Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This past Sunday, September 15, marked our 28th year together with JIBC. Janie and I moved in to our first James Island home on Friday, September 13, 1985. We moved in with our three children: Bryon (5), Brook (3) and Erin (1). They are now grown adults with their own families attending here at JIBC. Some of you may remember that Erin, as an infant, was soon admitted to MUSC and diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. After seven years of treatment and care at MUSC, she was “released” from their care. They don’t like to call it cured. Whatever they call it, we thank God, give Him glory and will always remember the head of the CF Clinic, Dr. Margaret Jenkins, fondly. Twenty eight years later, Erin is back at MUSC. She has been in and out several times over the past month. She finally reached week 24 of a very difficult pregnancy and will likely stay at MUSC until Wyatt arrives. Miracles and modern medicine are familiar territory for Erin. We are so grateful to all our friends for their prayers and love.
I constantly remind myself of the joy and privilege of being a pastor in one place for such a long period of time. That certainly is not the trend. By the way, the pastor at First Baptist Church James Island, Rev. Bernard Gadsden, came the same year as I did. Both of us have been blessed with long pastorates. Janie and I thank you for your love and support. We have loved raising our 3 children, and now 6 and 1/2 grandchildren, as part of James Island Baptist. We are blessed to have our entire family continuing to join us weekly in worship and service.
We are grateful for the “Pirate Mickey Mouse” you gave us Sunday. Most of you could not see that Mickey had envelopes in both hands. One contained restaurant gift certificates and the other a coffee shop gift card! We will look forward to enjoying them once this season of watch is over for Erin, Trey and Wyatt. Why Mickey Mouse? Janie and I went to Disney World on our honeymoon and have made it our annual anniversary trip since then. You gotta love the Mouse to understand.

Thank you for a great 28! My prayer is for Him to be glorified, His people to live sanctified and our community to be justified...in Jesus’ name!

Pastor Tom and Janie

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


This past summer I taught a series of messages from 1 John.  I called the series “Believe Right + Love Right = Live the Life God Intended.  In September, I am teaching a series called “Connections”.  It is a reminder, a re-casting of vision of why we exist as a church.  We exist to help join God in His mission.  We do that by helping Connect people to God through worship; to God’s people through fellowship; to God’s Word through discipleship; to God’s heart through service; and to God’s world through mission.

We are putting emphasis on getting people connected.  We believe the clear biblical directive is that God’s people are to live life in community, connected to God, each other and the world.  So let’s talk about getting connected to each other.  I meet every week with my small group of pastors.  We have been meeting together every Friday morning for 20 years.  Friday is not my day off.  It is just a day that includes my small group time with my pastor friends.  I also teach an adult Bible Study Class every week.  I don’t have to, I love to!  I deeply enjoy the groups I am doing life with.  One meets a deep personal need and the other meets a more social need.  Both provide a place where I can love and be loved, serve and be served, encourage and be encouraged.

This month, we are encouraging everyone to sign up to be a part of a “connection group”.  We have connection groups that meet on Sunday mornings (formerly called Sunday School Classes) and connection groups that meet during the week.  Some meet on campus and others meet off campus in homes.  Why not try a group and see if you find friends there you could so life with?

Starting in October, we will be doing a church wide study on “ Life’s Healing Choices”.  All connection groups are invited to join us during this helpful study.  This would be a great time to try a small group.  It is only 8 weeks.  By then you will know if this is the right fit or not.  There will be sign up tables in the hallways by the office with greeters there to help answer questions.  You can also call Susan Warren at the church office, 762-0244.  Let’s get connected and so life together.   Let’s Believe Right + Love Right  and then Live Life they way God intended…connected.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let’s Get Connected

Generally speaking, we like the idea of being connected.  We don’t like it if we lose connection for our computers, our phones or electricity.  We want to be connected.  We love it when we are connected to someone who can help us get a good deal on a purchase.  Facebook is a social media that helps us stay connected, sometimes too connected, to family and friends.  Being connected is usually a good and healthy thing.

During the month of September my teaching series will be on “Connections”.  The big idea is that God has given His children points of connection.  There are five of these connection points that we will visit over the next four weeks.  As we get connected to these Biblical points of connection, we will enjoy a more balanced spiritual journey. 

During this month, we will be challenged to examine three levels where we can get connected to God’s purpose for our lives.  First, we will look at how our entire church family is doing in living out these points of connection.  Second, we will be challenging all of our Connection Groups, whether you meet on Sunday Morning or during the week.  How balanced is your small group?  We sometimes can get stuck or over emphasize one purpose at the expense of the other five.  Last, we will be encouraged to examine our personal walk with Jesus to make sure we are connected in a healthy way.

Imagine a typical car running with an engine and on four good wheels.  Balanced, smooth, and connected to the road.  Now imagine taking a wheel off.  Imagine taking one wheel off and having a second wheel that is undersized.  Picture having all four wheels but no engine. Get the point?  We need all four wheels, all four connection points, as well as the engine.  Our biblical connection points are worship, fellowship, discipleship, service and mission.  All five are necessary to be connected to God’s purpose for your life.  Let’s get connected and live a balanced life, have a balanced Connection Group and Church family.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom