health illness and raise awareness of Substance Abuse Disorders. Big? Oh, yeah, this is really big. It will be the biggest event of its kind on James Island. This is Goliath BIG. But not bigger that God! So, #1 put it on your prayer list; #2 put it on your calendar May 17, 10 AM to 2 PM; #3 plan to attend and bring a friend; #4 consider volunteering for one of the teams (parking, safety, cooking, inflatables, etc.

I love a God sized challenge.

Pastor Tom