Little details: no 8:30 service that day; Sunday Connection Groups meet same time, same place as usual; one service at 11:00 to celebrate Communion and to wrap up the “Roots: Producing Fruit That Last” teaching series; then, the church wide tailgating party.
Dress casual, dress warm, and come prepared for fun. Each Connection Group is invited to put up a booth/table/tent/tailgate to showcase their group. We have around 60 people who attend on a regular basis who have not yet found groups to connect with. Here is a great opportunity to meet people, check out groups and do it in a fun atmosphere.
What is not to love? Good people, good fellowship, good food, good cause, good fun! By the way, Mark Livengood has always done a good job reminding us of “Souper Bowl Sunday”… a mission outreach to those in need. Bring a canned good with a quarter (or a dollar) taped to it. The money will go to Southern Baptist Convention World Hunger Causes and the food will go to James Island Outreach. Look for the kids at the door with the big pots collecting for “Souper Bowl Sunday”. I love it when you can combine fun, fellowship, food and missions!
This week’s message is the 4th of the series on Roots: Producing Fruit That Lasts. We will look at the family. Good Lord willing, I will see you Sunday.
Pastor Tom