The Book of Romans is the most logical presentation of the Gospel in the Bible. Next to the Gospels, many would consider it the most important book of the New Testament. The 16th Century Reformer, Martin Luther called it a “freeing work”. John Wesley said when he read the Book of Romans and Luther’s comments he found his heart strangely warmed. What a coincidence…you can find your heart and more strangely warmed as we read this inspired book together this summer.
So, here are my plans, good Lord willing. I will start with Romans 1:1 this Sunday, June 5. We will basically go verse by verse through one chapter every two weeks. Sometimes it might be a little more and sometimes a little less. May I make a suggestion for you and your family? FIRST, start reading the Book of Romans. Try reading a few verses every day, maybe a chapter every two days. When you have some free time, should that blessing ever happen, try reading large portions of Romans at one time. You combine eating small bite size portions as well as enjoying the Sunday dinner feast.
SECOND, try memorizing verses from Romans. I will make suggestions throughout the summer, but you might find verses that speak particularly to your heart. If you do, why not hide them in your heart? I know memorizing is hard. Most of us can do it, we just do not. For those who cannot, I think you will find rich blessings in trying. If you already have the key verses memorized, try memorizing chapter 8. Surely, it will be an effort that pays off the rest of your life.
THIRD, share what you are reading. Just find ways to talk about what God is saying to you that day. You are asking yourself “What did God say to me?” and “What am I going to do about it?”
The Book of Romans is so powerful, the great theologian Augustine, was converted to Christ just by reading it. May it happen again as we spend summertime in Rome.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing, Romans 1:1-17.
Pastor Tom