Tuesday, March 29, 2016


We have had 9 of the most exciting, adrenaline filled days I can remember. The James Island Easter Egg Drop was an off the wall, complete success. The attendance more than doubled our biggest goal. The only downside was there were so many people we did not anticipate the staggering number. We had as many preschool children as we had hoped for the entire attendance of adults, preschoolers and children. Thanks again to the giant team of volunteers and leaders who made that happen.

Then we followed up with three wonderful services around the theme “Never Lose The Wonder”. The Palm Sunday service, the Good Friday service and then Easter! Hallelujah. We baptized 5 precious souls welcoming them into the family of God known as JIBC. Want to hear some more great news? Our Hispanic Church, Luz Y Verdad, came over after our service and baptized 12 more! Whoohoo. I stayed and participated with them as Pastor Claudio and his team baptized all 12. By the way, Luz Y Verdad is running close to 100 adults on a regular basis plus their youth, children and preschoolers. Wow. They are on track to outgrow their current meeting space. Who knows what will be next?

Now, let’s come back down from a wonderful spiritual high…and buckle up for the next one.  CALL TO ME is our 50 day, church wide emphasis on calling out to God. We hope that it can be incorporated into our Connection Groups as you do life together. But as a group or individually, you will be blessed by the focus on calling to God asking Him to show us great and glorious things. The books are available in the church office. If you did not get one Easter Sunday, come by or pick one up this Sunday. The 50 days starts with Easter Sunday and goes for the next 50 days…Pentecost Sunday. The devotions are not numbered by date, so you can really start any time. All of the devotions were written by leaders in our church family. You will be blessed by their thoughts and their heart for the Lord.

See you Sunday as we launch our next teaching series on prayer…Call To Me (Jeremiah 33:3)

Pastor Tom