Thursday, January 24, 2019


We have a prospective staff member coming February 15 and staying through Monday, February 18. Terry Candler, his wife, Denise and one of their children, Simon, will be with us for an extended weekend. Terry is being considered (and considering us) for the position of Associate Pastor. He will be preaching for us on Sunday, February 17. I am so excited about his being here and I feel sure you will love him and his sweet family. The staff and I have had multiple conversations with Terry and we all liked him a lot. Janie and I flew out to visit him and see him in his church community. We loved what he was doing and what his church family was all about. We flew Terry into meet some of our leaders to make sure he passed what I called the “likability” test…which of course, he did. We also wanted to make sure he liked what he saw here at JIBC and in our community. So now, we are bringing in momma! That is a big deal. As we all say, jokingly yet seriously….if momma ain’t happy, nobody will be happy. We want the entire family to love JIBC the way Janie and I do. So, they will see our community, our schools, visit with more of our church family, be with us in worship, etc. All important steps in making a decision to relocate your family and ministry.

Terry is from Union, South Carolina and Denise’s family is from Atlanta. So they are looking forward to moving from the West Coast to the East Coast to be closer to family. I don’t think they will miss the harsh snowy climate either! At any rate, it is not too early to get this on your calendar. Please try to arrange your calendar to be present. I would be thrilled to see the church packed on that Sunday. We will be sending out more details about Terry and the ministry he could have here at JIBC. Until then, let’s do something kind for someone in need, attempt something great with God to bring God glory.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Tom