Monday, February 6, 2012

What's Going On?

Pretty cool, we were able to buy a big screen TV for use in the Fellowship Hall.  Here is the cool thing (pun intended).  We bought it with money from the Coke Machine in the fellowship hall.  Remember the old advertisement theme of “I’d Like to buy the world a coke”?  Go ahead; just make sure you use the machine in the fellowship hall.  Things really do go better with Coke.  Sunday night 51 people in Celebrate Recovery watched the Super Bowl on a 51” flat screen.  Love those coke drinking polar bears.

The story says the little boy was playing church.  He was in the process of baptizing the cat.  The cat was very vocal about not enjoying the process.  The little boy’s mother walked in on this rapidly declining religious ceremony.  “Son, can’t you see the cat does not like water?” the mother asked.  The little boy replied “He should have thought of that before he joined my church!”

Ok, it is a little bit funny, right? But at the bottom of the story is a truth I like.  We do want people to understand what membership at JIBC is all about.  No member has joined JIBC I the past 15 years that I have not personally shared a clear plan of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. We teach what Jesus says about baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  We go through the purpose of JIBC, why we exist and how we are accomplishing our mission.  Then, we go over how we operate as a church family.  Not only what we do but how we do it.

Think about it.  We have guest who are willing to give up an entire Sunday afternoon to go through this seminar.  They come motivated and willing to make a significant sacrifice to be a part of JIBC.  It lifts the bar higher.  It is a part of our goal of making fully devoted followers of Christ.  I am always blessed by the opportunity to spend such time with those considering membership at JIBC.  It is one of the many things I absolutely love about being a pastor here t JIBC.

Good Lord willing, see you Sunday when we officially kick off 40 Days in the Word.
Pastor Tom