MEET AND GREET By the time you get this Messenger the Johnsons should be in their new home here on James Island. We are very excited to have Dave, Lauren and their two boys as a part of the JIBC family and the Charleston community. We hope to have many opportunities to have times of fellowship with them. This Sunday we want to have a brief meet and greet, so we are providing coffee, juice and donuts in the fellowship hall from 9:30 until 10:00. That will still give our adult Bible Study classes time to meet. It will also give Dave the time he needs to rehearse with the praise team. Drop by any time from 9:30 to 10:00 Sunday morning to say “hello,” then head on to your Adult Bible Study class. What a great way to start the morning.
Just in case you can not make this Sunday’s meet and greet, we will also make sure we have Dave and Lauren available on Wednesday nights. This will give them even more opportunity to visit with the church family. We want you to have multiple opportunities to meet them and spend some time with them. You have already made them feel welcome. Now, let’s get to know them and let them get to know more of our church family and community. You will love them, and they will certainly love the JIBC family.
By the way, make sure you take a moment to say a big “thank-you” to Fred Hudson who has done a great job leading our worship. I can tell you that when Fred was leading, I had every confidence the job would be done. He has been a blessing to me and to our church family. You can see why we went out to recruit his services and partnership.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom