Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Many of us remember the immortal Christmas classic “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” as performed by Alvin and the Chipmunks! Lol. Thankfully, the song has been updated and upgraded. Still, I like the sentiments of the old song…if I had my two front teeth, then I could wish you a Merry Christmas. What would you like for Christmas that would help you bless others? I love the spin JIBC puts on Advent…find a way to bless the underserved, the widows, the orphans and those in need. Our Worship Center Stage is looking fabulous filled with diapers, jars of jelly, bottles of cooking oil and children’s pajama’s. Thank you for wishing Low Country Orphan Relief, Low Country Pregnancy Center and James Island Outreach a Merry Christmas. Wednesday we will be going Christmas Caroling at the Savannah House Nursing Home and in the community to some of our homebound members. Susan Warren, thank you for working so hard to make the arrangements for these projects. Well done.

This is the time of the year when my grown kids start asking Janie “What can we get dad for Christmas?” The answer is always the same: put some money toward one of your bills and then buy me a cool pair of socks! The only part I do not like about Christmas is when families or individuals go too far in Christmas spending. Don’t go into debt or put yourself in a financial bind for something that will be forgotten about the same time as the Christmas trees start to come down. Spend time with family, do for others, give to missions, and remember those in need.

Now, this is what I am asking our Heavenly Father for this year. We are down two staff persons and I would love to see them delivered to our church family and community this coming year. We are talking with a prospective Associate Pastor who would lead our Connection Groups. He would focus on discipleship, evangelism and leading our different team ministries in addition to other pastoral duties. Second, we are looking for a Student Pastor. The number of Students that we have at JIBC is not that large but the number of unreached Students in our community is very large. The Student Pastor would be a shepherd to the Students, leaders and families that we already have as well as a missionary to the majority of unreached students in the community. Join with me in seeking our Father’s will concerning these two leadership positions. He is able to do above and beyond what we have faith to ask.

See you Sunday for the third Sunday of Advent as we “Prepare Him Room”.

Pastor Tom