Tuesday, April 29, 2014


This past Sunday, our Connection groups studied two stories out of Matthew 8. One was about the man with leprosy who came to Jesus for healing. The other was about the Centurion who came asking for Jesus to heal his servant. The stories are a wonderful record of the power, mercy, goodness, vision of our Lord Jesus. Here is my question for you to consider: How did they know to come to Jesus? What made the man with leprosy think Jesus would heal him and how did he know where Jesus was to be found? He was an unwelcomed outcast, yet he came to Jesus. Likewise, how did the Centurion soldier, a Roman who was occupying Jewish territory, have any idea that Jesus was kind, welcoming of Gentiles and had the power and authority to heal the Centurions servant? How did they know?

Here is my thought and my suggestion. It is a simple guess that someone told them. Someone who had been helped by Jesus or had seen others helped may have told them. Somehow they heard of Jesus and it gave them hope to come to him for help. Perhaps they heard the rumors or even met someone healed by him. It was enough for them to put aside their fear and pain and come to Jesus.


Most of us have already made that journey. We are the ones who already know Him as the Lord who touched us, healed us, welcomed us, blessed us, saved us, cares for us, walks with us, etc. We know Him. More than just know about Him, we know Him. Let’s go viral with the stories of what we personally see Jesus doing. Let’s use social media and friendships as opportunities to celebrate what we see Jesus doing. I would like to believe there are people in our circles of influence, like the leprous man and the Centurion, who need Jesus and would come to him… if they heard what He is doing. Let’s go viral with stories of what we see Him doing. Watch for posts from the office and staff on Facebook. Share them, then all your contacts will hear. Maybe, just maybe, they will be drawn to Jesus, the source of Life, the Hope of the world, our Healer, Redeemer and Friend.

How will they know? Let’s leak the secret out…He is risen and He is walking around today welcoming the outcast, touching the untouchables, changing lives.

See you Sunday with Good News,

Pastor Tom