Friday, September 30, 2011

The Gospel of Mark: A God of Action- A Call to Discipleship

The Gospel of Mark: A God of Action- A Call to Discipleship
This past Sunday we began a new series of messages from the Gospel of Mark.  Each Sunday I will teach verse by verse through this, the first of the Gospel’s written and recorded.  It is an action packed Gospel, not focusing as much on the teaching ministry of our Lord.  It focuses on our Heavenly Father who acts, who brings hope and help.  Mark records Jesus calling for his listeners to follow him.  He calls them to a journey, a
lifestyle, a way of living.  He does not call them to religion or forms or rituals.  The invitation is to follow him, follow his ways, to learn to love what he loved.   It is the shortest of the Gospels, but it is action packed.  Let your quiet time, Bible study, devotional life over the next months include time in the Gospel of Mark.

Celebrate Recovery
I am very pleased with the strong ministry of Celebrate Recovery: A Christ Centered 12 Step ministry.  We have over the last 5 months seen steady progress and strength.  Almost immediately, we had a team of people step up to provide leadership.  This team tries to meet monthly to pray, plan and carry out the life changing work of this ministry. We have on Sunday morning a fast track leadership training taking place.  Those who
desire to lead in this ministry must take the new training we offer.  Many of the old ways of doing the Celebrate Recovery ministry continue, but we have implemented many changes and have raised the bar for being a part of the leadership team. This past Sunday was around 30 in attendance.  We had 13 men, all from the community and 17 women, some from the Charleston Center and some from the community.  We had four who received the blue first time attending chip; one who received a 3 month of sobriety chip, one who received a 6 month chip and one who will receive a 1 year chip.   Last week we had one from our community who followed Jesus in baptism.  Can you see why it is called “Celebrate” Recovery!  Thank you for your faithful tithes and gifts that make this ministry possible.  It is making a difference.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom