Monday, August 29, 2011

Significant Shift in Our Culture

Dr. Thom Rainer is the president and C.E.O. of LifeWay Christian Resources, formerly known as our “Sunday School Board.”  He cut his teeth, so to speak, at Southern Seminary where he taught and did research about current trends in America, Southern Baptist Churches and North American Christianity.  I have read several of his books and look forward to reading his latest that he coauthored with his son, Jess Rainer.

The title of his new book is “The Millennials.”  It is a collection of his research and findings after a massive research project.   Millennials are those born between the years 1980 and 2000.  His research focused on the older portion of that group, those born between 1980 and 1991, those between the ages of  20 and 31…if my math serves me correctly.

Here is the significant shift: this generation has now become the largest generation in American history, surpassing the long reigning champion of this category, the Baby Boomers.  There is much that I am very excited about this generation.  Research shows they desire to be mentored and learn from the older generations; they have a generally gentle spirit and do not like the current lack of civility in politics or churches that are prone to be negative and divisive.  They like transparency and authenticity…keeping it real.  They are not asking “what about me” as much as “how can I make things better?” and  “What can I contribute?”   They desire to serve others and are family oriented.

To me, they sound like a very kindred spirit to the greatest generation in our recent history, the Builder Generation.  There is a lot of promise in this generation.  Thom Rainer says that they are watching us closely.

What will they see at JIBC? 

It is a major shift in our society.  Our job is not so much to create the waves, but to ride the waves that come.  Let’s get busy paddling, looking for the next thing God is doing to reach this large generation.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.